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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

CYOA: Group A
July 3rd, 1888 - ? - Podmore Zoological Gardens
Annabelle Bones Finnian Byrne Jeremiah Tatting @"Eavan Mackay" Questor Spryly @"Mireille LÉCUYER" Violet Wiltingham Edmund Grimm
When the train pulls into the station, the conductor announces, "Stay sharp out there. It's like it knows."

And perhaps it does. The locusts have settled but crunch ominously underfoot if you step on them, the fog is thicker than ever, and there is something eerie going on. The Ministry member in charge sends Group A to the Podmore Zoological Gardens, and things seem to be in order, until they enter the zoo and the gate
swings shut behind them and locks with an ominous clang.

The next 'prompt' post will be after either 48 hours have passed from the time of posting (4:30 PM EST on July 4th*) or after every member of the party has posted one time if this occurs before that deadline. Please remember that you must post within 72 hours to continue participating. :)
*Because holiday this may be later.

Are your characters stuck in the smalltalk loop?
Does your imagination feel like it just can't perform as it used to?
Mid-thread crisis getting you down?
Unable to get that post up?
Is your relationship suffering because of your inability to satisfy your partner?
With a little intervention from The Suggestionizer your RP life could be back on track in no time!

--> Click here for more details <--

Known side-effects include: chronic ridiculousness, immense satisfaction, itching, uncontrollable laughter, burning, deep regret, despair, shock, horror, incidental dismemberment, joy, and death. Use at your own risk!
Finnian had naturally signed up for the expedition, citing his desire for adventure (and a break from his oh-so-boring office work) as a reason. His survival skills were limited by the two years of the auror training program he'd participated in nearly a decade ago, but that did little to dissuade him; he boarded the train with a giddy grin on his face and spent the entirety of the ride bouncing on the heels of his feet.

The first order of business was to survey the group that was being nudged in the same direction as him. Their was an older with an undeniably gorgeous body for her age; an older gentleman and far older woman that he'd heard a number of the other folks address as 'Professor'; a haughty-looking woman with darker skin; the head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports; some kid with the wildest blond curls (jealous!); and a vibrant-looking redhead who he thought someone had been whispering about being familiar with the area.

(Were they all going to die? They were all going to die, weren't they?)

They were all corralled into the gates, and once it shut with a clang, a moment of silence filled the air.

...Until he spoke.

"Well, team! Onward to our doom!" he joked, his voice booming in the dead silence of the air.

set by MJ!
Post Log
Jeremiah couldn't help but have some nerves that at least kept him focused on his surroundings. He had wanted to participate in order to protect his children from whatever was causing this fog. At least he hadn't had to travel too far from home like some of the others. Living in Hogsmeade did have it's perks in this instance.

Hoping that his career as a professor would help him to aid in this task of saving everyone from the fog. If not, than he might as well be holding them down rather than adding to the efforts of others. The others would likely have plenty to offer. That was all that mattered. With hard work, he was sure that they would be successful.

Glancing back when the gate slammed, he raised an eyebrow. When the man said that they were doomed, he shook his head slightly and ignored him. "Did someone do that to the gate?" He asked, looking around at the others.

Pretties by Bee
Eva had to wonder if she'd been assigned to this specific group on purpose. Meeting her group at the train, she left both her father and her beau to their own group, and headed back towards the zoo. It was highly amusing and a little frustrating. Of all the things. Eva was pretty sure she'd been all the way through this zoo backwards and forwards since the fog started, but who knew, the gate definitely did not typically lock by itself like it just had.

"That's not normal for that... Perhaps we should make our way toward the back and work our way forward again?" The back housed some of their less dangerous creatures. Eva adjusted the pack on her back that housed a few essential supplies she'd learned came in handy when traveling and shoved her hands into the pockets of her bloomer suit, waiting to see if anyone else has any other ideas.

The broad spectrum of people that disembarked from the same train gave Belle momentary pause. Some looked the part of explorers well enough, and a cursory glance to seek out any colleagues quickly told her she would likely be here to bandage up any wounds should the need arise, but some...well, she had been quite convinced that she would be the oldest woman on the mission but apparently not.

Hefting the bag of medical supplied higher on her back Belle strode forwards, letting the youth take point but keeping herself close to the front just in case. The fog had already proven treacherous and the unknown was doubly so. Indeed, when the door slammed behind them she convinced herself for a moment, through the rakishly handsome young man's wildly inappropriate joke, that perhaps it was one of them but she soon dispensed with that belief.

