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Ten Years of Drinking!
Drunk Thread!

[Image: 8183e0ff795dbe26e4f93fb9209a00ec.gif]

As I'm sure you're all aware by now on the 9th June Charming will be a whole ten years old and while that doesn't mean the board can drink it definitely means we can.

Just on the 13th not the 9th :P

As it's a Saturday I'm hoping people will be free however I have put up a poll to see what starting time suits everybody the most. Alternatively I could run two threads, one earlier and one later, where the earlier crew have drunk characters and the later crew are drunk themselves and desperately trying to stop their characters from making a terrible social error! Let me know which you would prefer in the comments so I can adjust times accordingly.

Please post below if you'd like to take part and let me know which character you'd prefer to use. If you want to change characters later on that's fine by me, I just need to know where to locate it and which of my characters will be sacrificed on the alter of public drunkenness.

The following 2 users Like Elladora Black's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Melody Crouch

fabulous set by Lady <3
So down for this. I just can't drink past 8pm est because i need to be sober to go to bed D<

ETA: I will probably use melody or jo depending on the thread premise and thread date!

[Image: dqAG6wz.png]
beautiful set by mj
I should be able to be available for either option. Would prefer to stay sober until it's five o'clock my time, but I'm flexible.

With a character being drunk, I'd say Peter Salvage. With myself being intoxicated, I'd say Earth Beck.

Magic by Elaine!

As a sober soul that doesn't drink, I would love if there was two threads with an earlier one being characters who are publicly drunk! I'd use Xavier Mondragon since it's his raison d'etre xD. He isn't tied to Hogsmeade so any pub/place of drinking would suit.

The following 2 users Like Roberto Devine's post:
   Madeleine Backus, Meta Lestrange
I'm down regardless of the time.

For publicly drunk characters, I'll do either Finnian Byrne or Bella Scrimgeour depending on the ~crowd, but for Publicly Drunk Bree I'll be using @"Helga Scamander" or Freddie Prewett (once again, whichever fits the crowd :P)

I don't drink, but I can, possibly, offer Zachariah Binns as being drunk in public. It'll depend on the situation because I feel like he'd only accidentally get drunk. rofl Everyone else on my shortened list are children, and nobody should ever get Thomas drunk.

I'm going to enjoy reading these threads regardless of if I pop in with Zach. :D

[Image: gmun6e3.png]

MJ, yet again working her magic.  <3 <3 Thank you
(June 3, 2020 – 6:59 PM)Billie Farrow Wrote:  nobody should ever get Thomas drunk.

Petition to get Thomas drunk

The following 2 users Like Acacia Darlington's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Elias Grimstone

Magic by Elaine!

I'm down for a drunk character thread because I'm not going to try this at home with my mother thanks but no. Not when I've never really drunk before. Also Legality. Do another one in nine months.

Will edit with characters!

The following 2 users Like Annabeth Adlard's post:
   Melody Crouch, Meta Lestrange

[Image: VFAsca.png]
thank you bee for the absolutely lovely set
Drink character Isis Silverthorne, Sparrow Umbernauld or depending on premise one of my more delicate ladies!

Drunk Dante will depend on thread premise.

[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
I'm in for the drunk characters because I can't be bothered to get alcohol just for this lol xD

I think Cecily Gallivan would be amusing for this though I offer her depending on the context

(June 3, 2020 – 8:23 PM)Meta Lestrange Wrote:  I think Cecily Gallivan  would be amusing for this though I offer her depending on the context

Note if Cecily is in it, I want Warwick in it.

On an unrelated note, the us being drunk thread should be titled 'What is spelling?'. Read into that context IC as you will.

The following 1 user Likes Acacia Darlington's post:
   Seneca Lestrange

Magic by Elaine!

<--- allergic to alcohol but I will stalk this thread >D

[Image: gvM7opq.png]
Soooo when we have 10 people in a thread, that means we're all waiting like an hour or more between our posts... which then means deciding to do this whole thread is a massive time commitment that I really can't make as a mom with a toddler :P

But if we have a smaller group (like 3-5?) for a drunk character thread I'd be down. Otherwise y'all can have fun without me. ^^

(Alfred or Jules would be my sacrifice).

The following 1 user Likes Ophelia Devine's post:
   Melody Crouch
I'm down. My housemates are going to think I'm on a forum full of alcoholics at this point but yolo.

My character of choice will probably be Spryly, but depending on the setting I could possibly use Charles or maybe even one of my ladies. It'll probably be Spryly though.

EDIT: I want to clarify that I'm only saying spryly because he's the most logical option and I'd much rather use one of the others if possible.

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
Okay, so this is my plan!

  1. One thread. Some characters are drunk, some are sober but being played by drunkards.
  2. 11pm GMT time. That’s 6pm ET so hopefully not too early for you guys.
  3. There will be an order and you will have FIVE minutes to post your reply, otherwise you get skipped and we shall carry on, but you’re welcome to come back once we cycle back to you! It’s pretty quick so I’ll try to poke people in Skype.

At the moment I’m planning to set the thread in London with a cast of:

Emma & Jo.
Kelly & Earth.
Kit & Xavier.
Bree & Finnian
Dante & Isis
Nichole - ???
Soph – Cee
Olive & Charles.
+ Me & Marlena.

Sorry if I missed anyone, I know Lady is stalking but Finn I can work Zach in if you’d like but idk how he’d accidentally get drunk (unless a book gets him drunk somehow and now I want this :P) and Lynn I went with one bigger thread so I’m guessing that’s a no from you xD


and please pick a London person

The following 2 users Like Elladora Black's post:
   Acacia Darlington, Freya Selwyn

fabulous set by Lady <3
Isn't 11pm gmt 6pm est?

Amazing Set by Stef!
[Image: 3YYxrs.png]

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