Fallin - Harper loves a good society outing, and I can imagine him being just charming enough to talk his way into some more upper class gatherings (but probably not the ultra exclusive ones) - though he's middle class he is a Healer with good prospects of promotions so he would be a good show in society. As an ex-peer for Percival definitely open for some encounters at events, and definitely up for some party based tension with Seraphina that would be fun! In terms of future flings Harper is spoken for (at least for the foreseeable future), but definitely count me in for a thread dealing with one Somersby who needs medical attention (so long as it's spell damage)
Lynn - I hadn't thought about whether Harper is particularly attached to sporting events but he would certainly be interested in the inventions side of it, and of course the party side of it. I'm picturing a kind of boys night out with Felix and Reuben now getting a little bit drunk somewhere and making some decisions that perhaps shouldn't have been made? That seems like a fun thread to me.
Bree - Absolutely Harper would at least know of Dionisia, and I'm assuming they have met at events connected to the hospital. Is she still a mediwitch or a full time wife now? If she's still a mediwitch then I'm sure they've had some interactions at work as well, and Harper is not the sort of person to care about blood status. I noticed you have Eldin who wants to be a healer as well - I know a few other people have offered threads along these lines, but Harper would be more than happy to give some advice or guidance should he be asked
Lynn - I hadn't thought about whether Harper is particularly attached to sporting events but he would certainly be interested in the inventions side of it, and of course the party side of it. I'm picturing a kind of boys night out with Felix and Reuben now getting a little bit drunk somewhere and making some decisions that perhaps shouldn't have been made? That seems like a fun thread to me.
Bree - Absolutely Harper would at least know of Dionisia, and I'm assuming they have met at events connected to the hospital. Is she still a mediwitch or a full time wife now? If she's still a mediwitch then I'm sure they've had some interactions at work as well, and Harper is not the sort of person to care about blood status. I noticed you have Eldin who wants to be a healer as well - I know a few other people have offered threads along these lines, but Harper would be more than happy to give some advice or guidance should he be asked