"That sounds sensible Miss MacKay," she replied as she glanced through the fog-ridden paths and realised she was probably only here - here being the bloody zoo - because she would be able to adequately patch up people when they were inevitably attacked by the creatures here. It was quite the responsibility and Belle took a casual step that put her body between two of the young men and the great unknown. She might be sworn to heal but she would be no good if injured herself!

"Does anybody wish to lead the way?

[Image: bTp7pQ.jpg]
Lady made me sexy <3
"I'll do it if no one else will!" Spryly stepped forward and turned to face the assembly, wondering as he did whether he was the youngest there. He had a sneaking suspicion that he was.

His personal reasons for taking part mostly involved hope of a really good monetary reward, a conveniently timed eviction, and the leveled playing field due to magic not working. He didn't think he was bad at magic but he certainly lacked a full education.

He wondered whether anyone would notice if he didn't know which direction was which. It was so foggy though, how could they blame him for going in the wrong direction? Not to mention, he'd never actually been to the Pod Gardens or whatever they were called. "I'll bet we find somethin' where the fog is thickest."

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.
Having been ushered off the train and towards the zoo Ed took stock of himself and his group, much like he suspected they all were.  His pack was a little heavy on his shoulders but it had a funny way of grounding him.  He'd done this before in a way -  he'd been on the Irvingly expedition - but the crunch of locusts beneath their feet was enough reminder that this was something completely different.  

Their group was - not what he'd expected.  He'd barely finished being baffled at the number of women that had signed up, especially the one remarkably old woman, before the zoo's gate closed ominously behind them.  Merlin's bloody beard if he was going to die here and it would be his own damn fault just for signing up.  Well, technically it would be Skeeter's fault.  That had been the final straw to Ed signing up, he couldn't let him best him.  

"Maybe we should form some kind of rank," he suggested, their clear and present reality settling in when the boy who looked hardly old enough to be there offered to lead.  "A few people at the rear to watch our backs - ideally someone who knows the zoo at the front." Between himself, Mr. Byrne, the young kid, and the professor they could have all cardinal directions covered.  Not that the girls couldn't keep watch he just... instinctively imagined them in the middle.  "And collectively agree no wandering off alone?  In this fog we'll never find you again."

The following 1 user Likes Edmund Grimm's post:
   Declan Wood
Eva tried to gauge the group around her and struggled to find any rhyme or reason to who was included, but she supposed that was neither here nor there, they would need to work together regardless. She was not a judgmental person by nature, but she at least felt a little more prepared than most; a sensible pack and she'd thought to skip the dress in favor of one of her well-worn pants, a blouse and sturdy boots.

"I can take the lead, I do work here after all." Eva offered without thinking much about it, even after the one lad had offered himself. She'd been practically living here after all, setting up camp in her office, just to come back to where she started. "Sticking together is a good idea." She agreed with Mr. Grimm. The last thing they needed was somebody getting lost in the zoo itself in the fog, and getting into somewhere they shouldn't be. "This way's the shortest way to the back, it sort of loops around." They could move through that way, around and eventually come back right here to where they started if they didn't find any trouble.

It certainly gave them the advantage and Belle wondered where the other residents of Irvingly had gotten to. Presumably they would know these streets better than any of them ever could and yet, with the exception of Miss MacKay, she had not heard any of them mention even having visited Irvingly. Where were the other magizoologists? And, she listened carefully, trying to hear any telltale sounds of living creatures, why could she only hear locusts crunching underfoot and nothing much beyond that?

"I'd suggest we go quickly. The sooner we get the lay of the land the better," she commented, tightening the straps of her heavy and bulky satchel, feeling the slight pull of the faded scars on her back. "It's a tad too quiet."

[Image: bTp7pQ.jpg]
Lady made me sexy <3
She'd thought it would be a fun adventure to get away from her family (which, thank the God above, neither her twin nor father had been sorted into her group) and at last prove that she wasn't to be the family burden anymore. Istead, she found, that she was probably going to be a burden on this group. What did she have to offer? A rebellious personality and maybe some daring ideas that may end up with the group dying?

She followed after the group, debating on if she wanted to be in the back. She decided to not say one way or the other. Either they split up or they didn’t. Either Miss Mackay took the lead or she didn’t.

