Nicknames: Rich
Birthdate: September 10, 1857
Current Age: 30 Years
Occupation: St. Mungos Magical Bugs Healer-in-Charge
Reputation: 9
Coming from a respectable family, Richard is not as active in society as someone of his wealth and station probably should be.Residence: Ireland
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Alder, 12", pliant, phoenix tail feather
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper
Harold Gladstone, father, 1831Appearance:
Millicent Gladstone née ___, mother, 1836
Rowena ___ née Gladstone, sister, 1859
Lenora ___ née Gladstone, sister, 1861
Richard has light reddish-brown hair, green eyes and a freckled complexion. He stands just above average at five feet, eleven inches and has an average build. His clothing is of the highest quality and often in muted colors. He is right handed.History:
1857 - Richard is born the first born and heir of Harold & Millicent Gladstone on the eve of September the 10th.Personality:1859 - A sister is born in the form of Rowena. Richard is much too young to care much about the addition to his family, especially since the attention to himself is not much different than it had been previously.
1861 - Lenora is born and proves to be the final Gladstone child.
1864 - Richard shows his first signs of magic. The day is much celebrated within the family.
1869-1870 - A late birthday means that Richard starts his time at Hogwarts a couple of weeks shy of his twelfth birthday. He is promptly sorted into Hufflepuff. In September of 1870, Rowena joins Richard at Hogwarts.
1871-1872 - Richard picks up Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures & Muggle Studies as his electives. In September of 1872, Lenora joins her siblings in Hogwarts.
1873-1874 - Richard's school supplies letter comes with a shiny prefect badge, much to Richard and his family's delight. Richard takes to the leadership role like a fish to water and does quite well.
1875-1876 - Richard graduates from Hogwarts and despite the fact that he had no real need for a job, he begins an internship in St. Mungos within the Magical Bugs department.
1877 - Richard graduates from his internship and becomes a full healer. When Hogsmeade Hospital is opened, he opts to stay on at St. Mungos.
1879 - Rowena secures a courtship and is soon wed to her beau and leaves the family home. Richard is quite happy for her but also a little lonesome with one less family member puttering about the household.
1880 - Scarcely a year after Rowena was wed, Lenora joins the world of wedded people by marrying her own beau.
1883 - During a visit to Hogsmeade, Richard unknowingly ingests some of the amortentia laced tea. He becomes quite flirtatious with a maid and even manages to steal a kiss. When he comes to his senses, Richard is quite embarrassed by the whole thing and avoids visiting Hogsmeade for some time. He also never drinks tea for quite the long while.
1884 - Richard is promoted to Assistant Head of the Magical Bugs department.
1886 - Now that he is 28 and quite wealthy within his own right along with being a heir, Richard begins to entertain ideas of finding a suitable bride.
1887 - The new year starts off on a bright note as Richard is promoted to Magical Bugs Healer-in-Charge. And at the age of 29 too! (Used Against All Odds prize from 2017 Winter Lab). This same year, he meets Miss Annabelle Scrimgeour and becomes a frequent acquaintance of hers, a friendship forming when she becomes an intern at St. Mungos. Without quite realizing it, Richard has become quite enamored with her.
"That is just what they say," Richard said in mild amusement. In his experience, people wanted to stand out from one another and in that, they wanted to be different. Especially the most mercenary debutantes that his sisters sometimes invited around in the hopes that he would take a liking to them. Vapid women did not suit his tastes nor the ones who obviously made it a point to make it seem like they held all the same interests that he had.
"Society makes it a point to ensure no one really says what they mean even if they want to. I suppose my familys different in that regard. We aren't shunned but we do follow our own paths." Richard shrugged. He had never really considered himself lucky to have the family that he had. He had grown up in a loving, open environment so most of the time the more stringent families baffled him.
Age: 29
Contact: PM
graphics by Lady!