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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Rat A Tat Tat
March 17th, 1888 - Celtic Street Fair
The fair had been an absolute delight so far for Theseus. Between the vast assortment of attractions and various vendors about, he hadn't the slightest idea where he should focus his attention. He knew the day would not be wasted idly walking about, so the wizard ventured to a nearby stall selling what appeared to be flutes and pan pipes. Theseus had never been too fond of instruments. It wasn't a fear of sorts, rather something he never imagined himself participating in. Plus, had he been perplexed by such an odd hobby, he may not have been able to escape from sure bullying or criticism; both most likely from the mouth of his wife.

After a brief period of browsing, the obliviator chose a little flute with a few inscriptions written into the side. He thought it looked beautiful if nothing else, glistening in the sun ever so slightly as the rays highlighted the beige that stained the instrument. All sides were examined carefully with a casual turn of Theseus' wrist, and not soon after a smile slowly crawled onto his face. He lowered the flute from the air to his lips, pressing them slightly onto the mouth piece, and blew for what seemed to be half a minute. A most harmonious sound exited the flute and entered the air surrounding, creating a sense of peacefulness the wizard hadn't felt in years. The moment was surreal and unique, causing Theseus to shut his eyes and continue playing.

The serene feeling that enveloped the wizard quickly shattered with the introduction of several shrieks and pattering of a plethora of little feet. His eyes opened and, after a brief moment of fuzziness, revealed a hoard of rats racing through the crowds right under his feet. Once shut eyes now the size of saucers with a gaping mouth to match, Theseus began breathing intensely as a swarm of brown and black began to amass right before him. He hadn't the slightest clue of what to do, though, if he had, the paralyzing fear he felt would have prevented him from acting entirely. It wasn't commonplace for him to be this close to a rat, let alone a growing mob of them, and he could only imagine what everyone had been thinking of him... "What sort of dirty man could attract this many rats?" What a horrible situation. And had he yelled for assistance, he would have appeared pathetic. What was a man to do?

The one idea that popped into his mind was to just continue playing the darned flute. Perhaps then people may associate the instrument with the attraction of the growing population of buck-toothed hairballs instead of a fowl odor or unfortunate appearance. With trembling lips placed upon the flute once more, Theseus blew and blew until someone, hopefully, would rush in and try to help.

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[Image: INGAcQ.png]
Damen had been walking past a store when he heard the most horrible flute playing of his life. He continued towards the sound and soon heard squeeking on top of the noise. After turning a corner he saw a well dressed Man attempting to play the flute, with a swarm of rats all around him. The musician shook his head with a small chuckle and approached. As always he was emaculatally dressed. As he approached he saw that carvings and realized that the man had tried a magic flute. "Pardon me sir, would you like some help?" He asked politely though he could not hide a small grin at the antics of the man before him.
Theseus Greengrass

Theseus looked in the direction of a voice that had come to his aid with widened eyes. The man, dressed to the nines, seemed to have taken an interest in the instrument the wizard was holding, which caused the obliviator's interest to peak. "I would... yes. Do you know something about this?" He spoke cautiously, still aware of his current predicament, "About the rats?" Were they diseased? Harmed from the sound produced by the flute? There must have been some logical explanation Theseus just wasn't seeing, but hopefully his rescuer had some clue.

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[Image: INGAcQ.png]
Damen chuckled, remembering the tales of the pied Piper drawing rats. He suspected the legend was truely about a wizard, and that this flute held a similar enchantment. "The flute is likely charmed to draw rats. Smililar to a legend from Germany. In fact it is even possibly the very same flute. I do play, perhaps I could take a hand at it!" He said with a grin to the fellow. Theseus Greengrass

Theseus rose a brow at the mention of this being an enchanted instrument. Maybe that's what he was missing - perhaps the most obvious of answers. What he didn't expect was to have some random man know so much about it, all the way to its potential country of origin. Was it fate that brought them together or just the oddity of the situation? Or was it just the swarm of rats that caught his attention? Either way, the obliviator was overly joyed for the man's company and listened intently to his words.

Upon request that he relinquish himself of the flute, Theseus gladly tossed it to the musician. "You mean to tell me this... block of wood can call a swarm of rats to your feet? Now what is the purpose of that?" Leave it to the Germans to create something as useless as a rodent calling twig. All the wizard wanted of this day was to enjoy himself. Instead, he had to deal with some music buff and his apparent fascination with this bucktoothed swarm before him.

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[Image: INGAcQ.png]
Damen deftly caught it and fitted the Reed to his lips and his fingers along it's length. After a brief moment of thought a mischievous grin crossed his lips as he began to play "Ride of the Valkyries" by Richard Wagner. If it was the flute he suspected, or a cousin to it, perhaps he could make them dance.

Theseus cocked his head at the man after he seemingly ignored his question. He wanted to believe himself less bothered than he truly was at this gesture, given he was on the brink of a nervous break down, but couldn't shake it. Before he could get a word in however, he heard the flute play once more, though this time in a more rhythmic manner. As quick as the sound escaped the instrument did the rats venture towards the musician. They seemed jovial, certainly much different than when the obliviator had pressed his lips against the enchanted branch.

The swarm, now surrounding the dark haired gentleman, began to sway slightly as if they were intently listening to the sound. Theseus thought this was preposterous, if not completely insane or idiotic, for who would intentionally play a flute that was evidenced to attract a pack of rats? No matter how musically gifted one was, the wizard thought, there was no explanation to this sort of crazed behavior. Especially given the man's appearance; he must have had some sense to him--perhaps not socially, but still.

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[Image: INGAcQ.png]
He had to try not to chuckle. He hoped that the crescendo would send the charging away back into the alley. And all but one did, jumping right towards the older man.

Apart from the oddity that was this event, the music was actually quite beautiful. Theseus's bitter expression lessened as the song moved forth, though returned upon hearing the loud noise produced just a moment after the man had begun playing. The swishing rats had run for the hills, escaping down alley ways and under the feet of civilians who released a screech every few seconds. Just as he thought he was in the clear, the wizard opened his mouth to once again speak to the man but his words had no opportunity to escape, for a rat's head was now lodged within his.

Frantic hands began swatting at his mouth, careful not to directly hit the rat in case it had decided to latch onto his tongue. Luckily, it appeared as though it was as scared of him as he was of it, for he felt it claw at his lip prior to launching out of his mouth and flopping on the ground. The little thing scurried away with matted fur as Theseus brushed a finger against the harmed area. "Was this your intent all along? To assault me with one of your little minions?" He spoke harshly, regaining the anger he felt before the lovely music began playing.

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[Image: INGAcQ.png]
Damen was bloody well trying to not fall over laughing. As it stood he seemed bloody passive as he lowered the flute. "No. My intent was to drive them back off, I certainly did not expect that one to be so... Adventurous. My apologies, perhaps I should owe you a drink after such an ordeal." He said as he payed for the flute and carried it. "Perhaps this should be handed over to the Ministry as well."

Yes, that's exactly what Theseus wanted to do. Engage in lively, drunken banter with a stranger who had assaulted him with a rat. "I think this ordeal was quite enough for the day," he spoke truthfully. The obliviator had no desire to venture into another public space, especially with that damned piece of junk that someone, somehow, legally sold at the market. "But you're in luck. I happen to work there--hand it over and I'll see that it receives the treatment it deserves," he stated partially out of spite and a desire to see its demise himself.

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[Image: INGAcQ.png]
"Very well Sir. I hope the remainder of your day will be far less exciting." He said handing over the item. "Though I recommend it be locked away, not destroyed. It is quite old." At this he turned on his left here and continued on his way to meet his father's old friend.

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