Cordelia Emsworth | Delia's app sort of wrote itself while playing our first round of Botany. There are pictures to prove it lol. She's precocious, adventurous and loyal. She's also stubborn, one-track-minded and eccentric. She is a well-traveled, fairly-successful botanist (the sciecne instead of medical side of plants), with a sister who is currently stuck as a beetle and is part of a magical botany society that will be named shortly. Friends: likely from back at Hogwarts, where Delia was social and a little mischievous, once she got the jitters out after the Sorting. Very much a Gryffindor, she would have befriended anyone she thought needed a champion or a good friend. Ladies or gents within a couple years of her, or in her year in a different house, all welcome! Enemies/Rivals: lbr she's loud and brash and not everyone likes that. I would also love maybe for a professional rival, aside from her ex husband of course. Any friends of Hadrian's (incoming by MJ soon) will likely either side with him, justifiably, or still like her because she's Spunky. Romance: this is a clusterfuck and not her focus at all, but I do love Drama. She's still very much in love with Hadrian, but also hung up on the past and has no idea how to handle it. Cynthia is her main focus right now anyway. The Sister: her sister Cynthia (b. 1867) is currently stuck as a large beetle thanks to a curse that is partially Hadrian's fault. She can only speak to Delia at the moment, and Dee is working her ass off to get her sister back to normal! |