Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

See Inside
SWP #11: A Fatal Countdown
Site-Wide Plot 11: A Fatal Countdown

Hogsmeade has never been a place where your longevity is guaranteed, but there seem to have been a lot of peculiar deaths of late. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement has begun to investigate the notion that they might be tied to the creepy notices that have begun showing up in the Daily Prophet—notices your character may have had their interest piqued by already. 

Are these deaths connected? If so, who is behind them—and why?

Participation can, as always, earn you a glorious stamp!

Players can earn the SWP stamp by completing three of the following. Character accounts can be combined.

  • Complete a thread in which a character is impacted by the Irvingly lockdown.
  • Play a victim according to Kayte's specifications.
  • Write letters to three separate individuals about SWP-related matters.
  • Complete a thread in which your character tries to solve the murders.
  • Complete two threads in which your character discusses/is impacted by the murders more generally.
  • Challenge for involvement: contact Kayte with a series of other related things that are not on this list, but that you think should count as one of your three requirements.
"Complete" threads are 10+ posts, with 3+ belonging to the character in question, and have been archived.

Will your character endeavour to solve the murders, or simply be along for the ride? Will the Ministry arrest the culprit before this Fatal Countdown reaches zero? Only time will tell...

The following 7 users Like Charming's post:
   Flora Mulciber, Henry Berkwood, Ida Chang, Justin Ross, Natsuko Foxwood, Silas Colton, Sisse Thompsett

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

So You Want to Solve A Mystery?

Law enforcement officials, private investigators, and amateur detectives: this is your moment! It's beginning to seem like these deaths will continue until the culprit (or culprits) is caught, and YOU are a key part of this equation! Are you ready to play detective?

  • To make your lives easier, there will be new information released at irregular interviews due to a leak in the DMLE. This info will be posted in this thread.
  • Occasionally, suspect profiles will be updated with relevant (or irrelevant...) information.
  • Sometimes, law enforcement accounts will be PMed this info a day or two before it's posted publicly #realsism
  • Any information in this thread posted by the official Charming account is considered public knowledge for those willing to do even the slightest digging.
  • You should also keep an eye on The Daily Prophet, including the notices section!
  • The Rumour Mill might help, but it could also be nonsense. Who knows.

The Suspects

Florian Carrow
70 | MCHB | Unspeakable

Every time someone that isn't him gets promoted, he makes a big song and dance about how he doesn't care, while actively and quite obviously caring. Says he has launched an amateur investigation into the upturn of magical deaths and believes that a woman is behind them. A former Ravenclaw, Florian resides in Bartonburg North.

Notes: Was the first person to approach the DMLE with concerns about the creepy notices in the DP and suggest that they might be linked to some of the suspicious deaths.
Rufina Mulciber
36 | UCPB | Socialite & Wife Widow

Following the suspicious death of her husband, Rufina Mulciber spent three days in Ministry holding and was subsequently returned home. Still, they never would have taken her without cause, right? A former Slytherin, Rufina resides in Wellingtonshire.

Notes: Has never been overly affectionate towards her husband, though who really is, in society?
Azalea Chopra
35 | MCHB | Wife

Six children, all died before reaching Hogwarts age of various ailments. Regarded as cold indeed by those who know her, and some crueller circles suggest she might have killed her children for the sympathy. She is currently pregnant with (lucky?) number seven. A former Slytherin, Azalea resides in Bartonburg South.

Notes: Does not readily engage in society, preferring her own company. Sing-song voice.
Devang Chopra
47 | MCMB | DMLE Coroner

Indeed, he is the one who has performed the examination on most of the bodies to date. Notably distant from his wife at social gatherings. First generation English, born to Indian immigrants. Briefly spent time in Azkaban following the death of his youngest child, but it was ultimately ruled an accident. Nonetheless, his time in that place changed him, and he is not so fun-loving as he once was.  A former Gryffindor, Devang resides in Bartonburg South.

Notes: Wears brightly-coloured vests under his bland English attire. Hums nursery songs as he works.
50 | WCPB | Criminal

Released from Azkaban earlier this year, his sixth stint—all for use of illegal and experimental magic. Though born to a wealthy MC family, he was disowned after being expelled from Hogwarts (autumn '47) for using an Unforgivable on a classmate in his fifth year (first stint in Azkaban). That he keeps getting returned into society, however, suggests that someone in his family is still pulling strings for him. Each subsequent stint has made him more and more unstable. Any future conviction will see him subject to the Dementor's Kiss. A former Slytherin, Zhang resides in the Hogsmeade slums—a condition of his latest release is that he stay away from areas frequented by muggles.

