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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

The Missing Link
June ??, 1894 — Flourish & Blotts, Diagon Alley, London

The phrase needle in a haystack comes to mind as you and your partner are assigned to search Flourish & Blotts for a book missing a page. The page number, accoridng to your directions, will lead you to the address of your next mission—but only if you can find it. It seems, though, that you and your partner aren't the only ones at this stage of the hunt: another duo is also in the shop, looking for the same thing!

Bonnie Greyback Toby Seacoal Millie Potts James Callum

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Known side-effects include: chronic ridiculousness, immense satisfaction, itching, uncontrollable laughter, burning, deep regret, despair, shock, horror, incidental dismemberment, joy, and death. Use at your own risk!
It was a fruitless task, Toby mourned as he and Miss Bonnie Greyback entered the bookstore. His nose scrunched in distaste as he took in row after row of books. "What if we cause a whirlwind?" Toby was suggesting when the door opened to admit another team.

"Invaders!" He declared, leaping into an en gard stance, wand out like a sword, voice affecting a French accent. "Hurry dear Miss Greyback! O shall protect you!" He tossed over his shoulder. Honestly this was better than looking through books anyway.

The following 2 users Like Toby Seacoal's post:
   Bonnie Greyback, Millie Potts

[Image: 1LnnXQu.png]
"There has to be a fast way to do this," James was saying to his partner as he pushed open the door to the shop. He sounded more confident than he really felt, but it did have to be easier than it seemed, right? Because it seemed almost impossible at first glance. At any rate, he was glad Miss Potts was with him--this would have really been impossible to do alone! "We should--"

He almost immediately forgot what he was going to suggest, because there was another pair already there. Oh no. "We come in peace!" James called out, though this was definitely undermined by the fact that he was drawing his own wand and mirroring Seacoal's stance. Well, just because they came in peace didn't mean the other team did, too, and James was hardly going to stand by and not defend himself and Miss Potts!
Millie Potts

The following 2 users Like James Callum's post:
   Bonnie Greyback, Millie Potts

[Image: 5ust5Up.png]
Set by MJ <3

Bonnie giggled at the display of gallantry by Toby Seacoal "Aye, I bet you would protect me, but it might be best to save your underage duels for a better time yeah?". It wasnt that Bonnie didnt think it would be funny to watch the two first years duel, but they had literally left their chaperones outside the bookshop door waiting for them to come back out.

"And maybe we can find a better way than starting a whirlwind?" the teen laughed as they did a pirouette holding one of the books. Bonnie looked at the older ravenclaw girl and stopped pursing their lips together in a friendly expression that indicated they knew who they felt was their real intellectual adversary in this challenge.

-Toby Seacoal James Callum Millie Potts-

The following 1 user Likes Bonnie Greyback's post:
   Millie Potts

[Image: wzEDRBI.png]
Bonnie is NB/GF but appears as a girl.
They/them ooc, she/they/he IC.
Anyone who knows them, knows they prefer to be called Blair

She found it easy to let the younger boy take the lead, he talked well enough to fill the space for both of them. And, Millie had to admit, Mr. Callum was well-enough capable at problem solving that she often agreed with his methods. Perhaps there was some hope for the boys in Gryffindor after all, at least enough to make the young witch pleased with her pairing for the scavenger hunt today.

Being out of school, they couldn't use their wands, or she would have suggested some kind of—

Millie stopped quickly to avoid running into the back of Mr. Callum as the boy drew up short in front of her, and proceeded to do exactly what they couldn't. Her eyes widened in alarm to find their opponents —and with surprise to learn they even had opponents— facing them with one wand already out and pointed their way. She let out a short breath of air, giving her head a slight shake at the fiasco their entrance had created inside Flourish & Blotts.

So much for any hope for the boys in Gryffindor.

"Thank you, Miss Greyback," Millie said simply, and tapped Mr. Callum lightly on his wand arm. With her head craned in a direction, she bid him to follow her, pointedly ignoring the foolhardy duelist to giving her fellow Ravenclaw girl next to him a smile more pleasant than that she could feel toward either of the Gryffindors at the moment. If the young witch felt that her affinity for books might have given her some edge in their hunt, then facing off against Ravenclaw's Seeker seemed to put them squarely on even footing.

She could only hold the smile so long before feeling the warmth of her competitive streak rise. Millie leaned across at her younger, though not much shorter, partner. It seemed that it was time to stop following, particularly if that was going to lead her straight into a duel. "Since you already have the wand out, perhaps a checking charm would be a good use of it? " She spoke in a whisper, trying to keep her voice low and a reasonable distance from the other pair. A little louder, she added, "Over here if you please, Mr. Callum?"

