September 06th, 1887 — Divination Classroom
Monet Brown
Although Divination class had no clear purpose in Eldin's mind, it was one of the classes he'd always enjoyed—so much so that he endured the teasing from the male population with little more than a smile in response. No defensiveness. No bitching. Nope, he just flicked tarot cards at their heads every now and then.Monet Brown
Fifth year meant that his 'free trial' of the class was almost up—he'd have to get serious if he planned on taking it at a NEWT-level, which admittedly was something he hadn't really thought through much. His interests were so varied and ambitions so scattered that the thought of having to narrow down his class selection was equally terrifying as the prospect of having his classes narrowed down for him due to poor grades.
That was precisely why his third day of class came with a newfound sense of determination to make every day, every assignment, and every study session count, even if the sentiment was bound to fade as the school year went on. And that meant giving his full with this assignment, which for some reason was...entertaining the third years?
Well, the real assignment was giving them readings with tea leaves—likely some method of 'learning by teaching' that some of the professors had used on more than one occasion. He reluctantly picked up his material and wandered the room until he found himself seated with a third year girl, mostly because the third year boys (what few of them there were, for that matter) had been claimed by the other students.
"Forgive me if you were hoping for someone..." He glanced around the room. "...female, but I'm afraid you're stuck with me for the morning," he apologized, a wide smile on his face as he sat down across from her.