Notes: Highly intelligent. Figuratively soulless. Never forgets a face. Exclusively speaks in riddles.
Belphoebe Lestrange
42 | UCPB | Unspeakable Turned Society Wife

It was rather surprising to society when Belophebe was chosen as the second wife to Lucius Lestrange—an aging career woman, and from the middle class, no less!  Still, few can deny that they appear well-matched with one another...

She was highly ranked within her department, until marriage and pregnancy all but demanded her resignation—her gracious departure was tinged with mild resentment. A former Ravenclaw, Belphoebe resides in London.

Notes: Soft blood purist. Highly intelligent. Does not often host, but still a frequent flyer in society.
Tituba Clair
68 | WCHB | Fortune Teller

Fortune-Teller. A regular sight in Padmore Park and at the Hogsmeade Markets, Tituba is infamous for happy fortunes that seldom come true, and unhappy ones that almost always do. She is also known to abhor men, though she does not seem to like women much better. Tituba never attended Hogwarts, and presently resides in the Hogsmeade Slums.

Notes: Those in less legal circles know that in spite of her size (she is 1/8 giant) and booming voice, she is rather an exceptional thief. She once bested auror Maeve Connolly in a duel in spite of the fact that she has no magical education at all.

Let's Solve This!

In order for someone to be arrested by law enforcement, there should be evidence and a motive. If you think you know whodunnit, you should post in this thread with one of the following:

  • The suspect you believe to be guilty.
  • A potential motive
  • Your evidence
  • A link to a thread (where you've posted 3+ times; does not need to be complete) actively investigating the case.
  • A link to a read-only arresting your chosen suspect. You can assume that you are successful in doing so with no or minor injuries.
  • Please post this relatively close to the IC date as Wheels are In Motion!
  • The suspect you believe to be guilty.
  • A potential motive
  • Your evidence
  • A link to a thread (where you've posted 3+ times; does not need to be complete) actively investigating the case.
  • A link to a thread (where you've posted 3+ times; does not need to be complete) where you take your theory to Official Law Enforcement—they should like your post here to confirm that their character would proceed in apprehending the suspect, but do not need to do anything else!
  • Please post this relatively close to the IC date as Wheels are In Motion!

The following 1 user Likes Charming's post:
   Natsuko Foxwood

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

How do I Use This Thread?

Members are encouraged to use this thread for any/all of the following:

  • Request the SWP stamp (confirmed with a "like" from any staff account) when ready.
  • Post any questions you might have—this thread is preferred to the Discord (except for weirdly specific personal character stuff), as others might have the same questions!
  • Report the findings of your investigation! (See Above)
  • Post link to open SWP-centric threads!

Staff will also use this thread to post updates as matters progress!

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

I am ALREADY about an inch away from claiming this stamp hahahaha <3

one victim and another + Irvingly lockdown thread

I also have OPEN THREAD OPTIONS for folks who want to get involved:
- Morgan trying to solve a mystery: https://charmingrp.com/showthread.php?tid=11613
- Dot discussing deaths: https://charmingrp.com/showthread.php?tid=11600

MJ made this <3
Loose Lips

  • Ministry Leak: Azalea Chopra was a witness to the incident on 20th October. Well, initially—she fled quite quickly, looking white as a ghost!
  • Ministry Leak: According to a coroner's report from Devang Chopra, Miss Seabright was not allergic to bees; instead, it was the sheer volume of their stings that caused her death. There is nothing in the report that suggests why she might have been the sole target, even with so many other bodies nearby.
  • Common Gossip: There are unsubstantiated reports that Tituba Clair predicted Electra Seabright's demise not two days earlier...

The following 2 users Like Charming's post:
   Silas Colton, Timoleon Maxime

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

Impacted by Irvingly Lockdown (1):
1. Cliff got stuck inside Irvingly. Chaos Ensues
2. At the same time, Gus got locked out of Irvingly. It worked out for him, though

Tries to Solve the Murder (1):
1. Leo and Murdock try to figure out how to handle this case

Murder Discussions (2):
1. Cliff and Ida discuss the recent string of murders
2. Leo found the murderer Well, Leo is at a funeral.

Letters (3):
1. Gus checks on Algae during the lockdown
2. June checks in on Poppy after Owen's death
3. letter three, if I need it

Loose Lips

  • Common Gossip: Present at that dreadful public ball included Florian Carrow!
  • Common Gossip: Azalea Chopra delivered a healthy son on 13th November late news sorry.

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

Loose Lips

  • Common Gossip: Apparently, St. Clair was not part of the murder investigation but had been saying quite loudly to anyone who would listen in the DMLE that he knew who the killer was and would reveal this information at midnight on the turn of the year. Could the killer have found out and wanted to cover his (or her!) behind?

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

OPEN THREAD | Mael is investigating the most recent murder...

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