2nd February, 1889 — Howler Stadium
Well, this was awkward. Stand-in judge as he was, Theo had not expected to have to face down two superiors in once blow. Not that he was doing the duelling, at least - but no one needed more reason to reprimand him in the Auror offices than they already had. With everything that had happened since his father, it had been... hard to care.
He presumed lingering too long on the rules would be something of an insult to the both of them, so Theo just gave them a nervous nod and said, swiftly, "Mr. Umbridge to cast first."
He presumed lingering too long on the rules would be something of an insult to the both of them, so Theo just gave them a nervous nod and said, swiftly, "Mr. Umbridge to cast first."
Hudson Woodcroft Edric Umbridge