And thus, once again Miss Scrimgeour has gotten herself into trouble. What was worse was the fact that said disgrace put the reat of them into damger as well! Why couldn’t the chains have been left alone?
Watching as the coffin changed into a… gemstone? That made absolutely no sense. But her thought process was cut short at the sound of the buzzing. Eyes wide, she couldn’t believe that she had to deal with those things again. Covering herself before the foul insects even reached her, she truly wished that she could have her proper clothes on. Then she would be covered, and at least safe from obtaining more bites.
Watching as the coffin changed into a… gemstone? That made absolutely no sense. But her thought process was cut short at the sound of the buzzing. Eyes wide, she couldn’t believe that she had to deal with those things again. Covering herself before the foul insects even reached her, she truly wished that she could have her proper clothes on. Then she would be covered, and at least safe from obtaining more bites.