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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

A Decent Cup Of Tea
A smile slipped onto his face as he watched her face slip from understanding to confused. No one said Divination was easy; those who claimed it was likely had little success in the subject. With a subject that had a reputation for frivolity, it was easy to use that as an excuse when nothing made sense (though admittedly he was being a bit thorough). Her comment, however, had him barking out a laugh in class.

"Unless you're determined to follow me onto the quidditch pitch while I practice hitting bludgers, I doubt I'll be much of a curse," he joked. "I don't have a penchant for ruining girls' lives."

Monet watched as he smiled but she didn't expect the bark of laughter that followed her question. It actually quite startled her and she jumped visibly in her seat. She was glad she hadn't squealed from fright though. That would have been embarrassing. His words, however, did bring a blush to her cheeks. The thought of ruining a girl's life was a bit daunting as it could mean a whole slew of things.

"Well I hardly expected you to ruin a girls' life," she said a bit quickly, "But surely being a curse could mean other things." Like being dashedly good looking and making a girl forget what she was thinking. That could be a curse in itself.

[Image: MonetSig.gif]
Eldin's eyebrows shot up in his forehead. From his perspective, he couldn't imagine in what ways he might be a curse to her. He wasn't irresponsible in the way some boys his age were, nor was he the type who would urge a respectable girl to do less-than-respectable things—not that he thought that such thoughts were swimming around in her mind. He smiled brightly at her nevertheless, not discouraged by her feminine mysticism.

"I'm sure I won't give you—nor our professors—any reason to be concerned," he teased, shifting the teacup around in his hands. "I might at least prove a blessing in Divination class. I've always found it entertaining despite the stigmas associated with it," he continued on a much lighter note.

Monet's cheeks were still faintly pink but luckily not overly so. Or so, she hoped. But she did feel a little more at ease with his words. Though she'd never really expected him to say or do anything with ill intent. Her brother had talked about him after all so they were at the very least acquaintances. She doubted he'd attempt to do anything ungentlemanly like toward her as a result.

"Well I'll take that blessing then," she responded with a smile, "This is only my first year with it clearly but it definitely seems interesting at least." She was rather interested in the art of Divination. She doubted she was a true Seer by any circumstances but it was exciting to delve into such a world nonetheless.

[Image: MonetSig.gif]
"Well, I guess time -" Or maybe Professor Carmichael, who was a seer. "- might tell. Until then, we'll just have to see where the year takes us, eh?" Hopefully his year would take him to high scores on his OWL examinations, but he knew better than to leave that up to fate.

/wrap with next post?

With a broad smile, Monet nodded in responses and closed up her notebook she'd been taking notes in. "Thank you for the help, Mr. Bones," she said pleasantly as she stood up, "I imagine you've plenty to do and I have some other homework to see to." Still smiling, she gave him a pleasant nod before she took her leave. She headed straight for the dorms, ready to go through her own books some more.

[Image: MonetSig.gif]

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