Nicknames: You do not nickname Matteo.
Birthdate: June 8, 1834
Current Age: 60 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Charms Professor
Reputation: 7
It's no secret; Matteo had a relatively wild youth, and has acknowledged one of his bastard children, out of responsibility after the child's mother died in her labors. He likely has other bastards, but has not acknowledged them.Residence: Hogwarts Castle, with a summer residence in Hogsmeade. His eldest son holds the family estate in Lancashire, which is used for major family gatherings.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Nine and three quarter inches of English oak, with a core of Romanian Longhorn dragon heartstring
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper
Wife: Emmeline Hughes (1841-1869)Appearance:
Son: Fortunato Hughes (b. 1861) and family
Son: Valentino Hughes (b. 1863)
Daughter: Rosetta née Hughes (b. 1864) and family
Daughter: Chiara née Hughes (b. 1866) and family
Son: Enrico Hughes (b. 1869)
Acknowledged Bastard Daughter: Ines née Hughes (b. 1855) and family
Father: Duncan Hughes (1801-1892)
Mother: Teresa Hughes née Bianchi (b. 1812)
Sister: Zelinda née Hughes (b. 1832) and family
Brother: Bernardino Hughes (b. 1835) and family
Sister: Lucia née Hughes (b. 1836) and family
Brother: Mariano Hughes (b. 1838) and family
Matteo is a rather average gentleman in terms of height and stature, standing at five feet, eight and a quarter inches. He is dark skinned, with dark, greying hair, and dark eyes. The decades have not been necessarily kind to his complexion, but he has a youthful air about him nonetheless. General |History:
Expressions | Often called stern-faced or stubborn by those who don't know him well (or aren't related to him), Matteo does have a rather dour resting expression. But he's quick with a smile when pleased.
Deportment | A confident man, Matteo walks with his shoulders back and his head held high.
Fashion | Matteo favors finely tailored muggle suits over wizarding robes, having found the latter to be almost dangerous in his prior employ as an auror. He rather likes having pants, thank you very much, but he will wear robes if the occasion calls for it.
Accessories | He is never seen without one of the several pocket watches from his fine collection; depending on his whims of the day, it might be magical or muggle.
Scent | A fine cologne of ambergris and vanilla.
Face Claim | Giancarlo Esposito
childhood 1834 Matteo is born the second child and firstborn son of Duncan and Teresa Hughes. Despite the commonness of their surname, the Hughes family is a well-established lineage of wizardry, and Teresa, from the Italian Bianchi family, upkeeps that lineage well. 1835 Matteo's first brother, Bernardino, joins the family. 1836 And then another sister, Lucia, is born. 1838 Finally, another brother, Mariano, is born, and with his arrival comes the end of Teresa's willingness to bear any further heirs to the Hughes household. 1840 Matteo's first act of magic is subtle and almost insidious, as he turns his sister Zelinda's hair a bright pink without anyone realizing it was his doing for three days, before he expressed that she had stolen one of his toys, and thus deserved to be paid back for it. 1845 Matteo's acceptance letter to the castle arrives, and is broadly celebrated. He is gifted his very first owl. hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry 1845-47
First YearsMatteo's arrival to Hogwarts is without incident. He is sorted into Ravenclaw, and quickly takes to the studious nature. He makes a few friends, of course, but is largely focused on his studies. 1847-50
OWL YearsWhen it comes time to select elective classes, Matteo takes up Muggle Studies, thinking it might be interesting. He's right, of course. 1850-52
NEWT YearsSeeing his OWL grades, Matteo decides, wouldn't it be fun to be an auror? And so he takes the courses required, plus Muggle Studies. a wild youth 1852 Once Matteo receives his NEWT scores, he applies to the Ministry and becomes an auror trainee. In what free time he has, he attends balls he knows he shouldn't, and flirts with many a young lady (and in some cases, more than flirts) 1855 In early February, a young man approaches him with news — one of his recent dalliances, the young man's sister, has fallen pregnant, and isn't doing particularly well. Matteo makes a reckless promise — that should anything happen to the young lady, he will take in the product of their union and raise the child as his own, giving them his name and everything. By year's end, the man returns, with a baby girl in his arms and tears in his eyes. Matteo makes good on his promise, but is read the riot act by his mother, who promptly takes charge of raising the girl, whom she names Ines. 1856 Matteo becomes a full auror, much to his family's chagrin. 1859 Matteo's parents arrange a marriage for him, to a young French pureblood woman named Emmeline, in an effort to curb his appetites. settling down 1860 Emmeline and Matteo are married in a February ceremony, and Matteo intends to make full on his promises. He is, after all, a man of his word. 1861 Emmeline gives birth to Matteo's first child, a son and heir. Following his mother's tradition, he gives the child an Italian name — Fortunato. 1863 A second son is born and named Valentino. 1864 A daughter arrives, and is named Rosetta. 1866 Another daughter is born, named Chiara. 1869 A third son arrives, named Enrico. Three days after Enrico's birth, however, Emmeline passes in Matteo's arms from unnoticed complications. Matteo is despondent. listless but present 1870-82 In his grief, Matteo becomes a listless man — something of a ghost haunting his own home. He quits his job entirely, refusing to even take up a position as an instructor in the auror program. He only eats enough to survive, and rarely interacts with his children, letting the staff handle them. 1883-93 The birth of his first grandchild brings a spark of life back into the man, and for the next decade, he returns to his former self (albeit prone to bouts of melancholy). Though he does not return to the life of an auror, he takes up experimental charms to entertain his grandchildren. His father dies in 1892, aged ninety-one. a grand return 1894 Not wanting to work with young adults in the auror program, Matteo decides to apply to Hogwarts as Charms Professor, citing his decade plus as an auror as life experience required by the position. He greatly looks forward to returning to the castle.
Class OWL NEWT Astronomy A — Charms O O Defense Against the Dark Arts O O Herbology E E History of Magic A — Muggle Studies E E Potions O E Transfiguration E E
- In addition to English, Matteo is fluent in his mother's native Italian, and conversational in French.
- Proud owner of a fine breeding pair of bloodhounds, Fury (male) and Omen (female). He is known to gift the offspring of his hounds to his children and grandchildren, and has brought them to the castle with him.
- Also keeps a male snowy owl named Shiver, for personal mail purposes.
- He's never liked Quidditch very much, but he does enjoy casual broom flight.
- Can see Thestrals, but tries to avoid them, as they are little more than a painful reminder.
Age: 30