November 3, 2024 – 6:48 AM
Derek McKinnon — Played by Lady
Derek pushed off of the wall, following his older brother into the house. “Yep, just got me to keep you company, you lucky bastard,” he joked, reaching forward to clap Adam on the back. “It’s gonna be all chatter about teaching trainees how to reset broken limbs in the field until we gorge ourselves on chocolate cake!” His day hadn’t been too rough, though the poor trainee seemed to be trying valiantly not to faint when they’d encountered a broom flying accident.
November 6, 2024 – 5:49 AM
Adam McKinnon — Played by Steph
Adam snorted. "And I can regale you with tales of the latest news in pets that people really should not have." He wasn't sure how much money a person needed to have in order to lose all common sense in that particular area, but sometimes he thought it must actually be quite low. Surely there couldn't be this many rich people with no concept of what was a suitable pet, right?
December 28, 2024 – 4:59 AM
Derek McKinnon — Played by Lady
Derek gave his brother a sympathetic wince. Quite frankly before Adam had gotten into the Beast Division, Derek hadn’t seen much of a problem with people keeping more exotic pets, especially ones that usually produced items that had magical properties. When he’d heard the horror stories (and seen the damage done by not a small amount of irresponsible folks), Derek’s rather liberal views on exotic pet ownership became much more conservative. “Please do,” He chuckled as they made their way into the kitchen. “I think Martha’s left some stew somewhere for us before she left on holiday.” He added in reference to their weekly housekeeper/cook.
December 28, 2024 – 10:25 PM
Adam McKinnon — Played by Steph
"Great," Adam said. "I'm suddenly famished."