They were both better than this, Tycho knew. That was why they had both agreed that with Ford's marriage came parting in the first place. But oh the reality of it all had been torture. He didn't know how Ford had fared, of course but Tycho had been a wreck this whole time despite putting on a semblance of normalcy out among the public. His homes exterior being the only clue to the outside world that not all was as well as he displayed.
It seemed love, desire and morals did not always make good bedfellows. He wished he was a lot more... physical than this. But even this was intense. Tycho understood the sentiment. "I'm sorry," he said though he didn't know how much he actually meant it. He had been trying so hard to follow Fords wishes despite his growing personal resentment and suspicion over the entire thing.
He groaned softly as Fords hand pressed against his chest. He returned Fords kiss before parting just enough to whisper into the others ear. "Just pretend that this is all a dream," he suggested before trailing kisses down Fords throat. Kissing on Spiritus Sancti was always an odd but intense thing, as was touching in general.
It seemed love, desire and morals did not always make good bedfellows. He wished he was a lot more... physical than this. But even this was intense. Tycho understood the sentiment. "I'm sorry," he said though he didn't know how much he actually meant it. He had been trying so hard to follow Fords wishes despite his growing personal resentment and suspicion over the entire thing.
He groaned softly as Fords hand pressed against his chest. He returned Fords kiss before parting just enough to whisper into the others ear. "Just pretend that this is all a dream," he suggested before trailing kisses down Fords throat. Kissing on Spiritus Sancti was always an odd but intense thing, as was touching in general.