Full Name: Leo William JacksonBirthdate: February, 27th, 1872
Current Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Reputation: 9, slightly strange, but not much
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Pine, 10” dragon hartstring, stiff
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Family: Arabella Jackson (sister)
Appearance: Height: 5ft 8, build: muscular, wand hand: ambidextrous, clothing: muggle, hair: blond
History: Mother died when Leo was 10, she was killed by Elizabeth Evans, who was eventually caught. Father died when Leo was 7, killed by a dragon. He came across the dragon when he was traveling for his job. Leo grew up with his grandparents on his father’s side.
Personality: Kind, loyal, loves nature.
Elizabeth Evans is an npc I own.Name: JJ the kitty
Age: 17
How did you hear about us?: Arabella Jackson