28 | UCPB | Slytherin Class of '80 | Ministry | 10
In many ways Edmund is the quintessential Slytherin. He's ambitious, cunning, and has a keen mind for tactics. He's not a total sociopath, but if you outlive your usefulness, then Edmund won't really see much of a reason for keeping you around. For those he finds useful (or those among the pureblooded upper class), Edmund is charming, suave, and the ideal traditional Victorian gentleman. Very recently promoted to Assistant Head of the Department of International Magical Co-Operation, and with ambitions of rising further (maybe even to Minister of Magic). Edmund is based in London with a family country home in Hogsmeade, so he can be available in either location but he is more likely to be found in the halls of the Ministry or an exclusive London club.
Friends! Edmund is a huge class snob so for anyone in the middle class you really better have something good to offer, and for anyone in the working class you need to save his life or something. Otherwise, there will be a large number of people here who Edmund will be friendly with because they are useful for his ambitions. And not a friendly where he bitches behind your back or anything, a serious friendship while it lasts because trust is valuable.
Enemies! Edmund is sure to have made some enemies along the way, especially past friends who he has unceremoniously dumped once they outlived their usefulness. While he's not a strong blood purist, he is a traditionalist and class purist so anyone with liberal ideas about that sort of stuff will not mix well with him.
Lovers! Edmund is actively looking for a wife, but he views marriage very traditionally (i.e. as an alliance between two strong households) so she must be upper class and pure blood (preferably from the sacred 28 as he is) but open to dalliances and flings along the way.