Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

a heartbreak in remission
January 2nd, 1895 — Winter Festival, Padmore Park
Somehow, the first day of the festival had gone off without a hitch, which was a blessing for all involved in his department. It had taken months of delicate charm work to unravel the magical chaos caused by the young (and presumably powerful) Miss Regina Pendergast and the Bone Menagerie. There had been countless meetings, endless hours of headaches, and still somehow those higher up than him had believed it logical to test their work with a festival of all things. Dory had initially argued for a much softer, quieter opening, however he lost all hope for his voice being heard after every point made fell on deaf ears.

Now all that was left was to pray nothing went wrong today.

They didn't have much reason anything necessarily would go wrong today. The ground had been thoroughly tested, the caves caused by the sinkhole had all been filled in and closed off. By all accounts, the ministry had dotted every I and crossed every T, and still Dory couldn't shake the feeling that they somehow missed something critical.

It was with this feeling in mind that he had volunteered to amongst the ministry employees discreetly working the event. He had experienced enough disastrous encounters to never wish a similar experience upon one of his squad members, so if someone was to risk their lives it would be him. Though now that he was walking through the market he wished he had chosen differently. (Was that a tremble beneath his feet or was his mind playing tricks on him?)

It was going to take a long time before Dory willingly strolled through the park again.

He stopped at a stall selling small wooden trinkets as a ship caught his eye for Orion. The Darrow branch of his family had to have countless ship paraphernalia, but maybe it would entice Orion to view Dory as his favorite uncle if Dory had ships at his house too? Zelda certainly would appreciate the gesture at least. It took but a minute to barter an agreeable price for the ship and barely another to charm it small enough to fit into his pocket. He'd have to invite Zelda over for tea now, which was never a hardship but meant ensuring his place was safe enough for a todd-

"Mabel," Dory greeted with surprise as he registered her sudden appearance besides him. Then, with a broadening smile he added, "Happy New Year."

[Image: VgXU69.jpeg]
beautiful set by lady
The air was bitter cold but Mabel hardly resented the chance to get back into Padmore Park again. The appearance and disaster of the sinkhole had left the community in tatters to recover from the aftermath of Miss Pendergast’s display of magic. Even at the time Mabel had wondered how Dory was handling it given he was the head of the Accidental Magical Reversal Squad. She knew he’d untangled nasty magical incidents before but this seemed to be one of those larger-than-life events that required the brain power of multiple departments.

It was with Dory in her thoughts that the healer entered Padmore Park on the premise of merely enjoying herself rather than looking out for anything disastrous. She perused the botanical garden, observing the many specimens there and making a note to stop by Evergarden’s later in the week to replenish her supplies in her potions kit.

Mrs. Honeycutt had set up a joint stall with Miss Edgecombe from the Ivy Leaf where they sold butterbeer and pastries which Mabel thought she might stop by later to get some refreshments once she was done exploring. She hummed a little tune to herself before she spotted a familiar figure at a stall. Her heart leapt in her chest as she walked over to the stall next to him. She idly looked over the wares provided (magically petrified flowers that had been made into earrings, necklaces, bracelets and hair ornaments) waiting for Dory to be done with the vendor before she sidled up next to him.

He seemed to be deep in his thoughts because it was only after he’d pocketed his purchase that he registered her. Unoffended, Mabel gave him a smile. “Good afternoon, Mr. Fisk.” She replied pointedly, as the turning of people's heads around her to look towards his familiar greeting reminded of her blunder just yesterday at the New Years Ball. “I hope you’re enjoying yourself today?”
Dorian Fisk

[Image: QFB5GZw.jpeg]

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