Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
Seeking as of 09/05/2019, for no specific characters - could be created, could already be part of the site!
What if a merchant and a disgraced woman fell in love? What if they couldn't stand each other at first?
For this plot, there should be a "pirate" - in fact, a rich navigator and merchant - who has a rough meeting with a lady who, although once part of the wealthy upper class, has fallen in disgrace after her mom died and her father married another woman, whose selfishness led to the family moving out from their country of origin, as well as losing most of their money. For whatever reason, it would be fun if they disliked each other at first; however, their meetings turn rather heated due to a clash of personalities and a surprising amount of fun from 'arguing'. Then, they're caught in some form of compromised position, maybe even by accident, and forced to marry.
Whatever goes from there translates as fun xP for us writing, ofc [Editing this bc, I wouldn't mind playing either the male or female]
[P.S: This plot is roughly based on the beginning of a Brazilian book called - rough translation - Disenchanted (Desencantada), by Carina Rissi]
Character A has dreams of an ideal romance. He/she wants the picturesque Victorian family, with five beautiful children and a white picket fence around their house—that sort of thing. They're so in love with the ideal that they never let themselves experience the real.
One day, they meet Character B, who, despite being a complete stranger, matches the little picture in their head, and they become obsessed. Stalker-level obsessed. Character A puts themselves in situations they normally wouldn't, leading to awkward and potentially catastrophic situations, in an attempt to woo Character B.
Does it end in true love, or the magical Victorian equivalent of a restraining order?
A muggle wife has an affair with a wizard (without knowing he was a wizard). 11 years later the family has relocated to Irvingly for whatever reason (maybe related to one of the existing muggle familys? Maybe they've been here a while?) and their 10 year old is about to receive his/her letter for hogwarts (kid's act(s) of magic have been minimal so far). Cue drams and fun times.
*bonus points if the muggle fam is very devout and uncomfortable with magic
A seer tells a character who they will marry. They now know the endgame but have no notion of the intervening journey. Their future spouse is totally oblivious, of course.
For added drama, the name the seer gives the character could be shared by two or more people (like a father/son or a pair of cousins with the same namesake) and the character isn't sure which one they're destined to marry.
Inspired by the Astrid Weissman character from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel:
A muggle woman who marries into a wizarding family and she is overzealous about fitting in and being a proper "witch". She learns everything about magical history so she throws random "Today is the anniversary of the battle between two random medieval wizards", she dresses overly much in magical clothes.
They can also be Jewish wizards because basically for anyone who hasn't seen the show, Astrid marries into a Jewish family and she's trying super hard to fit in and she's taken the whole Being a Jew thing super seriously whereas her married family are way more chill. xD
Magical Animal Breeder & Owner of Beautiful Beast Boutique
23 year old Half Blood
5 ft. 4 in.
❤ Unattached
Played by Dante
265 Posts
There are 3 things I should like to do. 1st is run off,
2nd is to marry a frenchman, 3rd that i would not marry a man unless he
had a moustache, and yours is such a nice one...' M. Smith
A young lady has an unreasonable list of expectations for her husband and as long as he ticks the box he qualfies. The more ridiculous the checklist the better.
In the case above when she discovered the gentleman was pretending to be french she killed him!
Borrowed Liberally from Willy Russels Blood Brothers
A poor woman with too many kids works as a seamstress for a wealthy woman with no children, she discovers that she is pregnant with twins and just cannot cope with 2 more mouths. A wealthy lady who uses her skills offers to buy one of the babies, and makes the mother swear an unbreakable vow that she will never tell the children the truth, a vow that is modified to mean that if the truth comes out it will kill the children too. The mother believed she would get to see the child because she worked for the household but shortly afterwards she was dismissed, the adoptive mother was too jelaous/paranoid/insecure to deal with her being there.
They are born non-identical twins, but not totally dissimilar looking. The twins grow up and become friends their first day at Hogwarts, their mothers basically are on a mission to turn them against each other before they work it out and it kills them.
