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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

The Rumor Mill
The Rumor Mill
This is a staff run, member-submitted thread that will post anonymous rumors. These may or may not be true and members are welcome to submit their own. If a character is breaking propriety in public, a rumor will be written by the GHags or a member of staff. Within reason, you can submit rumors about other people's characters without their permission!

Rumor mill rumors can affect reputation if they make their way into the Daily Prophet or are based in fact and fall under reputation guidelines.

If you want a rumor posted, PM this account and a member of staff with your rumor. Rumors are presumed to have begun being spread the same day that they are posted.

Please CC a member of staff on all PMs.
"You won't believe this! Lorcan Byrne - he's one of those Connollys - proposed to one of the Backus girls in the bakery the other week... I don't think she said yes, though."
Lorcan Byrne @"Magdalena Backus"

Please CC a member of staff on all PMs.
"I saw Reuben Crouch and Miss Scrimgeour drinking together at the street fair last week, without a chaperone in sight. Normally I'd be scandalized, but you know the sort of reputation he has--and she fell out of the social sphere after less than a season. Perhaps they're perfect for each other."
Reuben Crouch Bella Scrimgeour

The following 3 users Like Rumour Mill's post:
   Bella Scrimgeour, Chrysanta Ruskin {Ocean}, Ophelia Devine

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I heard Mrs. Abercrombie retched all over Mr. Agrimony Macnair at the hospital fundraiser! If I were her, I would not show my face at any social functions for a while—and it's made worse by the fact that he's family, too!
Evelyn Abercrombie Agrimony Macnair

The following 1 user Likes Rumour Mill's post:
   Cassius Lestrange

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"Apparently Bella Scrimgeour wandered into The Augurey cafe the other week! That child is unfortunate."
Bella Scrimgeour

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Have you heard? Miss Scrimgeour hasn't been to work in days, and people are beginning to wonder where she's run off to this time! Apparently it's very unlike her; they say she's not the type to miss work without notice!

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"I heard there was some commotion at the Ministry yesterday — someone even said there was an arrest made, but nothing's been published in the paper. What do you suppose has happened?"

The following 4 users Like Rumour Mill's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Andrew Lyness, Bella Scrimgeour, Reuben Crouch

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"Miss Annabelle Scrimgeour was in the Three Broomsticks, dressed like a poor person, drinking and arguing with that degenerate Art Pettigrew, during the Coming Out Ball."

The following 1 user Likes Rumour Mill's post:
   Bella Scrimgeour

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"Mr. Gregory Yaxley was spotted in Pennyworth the other week... how odd of him."

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"Miss Maeve Connolly, that auror, was fighting with her cousin's new wife at the opening of Magdalena's!"

The following 2 users Like Rumour Mill's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Bella Scrimgeour

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"Miss Jossima Warbeck fainted after the Chudley-Holyhead match! Must be her feminine frailty."

The following 2 users Like Rumour Mill's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Bella Scrimgeour

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"I heard that Mister Richard Gladstone was quite fond of Annabelle Scrimgeour - in a romantic fashion! It would be a terrible waste for a man with such great potential and assets to end up ensnared by that harlot. Do you suppose a bit of matchmaking with the right sort of girl for him might be in order?"

The following 2 users Like Rumour Mill's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Bella Scrimgeour

Please CC a member of staff on all PMs.
"Miss Madeleine Backus ought to stop putting on airs, don't you think? She may have come into some windfall, but she wasn't raised in society."

The following 2 users Like Rumour Mill's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Bella Scrimgeour

Please CC a member of staff on all PMs.
"Mr. Kenton Yaxley danced with that Head Girl, Katherine Midford, at the Coming Out Ball, even though he's really much too young to be seeking a wife!"

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"Mr. Barnabas Skeeter was certainly popular at the Coming Out Ball! He must be serious about finding a wife this year."

The following 4 users Like Rumour Mill's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Declan Wood, Roberto Devine, Tilda MacFusty

Please CC a member of staff on all PMs.
"The Scrimgeour family left their Hogsmeade home yesterday! The neighbors said they were retreating to their home in the Welsh countryside—no doubt because of the damage that nasty daughter of theirs has done to their reputations!"

Please CC a member of staff on all PMs.

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Last Post by Rumour Mill
January 29, 2025 – 11:51 PM
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