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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
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Ode to Aphrodite - Brielle's Sapphics

Hello, lovelies! Welcome to my very sapphic networking thread, where Victorian spinsters live together in harmony and young witches conspire in ice cream parlors to meet their girlfriends and discuss their dreams of future financial independence! Fun Feminist Fact: Ice cream parlors were actually very detrimental to the women's rights movement because it was the only place that the suffragettes (and women in general) were allowed to go without the presence of a male companion. Which means that Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour is going to be lit !!!

Anyway, I'm Brielle and I'm always here for character connections! Family? Friends? Romances? Enemies? Nosy neighbors who peer over fences at each other??? I am very enthusiastic about all of it and will create an interconnecting web of relations! Even if there's not much in the "bones" of a connection, if you really want to throw a specific character at one of mine, we can make it work somehow!

Don't hesitate to reply here or PM me via Persephone Fenwick with any and all ideas!


Persephone Fenwick


Otherwise known as Madam Fenwick to her students and Posey to her family and close childhood friends. Essentially fills the role of everyone's nice gay aunt. Her smiles are amble and she's always eager to help the students and faculty who visit the library - whether they're in search of something very specific or aren't sure of what to look for, Persephone will lend a hand and even offer tidbits of additional information to those she's particularly fond of. Has been in a highly secretive relationship with a female Hogwarts professor for the last four years. Loves knitting her own shawls and sweaters. Addicted to tea, romance novels, archaeological history, and witty banter. Speaks several languages, and can read and write Ancient Egyptian and Old Norse. Knows a whole lot more than most people think she does. Heavily inspired by the character of Evelyn "Evie" Carnahan from The Mummy series.



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   Billie Farrow, Elsie Kirke
TAKE JULES. She's a MCHB spinster who is secretly a lycanthropy researcher, she's bi, and her brother owns the bookstore in Hogsmeade. They should totes be friends. I'm game for a pre- established friendship or starting with a new encounter Smile

Prof. Marlowe Forfang

I have Acacia, the artsy Ravenclaw that will likely be found in the library studying plenty of times.

@"Alina O'Malley", who is determined to get through every year of Hogwarts if she can help it in order to get her family into higher standing. She will definitely practically live in the library during this time at Hogwarts when not in class.

And my dear Sweetie Whitledge. Turned animagus early in the school year and has practically lived in the library since about fourth year or so to avoid her problems and achieve her dream of being an unspeakable.

Magic by Elaine!

Hi, Brielle! I have way too many students who Posey might know!

Frida Lestrange is my Hufflepuff sixth year who is also a prefect. She's not too bookish, but she studies hard in the classes she does take (... which I think is Herbology, Potions, and History of Magic).

Eldin Bones is head boy and is obsessively trying to become a healer, which means getting good exam scores in classes he's not the strongest in. He's taking seven classes, so his library trips are probably long and frequent.

Holly Scrimgeour is my bookworm character. She's very ambitious but doesn't have a specific goal; she only knows that she wants to outdo everyone in her year. She's close to the Slytherin matron, but has gotten on the "bad" side of a handful of teachers for her aggressive response to conflict.

She's only seen Cameron Gillenwater when she's being dragged to the library to complete a project. I'm getting more and more convinced that quidditch is his favorite school subject :P

I have other students, too, who are here to suit your needs: Archie Diggory, Flora Mulciber, Hortense Selwyn, and Orinda Ruskin!

Seneca here frequents the library a lot and she'd really like Persephone! She might give off a "she's a snobby Lestrange" vibe at first, but she'd like and respect her because she loves studying.

Then I have Sen's cousin Meta Lestrange who's fiery and a trouble-maker, so we could have a fun thread where she makes some mess in the library?

Lastly, Ruby Urquart is the daughter of the former Minister of magic and her sister is a werewolf. She's not very studious generally, but she's passionate about Divination. Persephone has probably found her crying about some subject she found difficult once or twice. xD

@"Emma Binns" - Neice of Juliana (above), book worm and she will be pestering her for books, and wanting to talk about books. I could see her following Persephone around the library, talking intensely without taking a breath! and wantng to have a talk about books. possibly also trying to set her up with her uncle in peak child obliviousness

Elizabeth Cardew - She is a curator at the museum, and also heavily based on Evie <3 Happy to have an establisted friendship between them!

[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
Hey Brielle!

