July 15th, 1887 — Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
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Ada had slept anything but fitfully the night before. It had finally sunk in as she had pulled the sheets over her, that in twenty four hours she would be in a completely different bed and married. Who was Adelia Urquart? Was she happy? Had she earned the affections of all of her step-children? Did she have children of her own? She thought back to the rhyme she had recalled earlier:
Tuesday for wealth,
Wednesday the best day of all,
Thursday for crosses,
Friday for losses, and
Saturday for no luck at all.
Being superstitious as she was, this had done a great deal to unsettle her mind. There had been doubts and concerns flitting about since before Mr. Urquart had even suggested courtship to her in person, now that she was so close to the eternal commitment, they were louder than ever. What if she never grew to love him? What if Ruby and Topaz never overcame their dislike of her? What if Mr. Urquart didn't want more children? What if she was simply a poor wife for a Minister of Magic? These things troubled her until the small hours of the morning when she finally fell into an exhausted slumber, only to be awoken a handful of hours later.
Staring back at her was a peaky looking bride, not that one could tell once the veil had been lowered.
She couldn't do this.
How could she willingly enter marriage with a man she was absolutely certain she didn't love and whom she had no doubts shared her lack of romantic feeling. It wasn't that she didn't like Balthazar Urquart, on the contrary she thought him a very fine and decent man, she admired him even, he was handsome, but she simply didn't love him. She was sure she could come to love him as one did a sibling or dear friend unless he became an entirely different man once married to him which she thoroughly doubted, but could she really be happy with that? Her unchanged feelings for Mr. Herondale were doing a fine job of reminding her of what she could have had. Was she so desperate for marriage that she felt she had to tether herself to any man that asked? Not that Balthazar Urquart was just anyone.
Now it was too late to do anything, her fate was sealed. She had made her bed and now she had to lie in it. The other option would be to change her mind but how could she possibly live with herself if she did so at this stage? The humiliation she was likely to bring upon the poor gentleman, upon her own family, the turmoil she had already caused amongst his children only to call it quits now? She couldn't, she'd be eaten alive by the guilt. Being consumed by guilt and dying alone was a far colder fate than the likely amicable if not passionate marriage that lay ahead of her.
Beneath that veil, in the presence of her nearest and dearest (or soon to be), Ada was quaking with fear as those words lay heavy, trapped there on the tip of her tongue. Her mouth had gone dry and she was sure her hand trembled with every beat of her heart. Her whole future hinged on this one moment. The silence of her hesitation felt as though it was closing in upon her, making it harder still to try and utter the all too important words.