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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Ares Mayor
Full Name: Ares Brutus Mayor
Nicknames: ‘the Brute’, Mr. Mayor, Warpath, many more
Birthdate: February 17th, 1853
Current Age: 35
Occupation: Hogsmeade Howlers Coach
Reputation: 4. Formerly an upper class man, Ares was disowned, though allowed a lofty allowance from what he already had in the bank at the time, added onto through gambling. Frequently seen doing more shady things, and regularly spends time in the slums. Something about talent coming from unlikely places.
Residence: Bartonburg South, Pendle Road
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: cherry, 14”, pliable, dragon heartstring.
Blood Status: muggleborn
Social Class: middle
Family: none that really matter to him
Appearance: The first thing that comes to mind when one sees Ares is that man, that dude has a lot of scars. Most of them come from drunken fights in his early twenties, while the rest are from when he was a Quidditch player. One can almost see that if he didn’t mess up that much, he might be a pretty decent looking man. The second thing they notice is that he’s somewhat foreign, in an unrecognizable way. His voice is English, his mannerisms too, but overall, he looks different. Ares is tall, about 6’ 2”, which is partially where his strength as a Keeper comes from.
History: 1853: Ares is adopted by a rich muggle couple living in London, who decide that they don’t want just any baby, they want an “exotic” one. They pay a poor Hawaiian family to give him up, and they reluctantly take the money to support their other children. He is a fussy baby, but his mother takes it to his name, which his father gave him after losing a bet with his buddies. He can’t remember the one he was given at birth, and ends up losing a lot of the culture he was born to live with, instead being raised Anglican.
1855: Ares’ little brother is born, and given a much less embarrassing name, though Ares has yet to notice, at age 2.
1859: Ares’ first sign of magic. His wallpaper turns a ‘disgusting’ green color and his mother blames the paint company. She should have known better, trusting that peddler man who said it would make her son smart.
1860: Ares begins lessons with his governess, a kind woman who is unable to get the energetic boy to sit down long enough to learn much, though he takes to the math quite well, oddly enough. Because of his solitary upbringing, Ares doesn’t hear much about him being different.
1863: Ares tenth birthday, and the day the neighbor kids(wizards) check in and ask him if he’s a wizard. What’s a wizard, is his response. They decided to come back next year to know for sure, a little put off by how different he is from them, both his muggle background and the way he looks. Their parents tell them not to worry, they'll be able to see if Ares goes to Hogwarts.
1864: Surprise, your kid can do magic. And just like that, wealthy Ares is sent to Diagon Alley to learn all about being a wizard, and why on earth strange things happened when he was overemotional. The neighbor parents have to explain to Ares' that he is magical. His parents had previously thought it was a matter of where he was from. He is sorted into Hufflepuff.
1866 Ares makes the Quidditch team as a Keeper in his third year, something he’s actually quite good at, when he’s not fighting with others about how they could be better. Despite this, he stays on the team by trying hard enough.
1868 Ares doesn’t totally fail his OWLs and manages to keep going to school for another year. Arithmancy is one he does particularly well at, as well as Muggle Studies.
1869-1870: During his final year as Keeper and only year as captain, Hufflepuff wins the Quidditch cup, something that’s thrilling for Ares. He likes to believe that he saved what would have been the winning goal for the other team.
1871: A bit bored with nothing to do, Ares takes up gambling. It’s not like his father was any different, but he does have a habit of using a Confundus charm when he plays poker with Muggles, however discreetly he does it.
1872: With nothing else to do but play Quidditch, Ares joins the Chudley Cannons as a reserve Keeper. They’ve heard of how he played at Hogwarts and are thrilled to have him on.
1876: After finally making it to First-String Keeper, Ares accidentally breaks up with his girlfriend. A miscommunication, but still, they don’t get back together.
1877:With the founding of Hogsmeade and mass exodus of wizarding folk, as well as being publicly disowned by his family for being magical after the wizarding world is found out, a wound that still stings to this day, Ares slips a little in Quidditch, but maintains his place.
1880: Ares marks drinking problems as something he gets from being around his adoptive father, though continues as a Quidditch player. He goes through a brief stint in courting a Healer, mostly to boost the way others thought about him.
1883: After a generally successful Quidditch career, he retires from playing to become a coach of the Hogsmeade Howlers, a new team. Though many of the players know of him, he refuses to make much of a connection with them, instead insisting on only the best and pushing hard.
1884: His best friend passes from the Laughing Plague. He’s devastated, and asks for a few weeks to grieve, leading to rumors of homosexuality, some which still persist to this day, though they have never found any compelling evidence.
1888: Major changes in his Quidditch roster take a particularly annoying toll on Ares.
Personality: Despite his poor humor and awful reputation, Ares isn’t too bad of a guy, boiled down. A decent coach with high hopes for his players, he wants to push them to their limits. One of his most common phrases is “do as I say, not as I do.” Outside of Quidditch, Ares is a womanizer who can be seen with a new girl on his arm once every month. He is slightly sexist to the idea of women in Quidditch, but as long as they play well, he’ll accept them.
Other: Keeps a Snitch from his final game on the team as a player, a memento from an old friend. Of Hawaiian origins, but only knows that he wasn't born British. ENTJ. If Ares was here today, he'd identify as bisexual.
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Name: Rissa
Age: 14
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Other Characters: Mara Stannard
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