January 19th, 1891 — Ministry Break Room
If it were not for a pair of poorly timed promotions, they might have been married already. Perhaps poorly timed was too negative a phrase, particularly when Walt knew that Gertrude had been working towards her position as a lawyer for so long, but it was inconvenient that she'd received her promotion just prior to his proposal, and his transition to Assistant Head had occupied the Hogwarts break which might otherwise have served as their wedding and honeymoon window. He couldn't, however, be too disgruntled about a delay of some months when it had taken him so long, comparatively speaking, to realize he wanted to marry her in the first place. There had been a number of things to cause delay: the uncertainty of how Lucy might react to the news, chiefly, along with the vague guilt at no longer mourning his late wife and the equally vague guilt of having spent so long mourning her in the first place (causing quite a larger age gap between Lucy and any potential siblings than he would have liked). Then there were the insecurities. Financially speaking, he might have been a tier above the Baker family, but Walt was still unsure what a vibrant young woman like Gertrude could see in a mild old man like him.
He'd spotted a bouquet of yellow flowers in the Hogsmeade Market that morning on his way into work, and had paid a delivery boy to bring them to her desk in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. There was no note, but of course she would know whom had sent them. He wondered if it would annoy her to have such an intrusive display on her work desk, or whether the sweetness of the gesture would outweigh the potential lack of professionalism. In any case, he trusted she wouldn't be too upset. He'd managed to get through his morning passably well, though his thoughts kept drifting to her. By the time he'd reached their accustomed break time he was eager to see her reaction, and was already waiting with his coffee poured by the time she entered the room, trying and not quite managing to hide his smile behind the coffee mug.
@"Gertrude Baker" Josie Jones