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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

stupid... for you? (or just stupid);;
June 2nd, 1894 — Flint Institute of Advanced Magic, courtyard
It was a lovely afternoon for England, even in the midst of June. The sun was shining, a miracle in and of itself, and there was a soft breeze that billowed like a rambunctious kitten across campus. Basil was appreciative of the weather, having already stripped off his overcoat and decided to meander about in only his waistcoat and shirt as he tidied what was to be his new classroom this short holiday term. The Institute had been very generous, giving him a small office in addition to the room which was, by all accounts already ‘worn in.’ Papers and essays and drafts littered his desk in an organized chaos and Basil hummed a small tune to himself as he shuffled about.

It was nearly half past noon and he was due to meet Ms. Chang for luncheon. They had agreed to meet just near the library and so, grabbing his overcoat and tossing it over his arm, Basil made for the exit. He was just crossing the Flint Institute’s sizable courtyard when his attention caught - not on the weather - but in fact on a young debutant. (Or what he assumed was a debutant, based on her attire.) She was a striking thing, beautiful in an ethereal kind of way that paused even socially afflicted Basil Foxwood in his tracks. The gentle wind ruffled what gold curls it could reach and he found himself startled by the distraction of it.

Huffing to himself and clearing his throat, Basil made to ignore the girl but she was standing just where he was headed. He couldn’t help but notice, too, that she looked a bit lost and confused. Perhaps he ought to be gallant and offer her some assistance. She might be a new student and Basil was nothing if not a staunch advocate for women in continuing academics! He made to approach the girl with an affable smile. “Excuse me, Miss? Can I help you find something?” His voice was almost unfamiliar to him as it floated, so helpfully out of his mouth. Basil resisted the urge to grimace. He could never tell Mama about this one…

One of her newly-met cousins, an attendee of the Flint Institute, had seemed surprised when Eurydice had shown an interest in the school. She supposed he could not be blamed for that; they did not know one another well, and in-person first impressions were hardly her gift. Still the witch had pushed, and he had reluctantly agreed to show her around.

But was it by this bust of some long-dead scholar that she was to meet him, or some other?

Perhaps, Eury reasoned, he was just not the punctual type—or not the type to expect her to be. What he did not realize was her continued hunger for a very specific piece of knowledge. This was not an appointment Eurydice was at all inclined to break.

Excuse me, Miss? Can I help you find something?

It was not a familiar voice but a friendly one, and Eury turned to see an affable-looking gentleman with a smile on his face. The witch could not help but note that he did not seem surprised by her presence—that of a young lady—in this space, which spoke well either of him or the Flint Institute as a whole.

"A Mr. Nott was to show me about," the debuante answered, choosing, as always, her words very carefully. The simpler the concept, the sentence structure, even, the less likey her tongue was to betray her as her words stumbled off of it. Most people would be mortified if those around them knew their thoughts, but Eurydice sometimes wished she could broadcast them far and wide, so that others would know she was far more than she appeared to be.

"He is late," Eury added with a small frown, "or I am lost."
Basil Foxwood

mj remains an icon ♥ —
As the woman turned, Basil found himself dazzled by the full force of her attention. She was even more beautiful up close with those brilliantly expressive eyes. All the more advantage that she was clever and interested in academia! Now here was a woman that ought to be esteemed. Unlike so many poor souls that graduated Hogwarts merely to be thrust upon society with no prospects of furthering education, this young woman had her priorities straight! (Basil decided he liked her, even if it was a judgement based solely on the fabricated background he’d imagined all on his own.)

At mention of a Mr. Nott, the brunette nodded. He didn’t know the gentleman personally but then again, he was only here intermittently at best throughout the year. This would be the first summer he actually had a chance to fully immerse in the Institute and all it had to offer. (A small part of Basil was looking forward to making an acquaintance with other like-minded individuals, all the better if they were as fascinated by Transfiguration as he.) Basil offered the lady a slight incline of the head. “I am as yet not acquainted with a Mr. Nott,” he replied politely. “However, if you are indeed lost I am happy to be of service, Miss.” If he wondered what her name was, he kept the insinuation to himself. “This is the main courtyard of the Flint Institute, and that building there is the library." Perhaps she said was meant to meet her companion at the front entry gate? It wasn’t far. He could as easily escort her there himself, if need be.

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   Eurydice Lovegood
The mention of the library sparked her interest, and Eury was not yet well-versed enoguh in the ways of society to bother masking this in her features. She had expected to meet her cousin outside of some lecture hall or another, but in truth, the library—with its generations of knowledge—was her true goal. She would never be a scholar, not in this lifetime, but in the moments allowed her, the blonde worked to puzzle out her circumstances—to see if she might remedy them. Would it do, she wondered, would she even be allowed to utilize the facility without her cousin's escort?

"Are you a pupil here, sir, or a member of faculty?" Thank Merlin, Eury thought as she asked the question, that smalltalk was so banal even her affliction let it slide sometimes.
Basil Foxwood

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   Basil Foxwood

mj remains an icon ♥ —
Basil did not fail to notice (indeed, how could he?) that the young woman’s face lit up at mention of the library. Something in his chest swelled like a bubble, waiting for that crucial moment in which she, too, would disappoint him like all debutants and say something ridiculous about how the library was the best place to find a husband of means (because really, it wasn’t.) He gave her another quick once over, this time more appreciative than curious, and let a small smile play across his features. It was not a look that insinuated anything, merely allowed his genuine pleasure at the turn of events to shine through.