Plant Breeder & Owner of Montague's House of Flowers
23 year old Pureblood
5 ft. 0 in.
❤ Married
Played by Dante
195 Posts
BASED on a screenshot on facebook
Person X works for WW or Daily Prophet, they work writing horoscopes. A person they are close with lives by them, if the horoscope says to wear blue they wear blue, if it says their day is going to be good, they think the day is good!
Person X is in love with them, and starts to manipulate their horoscope to make their days better, knowing they will rely on it.
Or flip it and have Person X make the other person miserable by having them think they are cursed!
Two privileged spinsters/orphaned girls/career women find each other via letter, become roommates, and struggle to navigate the adult world together. A best friend (or is that all they are? ) sitcom but roleplay-edition. Bonus points if they come from drastically different backgrounds.
Character 1's husband Character 2 was unfaithful with her sister Character 3 (or for less drama - a maid, love rival or guest) and together they bore a daughter and hid the identity of the father however character 3 has recently been bought into the household by character 2 and they have resumed their relationship. It Character 3's goal to become pregnant again and bear Character 2 a son, have him divorce Character 1 and become his legitimate wife - as long as she can keep the scandal out of earshot of the pesky Daily Prophet and the gossips who would scorn her for her life choices.
A Spinster/Widow/woman too old to be a Deb. is trying to pass herself off as somebody much younger to win the attentions of an eligible man. Has she stolen the identity of a Deb? Using an de-aging potion? Or just polyjuicing it up? And what about the original Deb - has she been kidnapped? Or just uninterested in marriage herself or unaware her identity has been stolen?
Offshoot-1 a family member who knows their deb is uninterested in marriage is polyjuicing themselves to look like the Deb to woo an eligible man into marriage. Cue hijinks, letters, mistaken identity - perhaps falling in love with the intended, or even just the Deb having no idea what's going on and intended getting superconfused at the hot and cold reaction.
Offshoot2- two people use polyjuice to pretend that they have a twin.
Anthea is with complete face blindness and unimpressed. If you've met her before don't expect her to be friendly....ier than normal.
The first advertisements appear in a small section in Witch Weekly, and then an announcement in The Daily Prophet: some anonymous "donor" is funding a lottery in Hogsmeade! Characters pay into it because the initial amount is too high not to take a chance at, and suddenly there's enough money up for grabs to leave a family in riches for at least three generations. Finally, a character is chosen. Them and their family are skyrocketed into the upper class and have to adjust to a life of luxury.
Or so they assume.
Either: (A) the galleons are initially presented in the form of a Gringotts vault, but after the winner takes out debts the money starts to vanish, or (B) the money comes with a contract, and hidden in the contract are ridiculous terms that they're magically bound to in order to keep their fortune. What happens next is up to the player :P
Secretary to the Minister of Magic & Lycanthropy Researcher
33 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 2½ in.
❤ Married
Played by Lynn
643 Posts
A spinster aunt moves in after the death of her sister to help her widowed brother-in-law raise the children. Eventually, she falls in love with him in a vaguely antagonistic way: they quibble and coparent and run the house like an old married couple. What will become of her when he decides to remarry?
So a specific royal plotline keeps popping up on my Facebook timeline....
Character A and B become acquainted one-day and fall in love only for B to discover that A is already engaged to C and the chances of them ending up together is further complicated because B's family doesn't approve of As bloodline/roots. They begin to have an affair and A handpicks D, a young impressionable girl of the right stock. They continue their affair even after each of them get married A to C and B to D. You could further complicate things with E, Ds sister and Bs past paramour who rejected him.
Thanks go to the marvelous MJ for her sensational set.
A shady taxidermist who occasionally blends different creatures together and sells them to collectors, museums etc as rare and exotic magical animals, and the magizoologist who is working with slow determination to find and unmask them.