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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Go Dancing Underneath the Stars
December 21st, 1894 - Malfoy Ball

Torie had watched in amusement as Mr. Echelon-Arnost had been entangled in a conversation with Angel for probably longer than was comfortable. She loved her sisters obviously, but knew they hadn't earned their reputations for being difficult for no good reason. Torie had been dealing with this longer than anyone else, having grown up with it.

The evening was half over by now and going splendidly, but Torie would be remiss if she did not get a chance to converse with her guest before the evening's end. She knew the dance floor was not an option, but this did not bother her. Her dance card was full enough and she had taken her turns around the room playing ever the admirable host.

"I was afraid Angel might've scared you off," she mused as she finally came upon him alone. She couldn't have blamed him if that was the case. Most of her family was... not easy to be around. Still, she was glad he'd stuck around.

August Echelon-Arnost

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
He still hadn't managed to talk to Miss Victoire, but he didn't think that was on purpose — if she had invited him personally, then surely she wanted to see him? No, she was probably just busy with the dance floor — and he would not begrudge her that, both because he could not dance and because it was not as if August had any claim on her.

He was smiling, faintly, when he heard her voice and turned towards her. "Miss Victoire," August said, warm. It felt strange to call her by her first name, but that was the proper way to call her — she was the youngest sister, after all. "No, she didn't manage to frighten me into leaving."

[Image: PxGk0D8.jpg]
set by Bree
"You should count yourself fortunate, then." Torie teased lightly. It was easy to poke fun at her sisters, as they often did to her, and sometimes she could say it was all in good fun, but most of the time it hit a little too close to home. Angel wasn't as bad as Estelle could be, she didn't think, but then again, they obviously both though she ought to be hidden away somewhere as neither had married and she must wait for them to do so first. Her previous courtship had been full of interesting barbs like that.

"I hope the evening has been otherwise enjoyable?" She hadn't had too much input on this particular event, but she did like to practice for the day that everything would be her decision. She also thought that since she had made sure to invite him personally, that he was actually having a good time.

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
August did not quite get the Malfoy sisters, but did understand the perils of having siblings you had a difficult or complicated relationship with. He knew that things were often more complicated than they appeared, which was why he felt he could not completely understand a relationship without more context. But he smiled briefly at her teasing, because he understood it enough.

He nodded. "Oh, certainly," August said. "And —" he paused briefly, as he was trying to figure out the best way to phrase this next part of his sentence — I was honored to receive your invitation." A personalized one. August did not want to read too much into it, especially not so soon after his embarrassment with Miss Adebayo, but it did feel like it meant something.

[Image: PxGk0D8.jpg]
set by Bree
Beaming now, Torie felt the heat rise to her cheeks. It had been an impulsive decision, just as they were to be sent out, to add a little personal flourish to Mr. Echelon-Arnost's invitation, but after his gracious reception to her intrusion into his home last month, she thought it rather prudent. Her decision to accept the dare and her choice of his floo had been surprisingly informative.

"I read the stories you gave me." It had been enlightening and she was curious to know more. "I thought them quite intriguing." She needed some more context, but was curious. It might all be over her head, for as educated as she was, it her learning was never extended to things like politics, only that ladies were not really supposed to discuss them. She was a quick study though and didn't mind listening, if someone was patient enough to teach her.

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
August had been wondering if she'd read the story, but had not wanted to up and ask right away, lest she have to say no. If she had, he would have once again managed to make a situation awkward. But he liked the way she looked when she beamed at him, and he smiled back at her. "I'm glad to hear it," he said, genuine. "What did you think?"

[Image: PxGk0D8.jpg]
set by Bree
"I think," she flushed this time more out of embarrassment than anything else. "That I need more information. I believe I understand the message," class and gender discrepancy, those of leisure versus those who had to work to make ends meet. She did not want to misinterpret what it was the story was trying to say. It was certainly a challenge to how she had been raised and Torie knew she would have never been able to do what some of the women around her did, but she was curious."But would you tell me your thoughts?" After stopping a passing server, Torie requested a glass of white wine and let Mr. Echelon-Arnost make his request before sending the staff off in search of the drinks.

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
August followed her lead, taking a white wine from the waiter. "It's predominately a commentary on class, but with a global perspective — which is a bit unusual," August said. He didn't want to talk too much, but she'd asked, and he wasn't going to pretend he didn't have thoughts on it just because this was a party hosted by conservatives. "Particularly because the group of bachelors — lawyers —" here his expression was more self-deprecating "— like to consider themselves particularly aware of society. But the maids are in New England, and have they thought of how they profit from the more far-flung aspects of industry?" There, he stopped himself, still looking a bit self-deprecating — he didn't want to bore her, even with the invitation.

[Image: PxGk0D8.jpg]
set by Bree
Relieved she had at least gotten the broader theme, Torie was glad she'd asked for more information. She had missed the part about the locations. She considered the story again with this new information, perhaps she would have to reread it with that in mind. "I understood the overarching message, but I did not think about the differences in the countries in addition to everything else," she admitted with a sheepish smile. "I shall have to read it again and pay more attention," she took a pensive sip of her wine before continuing, "Though I suppose I will never quite understand the first instinct of seeing one's own superiority simply because of gender or class of birth." Torie had certainly not been the smartest or the most hardworking at school; those were not things guaranteed by being born into a certain station in life. Even simply being the youngest in her family put her in a specific slot in life, but nobody said she had to abide by it completely. The situations were obviously far removed from one another, and she would have to read some more to get a better understanding, but she supposed she had somewhat of a baseline.

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
She was thoughtful. August smiled at her. "There's wealthy people in America, too — but I think it's the scale of transporting the good that stresses things," he offered. He sipped his wine. "And of course I agree with you, about gender and class and blood —" and never mind that he was lucky "— although take it from me, not everyone enjoys such thinking."

[Image: PxGk0D8.jpg]
set by Bree
Torie had known some of the American debutantes that had come over this summer. She found them quite refreshing, amid their English and Scottish counterparts, but she hadn't stopped to think much about their lifestyles. Surely it wasn't all that different from her own. "Oh, of that I am very aware." She refrained from rolling her eyes at the thought. One did not grow up in a household like hers without being privy to the opinions of her parents and siblings. Being the youngest and a girl slotted her into a position that was at the bottom of the hierarchy naturally and therefore she was at the whims of those around her, despite her privilege in everything else.

She had been taught not to think for herself, to follow the expectations and though Torie had always been able to follow suit, it didn't mean she had been particularly fond of it. Perhaps her engagement, the way out, the way to live her own life, had been the light at the end of tunnel that she had been looking forward to. A life of her own, on her own terms, but after it was pulled from her grasp, she couldn't help but to think about what it would finally be like, if she were to marry someone unlike her family. Perhaps that was part of the reason she enjoyed Mr. Echelon-Arnost's company so much. "I would enjoy reading more on the subject, if you have other suggestions." She offered with a bright smile over her glass.

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894

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