Flower Show Shenanigans
May 13th, 1893
The Annual Potts Flower Show is upon us! This year there is a twist on what could be considered some hurling roulette. Inspired by her daughters’ recent luck in love, Laurel Potts is up to no good in her neighborhood. Nothing wildly intense, but there are varying levels of matchmaking mischief and mayhem to be had! May 13th, 1893
The Potts Family garden and the neighboring segment of the park have been sectioned off in different ecosystems of flowers and plants with small hedge mazes in between connecting the different zones. There are lawn games to be played in some spots, refreshments courtesy of Honeyduke's in others, and entertainment in various forms for guests to partake in as they wander around. There’s also a little unknown spell cast on some of the plants in the hedges and different pods of plants that may or may not seem to have a mind of their own; so be ready! Of course nobody is supposed to get hurt, but accidents happen!
Here’s where you and your gentleman come in! (Don’t worry ladies, your part comes later!) You may sign up a maximum of three gentlemen to be subject to Mama Potts’ whims. Please indicate your interest level in how much mischief and social repercussions you would like your character to be subjected to by filling out the following form for each gent you would like to sign up!
Character: (please tag if not posted on that account)
Mischief Managed: 1- no true danger/social reactions; 2 - minor-moderate injury/rumors; 3 - possible hospitalization/major society impacts
[b]Character:[/b] (please tag if not posted on that account)
[b]Mischief Managed:[/b] 1- no true danger/social reactions; 2 - minor-moderate injury/rumors; 3 - possible hospitalization/major society impacts
Don’t play a gent or have anyone you’re willing to sacrifice? Have no fear! Each gentleman signed up will be tagged in an OPEN thread that interested ladies (or other interested gents) can reply to! Threads will be linked here and those looking to reply may do so as soon as the assigned gentleman has. This way you can toss your characters together you may not have otherwise envisioned! Not sure who to reply to? Threads will be labeled with the Mischief Level and you can always post here in the thread for some Mama Potts input! Please keep your taken threads reasonable so there is lots of love to go around and we can move somewhat quickly!
Please note that the Suggestionizer or any Potts Lady may interrupt your thread if there has been a long stretch between replies (more than four-ish days) to help ~move things along! It will be at a level that matches your Mischief request and can result in any number of possibilities from assistance to expulsion! This is intended to keep things moving quickly so that societal impacts happen within a reasonable amount of time! This only applies to Mischief levels 2&3 as level 1s have no fallouts to worry about.
Reach out to Bee or Fallin with any questions, or reply here!
The following 4 users Like Daffodil Grimstone's post:
Basil Foxwood, Elias Grimstone, Laurel Potts, Millie Potts
Basil Foxwood, Elias Grimstone, Laurel Potts, Millie Potts
![[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]](https://i.ibb.co/TBsRxFSq/Daff-Sig95.png)