[Image: uHwnE8q.png]
"I wouldntve dueled, Miss Greyback he didn't know that." Toby admonished, although the affect was dulled a bit by the hint of a whine. "I was merely being threatening." He assured her in a stage whisper.

The other pair didn't seem to pay them much mind which was disappointing as it didn't buy his partner any time to look for the page.

He leaned toward her and whispered, "I can still distract them while you look." He offered with a fugitive glance at their two fellow schoolmates.

The following 1 user Likes Toby Seacoal's post:
   Millie Potts

[Image: 1LnnXQu.png]
"I was acting in self-defense!" James said defensively. That said, he didn't make a fuss about following after Miss Potts. "Right, yes, I can do that." Though he thought Miss Greyback had said something about a whirlwind, and that sounded much more fun. But he didn't want his partner to get mad at him, so he cast the checking charm instead.

The following 1 user Likes James Callum's post:
   Millie Potts

[Image: 5ust5Up.png]
Set by MJ <3

"Blair" The redhead corrected the other students, they were not wrong to use the proper name for the teen, but Blair would always be preffered, particularly with no adults around to chide them all.

Bonnie grinned at Toby and wagged their finger in an exaggerated way before laughing. It would be clear that the chastisement issued was intended in a friendly manner. Bonnie's nose wrinkled as they caught Miss Potts saying something clandestine to Mr Callum. Bonnie needed to work fast if her pair were to beat the others to the clue. A book whizzed past the group in the air being deftly caught by the ravenclaw seeker. "Well, that would have been a little too convenient wouldn't it?" they said, releasing the annoyed tome after flipping through it's privacy to check that all the pages were there.

"If I was missing a page, where would I....." Bonnie's eyes widened, of course, how silly, if a person was missing a.. page? They would attend the physician, surely a book capable of sorting itself onto the shelf would make similar enquiries and join the queue at the binder's desk? "I'm going to pop into Blotts office, you check out here." they whispered quietly to their partner.

-Toby Seacoal James Callum Millie Potts-

The following 1 user Likes Bonnie Greyback's post:
   Millie Potts

[Image: wzEDRBI.png]
Bonnie is NB/GF but appears as a girl.
They/them ooc, she/they/he IC.
Anyone who knows them, knows they prefer to be called Blair

Millie didn't feel like even acknowledging her partner's plaintive whimper, and her eyes rolled in exasperation instead. It was just like the younger boys to get caught up in faux-demonstrations of their masculine prowess, ignoring the very real threat their partners faced. She might have left Mr. Callum to duel the elsewise boy with a threatening wand, the whole scavenger hunt might be easier to do by herself. That is, if she would even be allowed to claim the prize alone.

Which meant beating Ms. Greyback —Blair?— out of it first.

Finding one particular book in a store full of books, certainly hiding from them in plain sight, felt harder than it should be. Even as Mr. Callum's spell settled over the nearby shelves, the young witch felt her eyes pulled to titles of personal interest more than others. A novel here, a historical biography there, and a couple guides on managing difficult spell techniques that Millie thought belonged better in the Restricted Section of the library than in the open on the shelves of a bookstore.

She pulled out one that caught her eye, different from the others in a way that Millie couldn't quite put her finger on. A warmth in her chest rose to the height of her throat as she opened the book, flipping through its pages to find the telltale gap where one would be missing. Her fingers fell upon the unexpected, the opposite in fact. A slender note, folded over, had been slipped between two of the pages. Consecutively numbered pages, to her dismay.

"Not this one," she remarked, opening the note in case it truly did hold a clue to their hunt. Why else would the Checking Charm have drawn her to it otherwise? The young witch's eyes glanced over the scrawled letters, then widened with a sharp intake of breath. There was no signature or addressee, but the note was certainly intended to arrange someone's romantic interlude. She put it back, hastily adding to her decidedly-non-romantic partner, "Just someone passing notes."

Millie had to hope that Mr. Callum fared better, and faster.

The following 1 user Likes Millie Potts's post:
   Bonnie Greyback

[Image: uHwnE8q.png]
Well so much for the idea of distracting their opponents, Toby thought as Blair hurried away. He made sure to block her from the view of the other two, but they seemed so intent in their own work he doubted they even noticed. With a comically loud sigh Toby began to idly take books of the shelf, flipping through a few, but then deciding he ought to just shake the books to see if anything fell out. They didn't and he found a pile by his feet increasing an alarming rate indicating how boring he found this task. He hoped Blair would find something soon. All he had found was textbook after textbook in pristine shape (or at least they had been when he'd first touched them, he wasn't exactly careful in his methods).

