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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

The Hell is This B.S.?
@"Jemima Farley"
October 20th, 1890

I am unsure why we have been given such an assignment, but I shall endeavor to make the best of it.  I do not understand the anonymity of it all, but I suppose it may help erase any preconceived notions of our pen pals.  Regardless, I find myself unsure of what to write.

Are you having a pleasant year?  Are your classes and extra curriculars fulfilling?  Which subject do you find to be your favorite? 

The weather has been fairly pleasant for October.  I do hope you enjoyed the last Hogsmeade weekend.

I don't know what to bloody write.  Dinner was pleasant.  Do you have a favorite meal?

Your mystery pen pal,

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[Image: 6RQbibH.png]
By the awesome MJ <3
24th October, 1890
Dear Pip,

I think the anonymous thing is all very romantic! Not that I am under the impression that these letters are intended as romantic, that would be foolish, but I do think the air of mystery is something quite delightful, and could be rather fun. I think it would be a real treat to discover a dear new friend from this exercise, where one least expects it. Without those preconceived notions, as you say. Do you have many preconceived notions of people at school?

Not that I know any better what it would best serve us to talk about. But yes, indeed, I am having a very pleasant year. I am keener to get out into the world but I am sure I shall miss Hogwarts eventually. I should not call my classes fulfilling - they are classes, after all - but I was pleased to cut down on the number of them I had to take. I am quite fond of Divination this year, with the new professor. But Charms or Herbology or History might be my best. What about your courses, what are your favourites?

Do I have a favourite meal? What an odd question, if I may say. Oh... breakfast, I suppose! When the Great Hall’s skies are sunny. And I do like scrambled eggs.

If we are allowed to ask each other odd questions, here is mine for you: are you possibly an orphan?

Yours faithfully,

October 30th, 1890

I don't believe I have too many preconceived notions of people at school. There are certainly those whom I like more than others, but I wouldn't particularly say I have any strong opinions about one person over another, save for one. Do you have preconceived notions?

I think many of us are anticipating the end of our time at Hogwarts. I am also eager to head out into the wider world. I just hope Hogwarts has prepared us adequately. I shall miss school, but it does, at times, feel rather stifling being isolated from the greater wizard society for the majority of the year.

My courses have also been going well. I do well at Charms and Transfiguration in particular. I hope my aptitude will allow me to secure a respectable position at the ministry. What is it do you plan to do once you exit Hogwarts?

The Great Hall does serve many wonderful breakfasts. I quite prefer the porridge, myself.

What an odd question. No, I am not an orphan. Are you?


[Image: 6RQbibH.png]
By the awesome MJ <3
5th November, 1890
Dear Pip,

Thank you for your last letter. I am pleased you are taking the assignment seriously - I mean to say that Etiquette will be very important to my future, whether or not it is to yours, and hope to perfect my calligraphy and good manners now. I would not dream of pre-judging anyone at school. I rather hoped to be friends with everyone when I began at Hogwarts, but I suppose I was being a touch optimistic.

The Ministry is certainly a very respectable career, if very serious. Have you an idea of at which department you might choose to interview? I suppose it is very predictable of me, but I hope to marry well and become an eminent hostess.

I only asked about the orphan because you called yourself Pip and I thought that might be a Dickens reference. I am sorry if I overstepped. I am not trying to be nosy! I am not an orphan either. My parents are rather too involved in my life for my liking, to be quite honest. But I suppose that is the trouble with parents.

Yours faithfully,

November 15th, 1890

I think it impossible to be friends with everyone. There are some who don't wish to associate with certain types of people, which makes remaining cordial a bit difficult. I commend you for trying, however.

I was considering the Department of Magical Accidents & Catastrophes, and then eventually getting into experimental research. The latter is a goal some years down the road. I wish you luck in your quest for a good marriage. I can't say I know much about hosting, but it certainly sounds complicated. What sorts of events do you hope to host?

The boys in my dorm were working on pen names for this assignment, and they suggested Pip to me. I thought it an odd choice, but I stuck with it. You need not apologize. You didn't overstep.

Yes, over-involved parents are troublesome. I can't say the same about my own, but my grandmother has taken up that mantle. I daresay she will either find me well matched down the road, or die trying.


[Image: 6RQbibH.png]
By the awesome MJ <3
28th November, 1890
Dear Pip,

I suppose you’re right. One cannot please everyone, and there are always people who will disagree, no matter what you do.

How fascinating! You do seem to have it all planned out. I hope your career goes just the way you plan it. I confess I cannot say I know much about hosting yet, either! I think I have drunk more cups of tea in Divination that I have at tea parties yet, and I cannot begin to imagine how much work goes into anything as grand as a ball! I think I could manage something like a garden party, though. I hope that if I were one day to see you there, whoever you are, that it would be as a guest and not to save us from a grand catastrophe!

But this exercise is to be followed by a dinner party next term, is it not? That ought to be good practice for the dinner parties at which we might one day find ourselves.

Yours faithfully,

December 1st, 1890

As I cannot fathom what sort of magical catastrophe could occur at a ball or a garden party (unless someone cast a charm incorrectly), I too hope that I shall see you as a fellow guest rather than on business. Although, I am not so sure I am the party type. While I'm not dismal at etiquette, I am not an accomplished dancer or conversationalist. I'm sure, however, my grandmother will see to it that I attend future gatherings, regardless.

Yes, a dinner party following a term of mysterious penpal exchanges. It's certainly a curious chain of events. I presume we shall formally meet then. I suppose we both shall see what sort of further practice we both may need. I do hope it shall be pleasant.

Seeing as this assignment wraps up soon, this may be my last letter. If it is, I do hope you have a pleasant holiday.


[Image: 6RQbibH.png]
By the awesome MJ <3

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