Persephone is fab and Carmelina Cramming will absolutely think that too. She's currently the Ancient Runes professor! She married a cursebreaker to go round on archaeological digs and do research and when he died, she came back and took up teaching. A former Ravenclaw as well, she's also a lesbian (terrible at making moves but currently making eyes at one of the house matrons). That to say, I think they'd get along pretty well and Carm would definitely be game for all the nerdy archaeological talks and maybe the occasional bit of gossip. xD

In terms of students, I have Nelson Higgs and @"Jemima Farley". The latter is a high-key mess of a teenage girl at all times and possibly has done more crying in the library than studying, but the former likes his theory so is definitely a library geek.

And for people she might have known in her schooldays, my best bets are probably Porphyria Dempsey (Ravenclaw in the year below) who is now a spinster poet and an absolute weirdo in society, and Jude Wright (Slytherin in her year) who now has a merry band of progressive ~revolutionary friends in London but who would have been already quite interested in all kinds of suffrage and equality at school.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
I was gonna suggest Petra Sleptova for idek and then I remembered she's not longer haunting the Hogwarts library...

I do have Hesper Gamp though, she'll probably become a very familiar sight in the library as exams get closer. Not sure she'll be the most exciting thread opportunity yet though, she needs some development.

And last but definitely not least: Parthenope Lufkin is the Hufflepuff Matron! She's new as of the start of the second semester and not too far off Persephone in age. She's a thinly veiled raging feminist. Her sexuality is undefined tbh: she's attracted to men occasionally but also strongly objects to men as a concept so that's awkward for her. Women she's more relaxed around but I don't think she's ever considered them in a romantic light, possibly because it's not really occurred to her possibly because she's tragically straight and doomed to resent any man she thinks is hot. I DON'T KNOW YET ITS FUN.

I do actually have Adelia Lovegood coming back soon because certain individuals on this hellsite are evil and encourage me to make poor life choices at 3am. Ada is freshly turned 30 and also a Ravenclaw! Sadly they juuuust missed out on being in the same school year but that doesn't mean they couldn't be friends!

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   Aldous Crouch

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
This is going to be very long and I apologize in advance for making you guys read through so much! The plotting bug cannot be stopped!

@'Juliana Binns' - A fellow MCHB spinster !! I love the idea of these two having a pre-established friendship and Juliana also serving as one of Posey's ever-mysterious "research connections", particularly regarding the subject of lycanthropy. They can swap books on the subject and I can even see Posey making notes and compiling them into a compendium for Julie to return to. Casually owling each other their respective research findings with thick slices of Christmas cake like it's no big deal. Oh, and additionally, Posey is close with Jules's niece, @'Emma Binns', and probably sends Jules owls about how she loves her and her library enthusiasm to pieces XD

As for most of the students, I think Posey would more or less get-on with the majority of them. She's not a stern individual by any means, often serving as a gentle enabler to students' hopes and dreams. Though I can see her organizing many a study group session and maybe even a "Big/Little Owl" program, where older students (7th and 6th Years) can help younger ones with their studies, should they volunteer to do so??? I don't know if Persephone has the power to grant extra credit, but maybe she can add suggest that points be added to their houses for it???

For instance, Eldin Bones and Sweetie Whitledge likely already know each other since they're in the same house and year, and could easily be study buddies. But they could also help Seneca Lestrange and Hesper Gamp with their studies if they wanted to, because they probably know the subject material by heart now? Since Nelson Higgs is in the library a lot, maybe he could also be someone who volunteers in this way for extra house points too?

As for study groups, I'm thinking Eldin Bones and Sweetie Whitledge for the 7th Years, Frida Lestrange, Seneca Lestrange and @'Jemima Farley' for the 6th Years (There's also Ruby Urquart to consider, though I can see Persephone working one-on-one with her), and then maybe a condensed study group for 1st and 2nd years with @'Emma Binns', @'Alina O'Malley', and Hesper Gamp ???

I can see Persephone working independently with Cameron Gillenwater and Holly Scrimgeour too, seeing as he needs to be dragged into his studies kicking and screaming (and maybe with the threat of ensuring that he's banned to the sidelines if he doesn't get his grades up xD), and she seems to have developed a negative reputation (which Persphone would probably understand and also try to curb by giving her tasks and keeping her so sufficiently distracted, there's no conflict to be had).

Meta Lestrange will serve as the source of her greyhair, but I love it! And despite being a pain in the ass, Persephone secretly hopes that her fiery side never dies (and also probably hides her to be quite funny, though she tries to not encourage bad behavior too much xD). But we can definitely do a thread like that, so long as Meta expects some consequences to her actions!

I think that's it for the students, but don't hesitate to tag me if I missed someone!

Elizabeth Cardew and Persephone can definitely be friends! I think they would get on swimmingly, considering they're based off the same source material! Persephone will definitely visit the museum during holiday breaks and I can see them sending one another owls if/when they need help dicephering certain texts. Maybe Elizabeth can even help Persephone learn Gobbledegook and Mermish!

