Throwing his hands up in expaseration, Justice shot Grumpy Gal a look.
"I don't know, you're a woman! Use your ~womanly~ skills and go judge for yourself!" he instructed before running towards the troll. After a moment of hesitation, he grabbed onto the troll's arm—and unfortunately found himself hanging from it a moment later.
Aw, fuck.
"Where do you want me to lead him?" he shouted to below despite having literally zero control of this situation. (He had it, though. He was sure.)
"I don't know, you're a woman! Use your ~womanly~ skills and go judge for yourself!" he instructed before running towards the troll. After a moment of hesitation, he grabbed onto the troll's arm—and unfortunately found himself hanging from it a moment later.
Aw, fuck.
"Where do you want me to lead him?" he shouted to below despite having literally zero control of this situation. (He had it, though. He was sure.)
— we all know MJ is amazing but DAMN —