I come to you with yet another character concept that comes from watching an old cartoon because #nostalgia. I have yet to decide which of my current roster is being sacrificed for this character but it is likely going to happen soon. What I need is existing familial connections.
My character is:
My character is:
- In his 20's, likely mid to late.
- Was not initially blind but was in an accident that caused him to gradually lose sight. Is now blind. Before this happened, he had dreams of becoming an auror.
- Was not disowned but he estranged himself as he got older and basically ran away from home in a sense.
- Lives in a cabin in a forest (maybe not the Forbidden Forest but who knows) and has taught himself to rely on his other senses superbly.
- He's a Naturalist and knows more about wildlife, Herbology, etc than most others.
- He is a loner by choice but does have a pet Kneazle that acts as a seeing eye Kneazle of sorts. Seems almost able to communicate with said Kneazle and doesn't much care if people think he is crazy for actively conversing with a magical cat.
- Is a pretty skilled fighter (physically) and duelist.
- Personality buzz words: noble, sarcastic, cynical, cautious, dry sense of humour, brave, will do all he can to save someones life but he likely isn't going to be gracious about it. P1: "You saved my life! Thank you!" Him: "Well anyone can make a mistake."