February 19, 1889 - Riley Home, Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
@"calliope riley"
The cold of February lingered, hampering social calls and events, and leaving Seraphina quite annoyed at the lack of activity. She could easily admit that the snow was beautiful and that she didn’t mind the cold with the charms and magic at her disposal, but that she did mind being cooped up in the house. Now that the holidays were done even the hunts had paused as society seemed content to huddle in their find homes and mind their own business. Of course this meant that Seraphina felt the desire to do just the opposite of just that.
The Riley home was not far from the Nott home making the short carriage ride through the streets of Wellingtonshire rather short, Seraphina hardly even felt a chill in her nose by the time she was let into her friend’s home and her cloak and muff collected from her. It was only moments later when she was shown into Calliope’s sitting room.
“Calliope, it is so good to see you!” Seraphina greeted with a large smile. It had been much too long since she had seen her friend.