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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Lonely Plots
Lonely Plots

Have you got a grand idea for a plot but need a role (or roles) filled in before it can really take off? Post below describing the sort of character you need, your intention for them, and, if possible, how many threads you might require! 

For example:

Quote:Wanted for Jeremy Rohlwing: a potioneer he can pay to brew an (unsuccessful) Eyesight-Improving Potion for him. MC/LC AB, professional or amateur, does not have to be reputable. Estimated 1-3 threads. Contact MJ by Skype.

You can be as vague or as detailed as you like!  Requests for specific characters to be created must instead be posted in plottable characters. This thread is intended only to recruit existing characters into your schemes.

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

Not for Tycho but for generally almost any of my hurlable and emotionally available characters:

I am once again, sending out a beacon for a whirlwind romance that is a courtship ending in marriage where everything happens in only a couple short months before the pair even really get to know one another.

I blame this song.

The following 1 user Likes Tycho Dodonus's post:
   Grace Greengrass

Violetta DeCroix

A two way school yard crush that challenges Violetta's perception of her future wedding plans.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Unrequited - cannot stress this enough

My Hurling Style Preference: PURPOSEFUL

IC Dealbreakers: adults, younger boys

IC Ideal: A boy that appeals to what makes Vee, Vee. She is vain, a bit stuck up but does enjoy humour and watching quidditch.
OOC Ideal: This part is easier to write. This will absolutely be unrequited love because 15, and also she is happy to be betrothed. I would like her though to have her views challenged and doubts put in her mind that she has to deal with. Every girl deserves a school sweetheart. So ideally it will be an older boy that she finds attractive and that is willing to pursue her a little (within bounds of sensibility). His class, blood etc don't matter ooc, but it will determine how she responds. Intent flattered, curious but ultimately she goes with what she knows. I have an idea that her betrothal will not ultimately lead to marriage for one reason for another. But that is a story for a couple of years.

Hurling Grounds: At Hogwarts and on Hogsmeade days

code used with permission from Lynn

[Image: 0WVY2Kt.png]
Quote:Kayte: Also there needs to be a girl Maeve in his year so people literally call him boy Maeve
No plot inkling or anything beyond that she would get called Girl Maeve so people know they're talking about her and not Boy Maeve. Would personally be funny to me if shes all cheery, peppy, sunshine in contrast to his personality though lmao.

The following 4 users Like Maeve Buchanan II's post:
   Eurydice Lovegood, Greta Gillenwater, Kenna Buchanan, Meserimus Valenduris
Eury put on a bracelet she wasn't supposed to and now can't communicate without sounding like a total airhead. I would love for her to meet a MC/UC Deaf person (or someone who loves a Deaf person, in a pinch) and learn BSL from them <3

The following 2 users Like Eurydice Lovegood's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Wilhelmina Bain

mj remains an icon ♥ —
Taking the term "ghost writing" literally.

Your character is emphatically not a writer, but their deceased husband/wife/longtime live in "best-friend"/etc was. Unfortunately now that they're gone, the income from their writing is as well, and your character needs that income to sustain their current lifestyle. Enter Don Juan, ghost writer with no scruples and very little inclination to call your bluff if you "miraculously" find several unpublished works to be published posthumously.

Is this an unlikely society alliance, a comedic duo, a slow burn romance, an opening to some thriller intrigue we'll both get tied up in, something else? Let's find out!

[Image: 0hYxCaj.png]
MJ made this <3
Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs Prewett?

[Image: Jkep.gif]

Fitz has to get it from somewhere right?

Attractive widow of independent means seeks handsome boytoy for sex and…mostly sex but she’ll feed him and give him good wine to keep his strength up. There are several ways this could go but at the moment I’m not looking for this to become a scandal so should anybody find out it will be characters adjacent to Harriet and the man in question.

Is he just hustling Harriet for her money? Does he need a rich investor for some nefarious scheme and is laying on the flattery? Is this potentially a sweeping May-December romance for the ages? Is he just out for a good time and into being bought tailored suits and expensive cigars by a nice rich lady?

  • Ideally working class but slightly dissolute middle class may also work.
  • No connection to her sons as far as Harriet knows.
  • Ideally between 20-30 but a little older would be fine as long as he’s a bit of a disaster. Open marital status because Harriet dgaf.
  • To begin with I’m just seeking some highly flirtatious threads that may lead to more.

Message me on Discord or PM with suggestions!