Outside of @'Richelle O'Connell' (Naturally, given their secret albeit longstanding romance), Carmelina Cramming might be one of Persephone's favorite faculty members. She's developed a close friendship with the herbology professor, Mason Skeeter as well, so maybe they can form something of their own collective "golden quartet" so to speak, trading in knowledge and gossip in equal measure! Plus Persephone is absolutely fascinated by all things cursebreaking and archealogical, she just never possessed the husband necessary to fund any trips! XD But gallivanting off to Cairo is definitely among her ever-growing list of life goals and she'll be sure to ask Carmelina all about it.

While she could've known Porphyria Dempsey during their school years, I don't think that she would necessarily spend much time with her nowadays, especially seeing as she's trying to remain relatively discreet. However, I do think that she would pour over her poetry if she was given it!

Despite being in different houses, Jude Wright and Persephone could've been childhood best friends throughout their Hogwarts Years! I want to say that their mutual beliefs on society would lead to Persephone telling him about the professor she's in love with, though I don't think that she would name her for the sake of respecting her anonymity. She could be an unofficial alliance to his revolutionary friends, without outright joining said revolution because she doesn't want to lose her position at Hogwarts. XD

Parthenope Lufkin could definitely be faculty friends with Persephone! I want to say that, if she ever needed someone to talk to about her confusion, Persephone would readily assure her that nothing that's said within the walls of the library ever leaves. Maybe they have some heart-to-hearts after the students are all in bed???

She could also be friends with Adelia Lovegood! Even if they were a year apart, their Ravenclaw affiliation could've helped form a friendship! Persephone would've volunteered to help her with her studies if she needed it!

I think I addressed everyone, but again, if I missed a character or plot, feel free to thwack me on the nose and let me know! <3

The following 1 user Likes Persephone Fenwick's post:
   Mason Skeeter
(April 22, 2020 – 8:59 PM)Persephone Fenwick Wrote:  @'Juliana Binns' - A fellow MCHB spinster !! I love the idea of these two having a pre-established friendship and Juliana also serving as one of Posey's ever-mysterious "research connections", particularly regarding the subject of lycanthropy. They can swap books on the subject and I can even see Posey making notes and compiling them into a compendium for Julie to return to. Casually owling each other their respective research findings with thick slices of Christmas cake like it's no big deal. Oh, and additionally, Posey is close with Jules's niece, @'Emma Binns', and probably sends Jules owls about how she loves her and her library enthusiasm to pieces XD

I am SUPER down for them swapping research and literature. The fact that Jules does research herself isn't widely known, but if they were pretty close friends I'm open to her having mentioned it in the past (in a "but tell no one!" sort of way because she doesn't want her family to worry) — alternatively, her interest in werewolves could definitely have come up without her actually admitting to basically having a cadre of wolfy penpals.

Just let me know which works better for you, and I could start them a thread or letters if you like? Not sure when Posey is due to venture out of Hogwarts next but there are tons of April events and there's always the bookshop failing that. ^^

Parthenope is used to being a bit of a lone wolf so she probably wouldn't open up super easily but she's not innately closed off, just out of practice! I think she'd quickly take to Persephone though if they got talking! I should have given you more useful input earlier but that's what I get for phone posting in bed with my brain still half asleep!

As for Ada. Okay honestly why did I say nothing about personalities? Ada's open minded and accepting and generally a sweet person, she can be quirky but she's ultimately a conformist when it comes down to it. Point being, I'm not actually sure how they'd get along like how close they might be, I don't know what I'm doing I'm out of practice with networking posts I don't know where my thought train is but it's left the station.


Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
I have Constance Sykes who has been the Slytherin Matron for several years, spends half her time trying to make the Slytherin girls more self-sufficient and the other half drinking wine and staring at the Ancient Runes professor. Connie's a Slytheclaw at heart so she will frequently be in the library, sometimes tutoring students, sometimes hiding from doing actual work. Connie also receives letters still from a former flame so if they were to be discovered it could mean #drama.

Student-wise I have Gretchen Lestrange. Ambitious intellectual type. And Helixa Hyslop. Less ambitious, more creepy intellectual type.

[Image: jGi0wPk.png]
MJ made me beautiful
Seneca wouldn't really ask for help with her studies but she'd be into helping younger students!

I also love the idea of her and Ruby working one-on-one. She find Transfiguration difficult, we could do that?

And yeees Meta will totally get consequences, I already mentioned her getting 2 different detentions in April xP I will start something!

set by MJ
started a thread!

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