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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

No Place Like London
Spryly would've said he was relieved to change topics from the Quidditch World Cup and actually quidditch in general, at least he would have before the topic replacing it was revealed to be his employment status. The timing of the question might've been uncanny if he hadn't just tried to pickpocket him which naturally would make someone wonder if he had any sort of gainful employment.

"Funny you mention it, I jus' landed myself a shiny new job yesterday." He offered Cash a tight-lipped almost-smile like he was about to hit him with a punchline of a joke. "You'll be right jealous, I get to impress the finest citizens of 'ogsmeade every night. Take a guess I dare ya!"

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.
Cash squinted at Spryly, trying to suss him out. Given the way he'd first met the other man, it was no surprise that Cash had a difficult time reading him — every once in a while there was something in Spryly's expression or his countenance or the way his hair caught the light that made Cash's head hurt, although now that he knew him better, there were worlds of difference between Spryly and Eli.

For one thing, if Eli had tried to rob him Cash was pretty sure he would have succeeded.

"...Does being a street waif pay now?" he hazarded.

MJ made this!
"If only!" Although he'd probably be back to the street in no time, all things considered. "I'm the new chef over at the Hog's 'ead!" Calling himself a chef was surely the deepest insult to all professional chefs in the world that could possibly be made. He didn't even deserve the title of 'cook'.

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.
"Well shite," Cash said, because the thought of Spryly cooking anything humans would consume was a distinct yikes. "And you are... not liking it, then?" It did not seem to be the sort of thing that Spryly would like.

MJ made this!
He probably ought to have been offended that Lestrange would assume he was as ill suited to his new occupation as he actually was but he couldn't blame him, it was hardly an obvious 'career' choice. "Whatever gave you tha' impression?" One corner of his mouth curled upward in a sardonic half-smile. "Bet I'm a better cook than you n' all, even if I never did cook a thing my whole life before this mornin'." That was also a likely insult although he hadn't actually meant it to be. It seemed unlikely Lestrange had ever had to rely on his own two hands to have a hot dinner in his belly, the most Spryly had ever done was crudely spit roast something on a stick. Normally he would have a cold meal if he couldn't scavenge a hot one from somewhere or someone. His old man had tried to trust him with preparing dinner once but he'd started a small fire before he'd even gotten to the cooking stage and that was the last time he'd been let near a stove. Being a broommaker he couldn't risk a fire and the risk of trying to teach Spryly how to prepare a hot meal far outweighed the potential reward.

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.
"You may have noted that even if you are a better cook —" this was possible, because Cash did not generally do things like cook when he was almost always in places where servants existed, although he could mix drinks — "I am not currently employed as one." He did not think this career would last long for Spryly. He also wasn't sure what he could actually envision Sprly as, (other than as a street waif,) but it was not as a cook.

MJ made this!
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

Doubt I'll be either by next month. He hadn't dared taste the concoction he'd served up earlier, he wasn't sure if he was more afraid of making himself ill or finding out he was as terrible at cooking as he suspected. My cookin' skills will be legendary by then see, they'll 'ave me cookin' in all the fanciest well-to-do places. You should taste my talents whilst they're goin' cheap! Hopefully Lestrange would know better than to take him seriously and actually risk his food, Spryly didn't fancy being his cause of death.

Outfit | Tag: Cassius Lestrange | Notes:

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.
"I think I'll pass," Cash said with a wry smile, "As I'd like to make it back to London eventually."

The following 1 user Likes Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Questor Spryly

MJ made this!
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

You could prob'ly make it back in time before the pukin' starts if you're quick! If he didn't have people being physically ill by the end of the week he'd be surprised, although it would probably be hard to tell if they were vomiting form the alcohol or the food. Then again you probably 'ave a delicate little stomach with the sort o' dainty food you eat. Spryly returned the grin.

Outfit | Tag: Cassius Lestrange | Notes:

The following 1 user Likes Questor Spryly's post:
   Cassius Lestrange

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.
"I have a stronger constitution than you give me credit for," Cash chided, with a grin, "But I'm still not trying your food." He wasn't about to test this, after all.

MJ made this!
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

Now I know why the ol' hat didn't put you in Gryffindor. He shook his head for dramatic effect or whatever you call it when you're not being serious. Olive is too tired for eloquence. No sense of adventure!

Outfit | Tag: Cassius Lestrange | Notes:

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.
Cash laughed. "You have Gryffindor written all over you," he said, tone accusatory.

MJ made this!
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

So kind o' you to repay my insult with a compliment. For the first time that day he started to feel his spirits lifting a little. Hell, it was probably the first time in days if not weeks. Being drunk hardly counted.

Outfit | Tag: Cassius Lestrange | Notes:

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.
Cash grinned. "Secretly, I'm just here to amuse you," he joked. Despite his tone, it was close enough to the truth — he didn't have any other reason to be here right now.

MJ made this!
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

Fancy that, can't imagine what I done to deserve the honor! He chuckled before suddenly remembering the circumstances that had brought them together that evening, prompting a renewed sense of embarrassment. He forced his shame aside, determined to enjoy the levity as long as it lasted. D'you offer the same service to everyone you catch in your pockets?

Outfit | Tag: Cassius Lestrange | Notes:

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.
Cash grinned crookedly at Spryly's last comment. "Nah, you're the exception to the rule," he said, raising his eyebrows at the other man. He usually didn't put a misplaced sense of affection onto random street urchins — Spryly was unusual.

MJ made this!

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