MJ made the pretties ♥
Annabelle Bones Finnian Byrne Jeremiah Tatting @"Eavan Mackay" Questor Spryly @"Mireille LÉCUYER" Violet Wiltingham Edmund Grimm
A few minutes after starting off through the gardens, the group may become aware that they are being watched by a female water buffalo. This is rather odd, as water buffalo do not live in Podmore Zoological Gardens.

The next 'prompt' post will be after either 48 hours have passed from the time of posting (9:30 PM EST on July 6th) or after every member of the party has posted one time if this occurs before that deadline. Please remember that you must post within 72 hours to continue participating. :)
If you did not post last round, you have until 3 PM on July 5th before you're considered to no longer be a CYOA participant.

Are your characters stuck in the smalltalk loop?
Does your imagination feel like it just can't perform as it used to?
Mid-thread crisis getting you down?
Unable to get that post up?
Is your relationship suffering because of your inability to satisfy your partner?
With a little intervention from The Suggestionizer your RP life could be back on track in no time!

--> Click here for more details <--

Known side-effects include: chronic ridiculousness, immense satisfaction, itching, uncontrollable laughter, burning, deep regret, despair, shock, horror, incidental dismemberment, joy, and death. Use at your own risk!
Finnian took the opportunity to push his way through the group, glancing sideways at the woman who claimed to work there. "Okay, so what should we be aware of? Erumpents? Mooncalves?" He glanced to the side. "...and, what, water buffalo? Is her name Bertha? She looks like one." he chattered away, completely unaware of the oddity of the situation.

(How should he know? He lived in Ireland.)

The following 1 user Likes Finnian Byrne's post:
   Declan Wood

set by MJ!
Post Log
Listening thoughtfully as the man listed possible animals they might face, he tried to recall what he knew of each of these animals. Seeing the animal, he tilted his head. Was it normal for that animal to watch people? "If it is named at all, I would suppose that you are correct." He commented.

Pretties by Bee
Spryly was annoyed to find himself dismissed as though he hadn't said anything at all. A leader had been asked for and he'd stepped up to the plate, they were all just irked because they didn't want to be lead by someone who wasn't a few years off retirement and senility. It was plain rude, that's what it was. Worse still was the apparent willingness to let a woman lead over him! Now he had nothing against women but he was pretty sure the general social consensus was that women weren't appreciated in roles of leadership over men so how little must they think of him if she was the preferred alternative?! He supposed it made sense that she lead considering she apparently worked there but he still didn't appreciate the blunt rejection.

He fell into a broody sort of silence until he tuned back in again at the mention of buffalo or whatever. He didn't see a buffalo (whatever they looked like). "Bloody hell, look at that great big ugly cow!" His brief sulking spell was all but forgotten as he jabbed a finger in the direction of it. He made the mistake of gaping too long and almost inhaled a locust. "Blergh!" Spryly swatted violently in front of his face.

The following 2 users Like Questor Spryly's post:
   Declan Wood, Jossima Warbeck

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.
The park itself was eerily quiet to Eva, who always heard some kind of creature at some point making noise. It made her want to check on every single creature she could, but didn't want to risk anyone getting out or any of these people getting in.

She'd taken the point because she knew where she was going, so she naturally was among the first to spot the water buffalo. They didn't have water buffalo in the zoo. Of course the next thing she heard from the group was a bunch of male voices making stupid comments.

"Idiots." She hissed quietly, turning on the childish boys like a governess reprimanding students. "They're aggressive. We. Don't. Have. Them. Here." So it was either unnatural and a product of this Merlin-forsaken fog or it had somehow gotten in? They were not native to here, at all so that was unlikely.

"Move slowly, that way." She ordered, not nicely, and gestured with one hand off to her left toward the closest building, just in case it decided to charge.

Jeremiah couldn't help but be without even the slightest peace of mind. The creature didn't seem quite happy and that was an obviously bad sign. It didn't seem to be looking at him, so at least he had that going for him. From his own view, it seemed to be looking at the man who had yelled. Why had he yelled? That would obviously either startle the animal or make it angry. Either way, it was not going to be a happy creature.

Looking at the young girl with annoyance. "I will have you know that I am not an idiot, miss. I am a professor as well as a Ravenclaw." He stated matter-of-factly. Now as to the rest of her statement, he listened carefully. Doing as she said, it wasn't as though he was going to let his pride get him killed.

Pretties by Bee

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