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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Aleksei Nichols
101 Posts
Played by Kit
"oh the heart, it hides such unimaginable things"
20 year old Muggleborn
4 ft. 11¾ in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Aleksei Nathan Nichols

Nickname(s): Al, Alek, Niko

Birthdate: 02 June 1874

Age: 20

Gender: Actual: Non-Binary. Perceived: Male.

Occupation: Student

Blood Status: Muggleborn

Residence: London, England

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Wand: pear, 11¾ in., supple, fairy wing

Family: Nathan Nichols, father
Ekaterina Nichols nee Vurkof, mother

Karina Nichols, sister, 1876, muggle
Kenneth Nichols, brother, 1880, muggle
Gail Nichols, sister

Aleksei has dark hair, green eyes and a fair complexion. They have a slim build and are very petite, standing at only four feet, five inches. They are quite feminine and delicate in appearance, a fact that Aleksei finds they don't really mind and oftentimes, even like about themself. Publicly, Aleksei wears the usual clothing one would expect from an upper class boy but privately is a whole other matter that they are only now slowly beginning to explore in the privacy of their own home.
1874: Aleksei is born to a British Ministry Official and his Russian wife. The newborn baby is named Aleksei after their maternal grandfather and Nathan after their father.

1876: Aleksei gains a sister who is named Karina.

1880: Aleksei gains a brother who is named Kenneth.

1881: Aleksei seemingly becomes the center of odd happenings. The family isn't sure what to make of it and ultimately decide that its either all in their head or Aleksei and the other children are just making stuff up.

1883: Aleksei gains a sister who is named Gail.

1885: A strange man comes to the Nichols household. He explains that the odd happenings that occurred around Aleksei was magic. Alekseis parents are proud of this occurrence as they firmly believe that it means Aleksei is meant for special things. All geared up with their new supplies and things (including a wand), Aleksei is all set for their life as a wizard.

On the train, the young muggleborn meets Jason Zakarian, a half-vampire and they immediately become best friends. They are rather inseparable, rather quickly, and it is rare to find one without the other.

1887: Half-breeds are banned from Hogwarts which means Jason is unable to return much to Aleksei's dismay. There isn't much that Aleksei can personally do about it though and they miss Jason terribly. This same year, they explore their adoration of 'feminine' garments, ribbons, lace and other such things -  secretly squirreling away and wearing such things at home though they have the good sense to know that they must refrain from doing so at school.

1888: Aleksei is pleased when Jason is permitted to return to school. Things are not wholly the same given Aleksei's newly developed friendships with other people and Jason never was the sort to enjoy sharing his best friends company with others. It is a source of continued conflict for the two. It doesn't help that during the summer, Aleksei kisses Jason which breaks the friendship entirely.

1890: Things with Jason are still not fixed and doesn't seem like they ever would be. Aleksei has increasingly more confusing feelings and thoughts surrounding their whole identity. They are told they are male but they don't feel male, they're attracted only to males and more and more, they yearn for things they are told are for young ladies, not young men.

Naive - Innocent - Sweet - Friendly - Unprejudiced
- At the present moment, Aleksei is non-binary with a strong preference for the female side of the gender spectrum.
- OOC pronouns are they/them but IC it would be he, him.
aleksei is non-binary. in ooc narrative, aleksei goes by they/them, IC people would percive them as he/him
Aleksei Nichols's Most Liked Post: RE: Impeccable IC Quotes | Post Subject: Impeccable IC Quotes | Numbers of Likes: 2