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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

It's Me, Hi, I'm Not Dead Afterall
June 9th, 1894


Since you did me the courtesy of informing me that you were no longer, in fact, a hedgehog, I suppose it is common courtesy to inform you that I am, in fact, no longer dead. Or rather I was never dead to begin with, just missing, and living a different life. It's a long story, but as former cookie comrades, I thought you might like to know? Honestly it's all very weird and I need something to do with my time that is not get looked at like I am a ghost.

Hope life has turned itself around for you in my absence.
Sloane Bixby

Aubrey Davis

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   Madeline Bell

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
12th June, 1894

Miss S. Bixby,

I’m very glad you aren’t dead. It was sad that you had died so young, when you were so nice and all. I suppose I know the feeling – of being missing. Living a different life. Not many people understand it, that that time was real too, just because I was a hedgehog. Just because you were not you.

But you have also lost out on things, and time, too, that you can’t get back. I hope you find nice things to do with the time you have now.

I am working in a house in London, for Mrs. Diana Selwyn. Perhaps one day we will meet again. Please let me know if you see any odd cats about.

Yours sincerely,
A. Davis

P.S. I have sent some biscuits from the cook for you. Ghosts don’t eat, so if you eat them in front of people this might help them adjust to you being alive.

The following 1 user Likes Aubrey Davis's post:
   Sloane Bixby

Formerly known as Davis, Elijah Urquart's pet hedgehog.
June 14th, 1894


Well, now that you put it that way, I didn't expect to have such a thing in common. It was real, even if I was gone to everyone else, I still have these memories that exist and there's time that happened, even if it is different for everyone else. It's nice to know that someone else understands how I'm feeling because as of right now my time is filled with hiding from the looks everyone keeps giving me, but I hope that eases as things move into the past. I can't reconcile their experiences with my own and I know it's hard, but I can't change that for them.

Thank you for the cookies and I will keep an eye out for any "odd cats," Splash does tend to make critter friends easily enough.
Sloane Bixby

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]

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