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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Free From Entanglements
May 11, 1894 - Podmore Zoological Gardens @ the annual Potts Floral Show

Given how the floral show had gone last year Lucy had been a tad skeptical about attending this year. She should be safe enough, she reasoned, if she stayed away from any bodies of water - just in case. However, it was one of the first official events of the season and her boys had enjoyed their own romps through the flowers last year. Besides this one was at the Zoological Gardens, perhaps it would be safer? Lucy didn't consider that last thought too closely or her material anxiety would immediately think of a million ways in which it was indeed more dangerous than the last one. Instead she had dutifully brought the boys, the nanny, and attended the event.

She had smiled and sipped on tea and made her way through the gorgeous flowered displays speaking with the other guests, until at last she stopped in front of the Jabberknoll exhibit. The blue speckled bird cocked its head at Lucy as she stopped too observe it. The flowered arch overhead was luscious with garlands of beautiful flowers (and nothing that might even consider grabbing her and dragging her into the water). Lucy sighed, "You're a pretty one, you know?" She told the bird, grateful for a moment of calm. She closed her eyes and faced the sun, gratified for a moment of calm.

Sydney Podmore

Sydney kept telling himself that this was good for the zoo. The more people that came in, the more they were likely to come back. And there were a lot of people here today. He was pretty sure most of them somehow were related to the Potts ladies, but it was still good networking. Fortunately things seemed to be going well and after putting out a few small fires on the organization front, Syd felt like he could take a little breather and wander around to check in with those in attendance.

After checking through the lawn games and the muggle portion of the zoo, Syd thought he ought to meander through the smaller enclosures and into the magical section where things were far more likely to go awry. He was on his way past the jobberknoll that was injured and isolated, when he thought someone was speaking to him. "Hmm? That's Sapphire. She's recuperating from a recent injury to her wing." Syd's first inclination was always to explain whatever animal was closest.

[Image: ZHdLbnk.png]
I wasn't sure it was possible, but he's even more yummy, by MJ ♥
A man's voice drew Lucy's attention and she turned around, surprised to find a gentleman behind her. "Is she? The poor dear." Lucy turned back to the bird in question, her eyes roving for where the surgery might have happened. "Is she healing alright?" She supposed she ought to ask how the man knew this information, but that was terribly rude. She'd merely need to point him out to an acquittance and see if they knew him to have the gossip answer any questions such as that that might be rude to utter to him in the first place.

Pausing his wandering, Syd lumbered closer to the display in question. "Yes, our rehabilitation team is very good." Eavan, though not a creature healer, worked very hard with them to ensure the best for the birds that came in. "Got in a tussle with something larger than herself and was brought in." The jobberknoll didn't look too dissimilar to a common blue jay, but was strange in that it never uttered a sound until right before its death.

"We're hoping to release her in the coming weeks, once that wound is all healed." It was on the under side of her wing, currently just covered with a salve to expedite the process.

[Image: ZHdLbnk.png]
I wasn't sure it was possible, but he's even more yummy, by MJ ♥
"Oh dear." Lucy murmured, her eyes flitting from the man to the bird in question. As a woman Lucy well knew when to pick her battles, she could only hope the bird, Sapphire the man had said, had learned her lesson. "Be more careful next him, hmm?" She gently advised the creature.

"Where will she be released?" Truthfully Lucy hadn't realized the bird did not live at the zoo full time. Some how she found herself worrying over Sapphire's future - perhaps it was the man's tone.

"Around here, they're native to the region." Syd shrugged. There seemed to be a healthy little cohort of them that lived around the zoo. He left that sort of thing up to Eavan, it was her specialty after all. "Our avian magizoologist says she'll probably take her a few miles away though, so that she doesn't get confused and try to come back." Most of the time their rehabilitation and release went fine, especially with short-term residents to the zoo itself, but one never knew.

"I just run the place, I leave things like that up to the magizoologists." He chuckled. He had been trained in healing and though he had been a creature-induced healer, he could only identify most creatures by the damage they left behind. This whole taking-over-the-zoo thing had been an unexpected life shift after his cousin had to give it up. He was enjoying it though. There was a good balance of physicality and paperwork, things he was used to. This felt just as meaningful as being a healer, too. Syd had always had to have some sort of purpose and this fit the bill, just in a different way.

[Image: ZHdLbnk.png]
I wasn't sure it was possible, but he's even more yummy, by MJ ♥

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