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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Chuntao Chang
Full Name: Chuntao Chang
Nicknames: Tao
Birthdate: 10 September 1880
Current Age: 11 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Hogwarts Hopeful
Reputation: Eight; he’s a child from new money and really hasn’t gotten up to much
Residence: Irvingly
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Cherry wood, shrake scale core, 10 ¾”, Rigid
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Middle
Mr. Huan Bo Chang - b. 1846
Mrs. Mei-ling Chang - b. 1850, d. 1886
Mr. Longwei Chang - b. 1872
Ms. Ai-Mei “Ida” Chang - b. 1873
Chuntao stands at an average four feet three inches, he has short, black hair, dark brown eyes and fair skin. He wears western fashions in the same sense that his siblings do, following in their footsteps of what is deemed appropriate to wear, although once he gets his Hogwarts robes, Tao will more than likely live in them. He is right handed.

1880 | The last child of Huan Bo and Mei-Ling, Chuntao is born without much fanfare. It is an easy pregnancy and easy delivery.
1882 | One of the first wizarding families to relocate to Irvingly, the Chang family establish themselves on the outskirts. Huan Bo turns it into a business venture with farm crops, storehouses in addition to the family home. Longwei goes to Hogwarts, although Tao is too young to truly miss him.
1885 | Ida goes off to Hogwarts and she is the one he misses terribly, although he enjoyed being doted on like an only child. He listens to the tutors and enjoys exploring outside.
1886 | Mei-Ling tragically drowns. Huan Bo becomes distant and Longwei is expected to step up in the business. Tao clings to Ida in these times, and when she’s busy, Tao finds himself under Longwei’s feet. It is a terrible summer.
1887 | The days before Hogwarts are strained as Longwei and Ida make cases as to why they should return; Tao is curious if he’ll even be allowed to attend, although it’s not a thought he voices aloud. Ida and their father are distant and Longwei seems angry, which causes Tao to stay out of their way as much as he’s able.

Eventually his siblings go back to Hogwarts, and although he writes to them as often as he can. Wanting to be useful he tries to shadow Huan Bo, who doesn’t seem to notice he’s there all that often. Instead Tao finds himself lonely in the house, although he escapes to the stables and the woods as much as he is able. If he puts in effort with his studies his governess often doesn’t mind taking a stroll. He befriends some of the other Irvingly children as well as the house elves.

His first burst of magic comes on Christmas Eve, where he ruins dinner by making the turkey dance off the platter onto the floor after a rather tense conversation between his siblings and father. There was so much arguing and it had been too much for him - he just wanted to release the tension! It doesn't help matters much, but there is some excitement that he’s magical.
1888 | Longwei is home for good, just in time for a mysterious fog to keep them inside. Tao is his brother’s shadow when he is home, but often finds himself lonely as his brother rushes off to universities and sailing across the seas. It’s here he decides he doesn’t want anything to do with the family business, as he never wants to be away for that long.
1892 | Ida graduates just in time for Tao to be off to Hogwarts in the fall!

Personality: With a strong work ethic, Tao likes to buckle down and get his work down. However, he is easily influenced to be tempted away for something more fun, but there’s always a tickle in the back of his mind that he has to finish his work. He likes to think about his actions before he does them, and is very by the book about nearly everything that drives his actions. (Good thing his friends are good at talking and he’s loyal enough to them that he’d follow them - mainly to ensure no one cracks their head open and dies.) Tao can be honest, perhaps brutally honest, and can be direct with his words.
Other: Any other information you want to include.
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Name: Gin
Contact: PM or Discord is fine
Other Characters: Atticus, Cliff, Delilah, June, Leo, Gus
How did you hear about us?: Nolie is a bad influence~

The following 4 users Like Chuntao Chang's post:
   Ida Chang, Mirren Greyback, Natsuko Foxwood, Poppy Dashwood
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look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

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