The following 1 user Likes Harriet Prewett's post:
   Madoc Yarwood
Message in a Bottle

Writer Dan and I were watching something recently and a "message in a bottle" came up and I was like, "DING PLOT IDEA" and here I am. This is loose, but I do love a good letter plot.

I can be on either side of this and I would like for it to remain open-ended, but y'all know me, the messier the better! But basically they get an actual message in a bottle probably in the Black Lake, but some of my characters could also get to the Sanditon. Thanks to you know, magical owls, a letter exchange begins and we go from there! I'm game for either a "good" match or something wildly inappropriate either by mismatched classes or stations in life, purist views, reverse age gap, you name it!

Senders: Kenna Buchanan Eileen Buchanan Emmett Harper they're all my romantics, even Leeny, who would do it just to put something out into the universe as a coping mechanism and think that's that.

Recipients: any of the above + Mason Skeeter Noah Farley Sydney Podmore maybe even Dean Hudson or Cordelia Emsworth could work!

If this strikes your fancy please reach out via PM on Daff or if you have one of my other direct messaging options, that's fine too!

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
NEEDED: A sixth/seventh year male. UC/MC or highly accomplished/exceptionally attractive WC. I swore to myself Hesper was going to have an interest in someone before Sirius and it seems the time is now or never! It doesn't have to be a reciprocated crush.

[this isn't new just moving it over from my networking as I clean up]

I thought it might be fun to have established the first person Don Juan slept with. Could just be a thing that's referenced when/if they ever organically thread together, or I'd be up for doing a past thread before/during/after the encounter, or having some intentional interactions present-day where it's a factor.

The first woman he slept with:
- someone roughly his age, would have been while he was 15-18.
- either someone he interacted with at Hogwarts
- or a working class girl he had reason to interact with in a prolonged and minimally supervised manner (example, a maid working in the household of a friend, or someone who worked in a town he and other school friends took a holiday week in, etc)

The first man he slept with:
- circa 1883-1885 (* he might have been doing some m/m makeout sessions earlier but I imagine not full sex)
- super open on type/personality/whatever but two options that spring to mind are either someone significantly more experienced who would have made the first move and 'showed him the ropes' or someone precisely as inexperienced and they fumbled through it together in a very awkward but slightly adorable fashion

[Image: 0hYxCaj.png]
MJ made this <3
I am in want of the following plotline: wealthy, upper class woman (played by me!) runs off and marries a working class man for what she strongly believes is love.

Cue ensuing chaos of said woman having to adjust to now being poor, having to pay attention to finances, having no staff to tend to her every whim and so on.

Candidates I have for this are: Darling Whitledge, Zenobia Honeysuckle or Lycoris Dempsey. Would also be willing to make a new character.

I think I generally just am in the mood for intensely romantic drama/scandal that involves my character as one of the ship pairs but sssh.

Ever wanted to be the sexual rebound for a heartbroken, devastated poet in one of the days closely following this? No guarantee that sex will actually happen but even soooo, the buildup and guilty feelings on Tychos side will still be a thing because he still deeply loves Ford. Could be fun, no? Angsty? Dramatic?

Should be male (he does not dally with women these days), class and blood do not matter, reasonably attractive, 24 years of age or older. There will probably be drugs and booze involved so not a Square.

Aftermath threads are a thing I would prefer having. <3

If this sounds like the role for you, @ Tycho in your nearest underground "art" party now. Or contact Kit, that works too.

Ty Lynn for the Inspo song.

The following 2 users Like Tycho Dodonus's post:
   Dean Hudson, Fortitude Greengrass

Copied over from romance tropes because it's not necessarily only for romance.

Fateful pairing, but we're annoyed about it - one party keeps getting Signs from the Universe that this other person is important, eg they keep showing up at the right place/right time, there's a tarot card that represents them that always pops up in their spreads, that sort of thing. And this person is so miffed about it and the other person is clueless and wondering why the one seeing signs is always in a bad mood.

Eligible characters: Ezra Applegate Drusilla Pettigrew Ozymandias Dempsey

You are: a misogynistic, traditionalist man in the age range of 20-24 (though Charlotte did not initially know this about you).

You once: had a budding romance with Charlotte that began in Spring 1893.

But: it all fell apart and ended in July 1893 when Ross announced the upcoming election, when you voiced your firm view that women should not vote and belong at home. And thus you expected Charlotte one day to do so.

This did not end at all well for you, let's thread out the incident.

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