As the women asked him if he was a pupil or a member of faculty, that same pleased smile broke into a grin. “Faculty!” He announced, tugging the edges of his waistcoat a bit, like a proud schoolboy. “This will be my first summer as such, in fact. During term I am the transfiguration professor at Hogwarts, but this holiday I shall be stepping in temporarily to teach some advanced courses here at the Institute.” He didn’t bother to mention previous years of guest lecture, or his numerous research publications— that would be boastful. Instead, finally remembering his manners, Basil dipped his head in formal greeting. “My name is Basil Foxwood,” he offered.

Shifting a bit in place as a breeze skittered past them, ruffling his hair, the brunette couldn’t contain his own curiosity in turn. How marvelous would it be if she was a student here? He cleared his throat and as politely as he could, he made a subtle gesture towards the girl and the library. “And you?” He asked. “Are you registered for any courses these upcoming months?” Perhaps that was why she was waiting for her Mr. Nott. Perhaps he was meant to escort her to her first class. Idly, Basil wondered if he would see her again in his own classroom. It would be a delight if they crossed paths again.

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   Eurydice Lovegood
Had I known a school such as this was an option, I might have pressed my aunt for an opportunity to attend. Alas, I was not told of it until after my arrival—indeed, only in passing by my cousin!

No, Eury, thought, that would not do. The sentence structure, the sentiment, the fact that she actually seemed to care—there was simply no chance that the words would make it off her tongue as intended, given her affliction.

Learning. After ease of communication, it was the thing she missed most from her time before. Frustration and stagnation had necessitated the young witch leave Mandira well before her peers, and her marks from the school were not likely to recommend her for further study. A governess had been brought in, but she was the sort who thought a young lady did not need to know history or magical theory or even anything more than simple mathematics, and so Eurydice Lovegood knew every step to every dance but could not perform a multi-step self-sustaining spell.

"I am not, I am afraid," the witch answered, feeling as though she were apologizing to this Mr. (Professor?) Foxwood for some shortcoming on her part. "My cousin is, though, and he mentioned the library."

It was rather more banal than, and when he mentioned the library, I knew at once that I must see it, but it was close enough to her intention that Eury would not allow the unwitting edit to bother her overmuch.
Basil Foxwood

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   Basil Foxwood

mj remains an icon ♥ —
The lady’s tone even as she so genteel-y denied the fact that she was taking classes here this summer did everything to recommend her. It sounded almost apologetic to his ear (even if there might be something to that adage about hearing what one wanted to hear) and so Basil dismissed it as a fault not of her own, but someone around her. As far as young ladies went, he knew that it was not always up to them to continue education if their family was strictly opposed. He continued to smile anyway, almost wanting to impress upon her that his door was always open should she decide to inquire further, but as that would be very forward of him, he refrained. Instead, the brunette nodded and ran a hand through his hair, tousling it.

“I see,” he acknowledged. “Well, should you like to visit inside I’d be more than happy to be your escort. I’m sure your Mr. Nott will have no trouble at all in finding us, if he is to meet you nearby.”

Basil paused to give the lady space and time to think on it. He couldn’t help but notice that while not exactly… shy, she did seem to be a woman of few words. He liked that about her too. Someone who chose their words carefully was a lot more trustworthy in his express opinion, than someone who flew off the cuff and said the very first thing that popped to mind. Then, deciding he might press just a bit more out of his own curiosity, Basil inclined his head a bit.

“I’m not sure I caught your name either,”
he hedged.

"Eurydice Lovegood," the witch answered with an almost shy smile. He was so helpful and kind, and had not at all looked at her like she was an idiot. She worried how much longer she could manage to keep up that last, though.

"I would very much like to see the books," Eury affirmed.
Basil Foxwood

mj remains an icon ♥ —
At mention of the lady’s name, Basil settled some of his curiosity and gave a nod. It was a pretty name; it seemed to suit her. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Lovegood,” he beamed, turning to offer her an arm. He was more than happy to hear she wanted to see the books inside, however odd a way it seemed to request as much. He didn’t comment but instead rather turned them towards the entrance and began to lead the way.

“Do you have an inclination towards any particular subject in the realm of academia?” He asked then, wondering where he ought to lead her once inside. “Anything you’re interested in learning more about or just exploring?”

This was the closest Eury had gotten to information—potentially useful information—since she had arrived upon this island. The professor—he had not returned with his own name, which was a bit inconvenient—stood now as the gatekeeper. He was amiable enough and seemed eager to help, which were both blessings, but the witch could not risk saying anything stupid enough to cause him to change course. She took his arm tentatively; it was solid, tangible, a potential lifeline in this journey.

"Magic, of course," Eury responded rather uselessly, as though it was the most obvious answer in the world. Then, "of India, that is. I am, too. Of India."

Her tongue was running off with her quite determinedly; Eury's smile, a bit strained, became a wall against its words.
Basil Foxwood

mj remains an icon ♥ —
At her slight jest (for Basil could only assume it was a jest in the obvious way she said it) he couldn’t help but redden ever so slightly, sheepish. Yes, of course magic, he thought to himself impatiently, why else would literally anyone be here at all— oh. Of India. Now here was a fascinating tidbit!

Flashing the girl a somewhat curious smile, Basil inclined his head and gave a short nod. “How very interesting a selection,” he couldn’t help but comment, a verbal echo of his own mind. “Well I’m sure we can find something to that effect here.” He pushed open the door and made to allow her through first to the vast library. “Perhaps we can try to the right, in the historical section, if it’s geography you’re interested in, or to the left and up the first set of stairs if it’s curses and incantations— I must say this place does have vast resources in that area. I used them once myself for a paper on transfigurative hexes. Have you any interest at all in transfiguration?” And so on and so forth he rambled, following the girl in whatever direction she chose.

He was sure they could find something to her interest here indeed.

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