Tis the season for cheesy Hallmark Christmas miracles, and I want to make some of these missed connections come true.
Some WW reader getting caught up in the romanticism of the season has decided to use some gentle enchantment magic to make her favorite Missed Connections find each other once again. Except with random stand-ins for the involved parties, since she has no insight into who they were written for/by. This is not Amortentia magic... think cute and innocent connection, ranging from "there's a special sort of glow about them" to a spontaneous severe crush. The magic doesn't actually get them there, either, it just strikes two people who already found themselves together — in the situation described if applicable (ie for Voice of an Angel, party A is caroling and party B overhears them in Bartonburg).
Affected characters will remember their interactions, so this could build into actual relationships, but after the first encounter they're no longer helped by Christmas Magic so they might find themselves disillusioned. Encounters will take place between Sunday morning when WW was delivered and Christmas.
My offerings:
- Reuben Crouch for dude overhearing in "Voice of an Angel"
- J. Alfred Darrow for guy- spilling- drink at an inn for "Room at the Inn"
- Adam Ragge for either "A Novel Moment" or "Brain Damage"