The following 1 user Likes Toby Seacoal's post:
   Millie Potts

[Image: 1LnnXQu.png]
James poked around at the shelves his spell had been directed at, but aside from the one book Miss Potts pulled out and confirmed wasn't what they were looking for, nothing seemed to be pinging back as important. "Let's try another section," he said to Miss Potts, moving on. He resisted the urge to look back to see what the other team was doing. He couldn't just ignore them, obviously--what if they found the book and left the shop without them noticing? They'd just be wandering aimlessly for nothing then.

He reached the next section of shelves and cast the checking spell again. There were multiple points of interest this time, so James started flipping through the nearest such book to him.

The following 1 user Likes James Callum's post:
   Millie Potts

[Image: 5ust5Up.png]
Set by MJ <3

Bonnie walked over to the office door, it was locked, damn. Oh well, an easy challenge. The wizard pulled out their wand "Alohomora" it was hardly stealthy on account of Bonnie's dogwood wand, but the door clicked open and Bonnie slipped in. The room was chaotic with stacks of books everywhere and in the centre was a desk with razors, glues and pieces of book waiting to be rebound.

Bonnie walked up and looked at half finished book that, some biography of a wealthy wizard, that was not their objective though today. Along side the table was a rack of books in various states of damage. Bonnie picked up the first one and began flipping though. Their eyes widened as they found it, a book that some miscreant had carefully sliced a page out of, very close to the spine and very hard to defect, but unless the recipe for trifle was half custard and half beef mince, it was clear.

"Mr Seacoal! Join me in my office please" The teen called out to her partner.

Millie Potts Toby Seacoal James Callum

The following 1 user Likes Bonnie Greyback's post:
   Millie Potts

[Image: wzEDRBI.png]
Bonnie is NB/GF but appears as a girl.
They/them ooc, she/they/he IC.
Anyone who knows them, knows they prefer to be called Blair

It bothered the young witch that her idea hadn't worked like she thought. And it bothered her more that this scavenger hunt placed too much pressure on her, and her younger partner, to perform in a such a short period of time. This wasn't a duel, at least that was something that Millie could practice for. Nor was this an examination, one that she could study to take in an allotted, fixed, time. None of the rules, none of the expectations the young witch had come to rely on would work for this puzzle.

Here, she and the eager Mr. Callum were making it up as they went along.

And all before their opponents managed it first. Brushing back a lock of hair behind her ear, the young witch left it free to listen for the progress of the opposing team. Nodding to her partner, she made her way through a section closer to the whispers coming from Miss Greyback and her partner. Perhaps piggybacking off a Seeker's discoveries wasn't the nicest maneuver, but one Millie felt justified in when she heard the telltale sound of an unlocking spell.

There! Turning to the shop boy at his counter, the young witch watched and waited for her opponents to be evicted for skulking about in the shop. Then their partnership would have all the time it needed.

Irritation crawled up Millie's cheeks when that didn't happen, even after Miss Greyback's emboldened claim drifting through the bookstore. Now that was a game that Millie could play equally, approaching Mr. Callum to mutter, "Does Miss Greyback think she's the headmaster of Flourish and Blotts?"

Losing to younger students might not be so bad if there were whispers about it following her opponents around long after their victory.

The following 1 user Likes Millie Potts's post:
   Bonnie Greyback

[Image: uHwnE8q.png]
Toby's pile was getting larger by the minute... well perhaps second. So when he heard his partner's voice he hastily scuttled through the door after her, exclaiming with a breathless (and rather loud) "[b]Did you find it?![/b"

[Image: 1LnnXQu.png]
James had picked up another book and was shaking it upside down--the idea being that it would loosen up the pages and make them easier to flip through, but once he'd started, he realized it was strangely satisfying.

Looking up at Miss Potts' words, he followed her gaze to what their opponents were up to. "How's that going to help?" he wondered aloud. "The book wouldn't be hidden in a place we're not allowed to go, would it?"

[Image: 5ust5Up.png]
Set by MJ <3

Bonnie smiled at Toby and opened the book to face him, quite clearly the book went from page 98 to 101, an entire page missing. They quickly shut it up again as they noticed Miss Potts saying, something. ”I think I know where our next clue is” The gap between the trifle recipe and the shepherds pie recipe made Bonnie think of that little alleyway between the cake shop and butchers, where depending on the direction of the wind, it could be time for either desert something more hearty. They could be mistaken though.

The redhead quickly closed the book and clutched it tightly to their chest as they motioned to walk out of the office space. ”Shall we?” Maybe it wasn't the most obvious space, but it was an intuitive place to look and they weren't exactly shooed out by the staff. Bonnie gave a slightly smug look to Mr. Callum, overhearing his apparently quite incorrect theory of the day.

Millie Potts Toby Seacoal James Callum

[Image: wzEDRBI.png]
Bonnie is NB/GF but appears as a girl.
They/them ooc, she/they/he IC.
Anyone who knows them, knows they prefer to be called Blair

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