Bee - Yes absolutely threads with Baxter. Harper wants promotions, and he would presumably be sucking up to Baxter (and possibly in the relatively distant future would want his job as well...). Mason as well could be an out of school friendship from his time at the apothecary. Harper is super happy to make friends with those he shops with, and an apothecary worker would definitely be on that list, so perhaps a friendship from there that has lasted through Mason’s move to working at Hogwarts
Lady - Yes definitely a friendly relationship with Tilda. But with Tilda’s stubbornness and Harpers blunt nature I can see some fun disagreements over patient care where Tilda is digging her heels in and Harper is saying ‘well I’ve been doing this longer than you’. For Amelia we could do a fun little thread of bumping into each other on the street of irvingly or hogsmeade and Harper trying so hard to remember why she looks familiar?
Fallin - If Dionisia has come back to work definitely something through that at least. Maybe a dinner thread with Dionisia, Ari and Harper or something of that nature as well? And a thread like that for Eldin would be super cute! With his mother working there Harper would presumably know Eldin in some capacity, and would be more than happy to show him around the hospital and give some tips. You up for a thread of that?
Lady - Yes definitely a friendly relationship with Tilda. But with Tilda’s stubbornness and Harpers blunt nature I can see some fun disagreements over patient care where Tilda is digging her heels in and Harper is saying ‘well I’ve been doing this longer than you’. For Amelia we could do a fun little thread of bumping into each other on the street of irvingly or hogsmeade and Harper trying so hard to remember why she looks familiar?
Fallin - If Dionisia has come back to work definitely something through that at least. Maybe a dinner thread with Dionisia, Ari and Harper or something of that nature as well? And a thread like that for Eldin would be super cute! With his mother working there Harper would presumably know Eldin in some capacity, and would be more than happy to show him around the hospital and give some tips. You up for a thread of that?