Of all the things he could come to the conclusion of.
Did he think so little of her? How many times did she have to say that she loved him for it to sink in? She'd made herself ill worrying about him while he was gone. She'd gone and let herself get to the point where pregnancy legitimate concern and he still doubted her. If she weren't so anxious she would have been furious.
It was a convenient excuse, but she couldn't bring herself to use it. She wanted to be mad at him for even bringing it up, but was too scattered. Frankly she was terrified.
Merlin she couldn't take it anymore, Febs extricated herself from his grip, with more difficulty than she would care to admit to. She had to move, had to do something with her hands. Stopping to look at him, hopelessly, helplessly, eyes pleading. "No, never. There will never be anyone else." Nobody would have her after this anyway. That was fine, she'd survive, somehow. Subconsciously, she pressed both hands to her stomach, pacing once more. A few lengths of the couch and she was slowly going crazy.
Stopping again, Febs cast him another helpless glance. She couldn't honestly answer if she was leaving him, because she didn't know, was just leaning toward yes and consequently breaking his heart. "You haven't done anything wrong, I promise."
Did he think so little of her? How many times did she have to say that she loved him for it to sink in? She'd made herself ill worrying about him while he was gone. She'd gone and let herself get to the point where pregnancy legitimate concern and he still doubted her. If she weren't so anxious she would have been furious.
It was a convenient excuse, but she couldn't bring herself to use it. She wanted to be mad at him for even bringing it up, but was too scattered. Frankly she was terrified.
Merlin she couldn't take it anymore, Febs extricated herself from his grip, with more difficulty than she would care to admit to. She had to move, had to do something with her hands. Stopping to look at him, hopelessly, helplessly, eyes pleading. "No, never. There will never be anyone else." Nobody would have her after this anyway. That was fine, she'd survive, somehow. Subconsciously, she pressed both hands to her stomach, pacing once more. A few lengths of the couch and she was slowly going crazy.
Stopping again, Febs cast him another helpless glance. She couldn't honestly answer if she was leaving him, because she didn't know, was just leaning toward yes and consequently breaking his heart. "You haven't done anything wrong, I promise."