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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

i'm rubber and you're glue;; [*SPECIAL* intro transfiguration, 1st & 2nd years]
Monday, April 15th, 1894 — morning class, Transfiguration classroom (amdist THIS debacle)
It had been a long few days… And wretchedly, there seemed to be no end in sight. This whole debacle with professors becoming students had worn thin every last nerve of Basil’s patience. He ought to have known better than to think the year from Hell ™ was going to spare him spring term. After the mess of things Ravenclaw had made last fall, and the whole debacle with Ms. Flitwick, he really ought to have expected it.

Standing at the front of the room, exhausted and drawn out, Basil watched with his hands laced behind his back as a few of the usual faces - the reliable ones at least - toddled in. He wondered, idly, if given the lack of structure and reinforcement there was out there in the halls, how many of his less than studious pupils would be skipping today’s lecture… Basil himself had almost decided to cancel todays classes in light of everything going on but— as the world did not stop spinning merely because of unusual circumstances, he didn’t think it fair to shortchange those who were willing and eager to learn, simply because the adults had gone and made a muddle of things.

The remainder of the group settled and soon enough, Basil began the planned lecture. They were to be practicing their softening spells today. He’d laid out on each desk already a wooden block that the class would be softening into a sponge-like texture. “Remember, the most important facet of transfiguration is visualization,” he concluded. “One must have a clear picture of what it is one wishes to create in mind, else these blocks will remain as solid and sturdy as they are.” Basil glanced at the clock just by his desk. They had half of class remaining to practice. “Please begin! I will be walking around to answer any questions or correct technique as necessary.”

- For reference, Basil is not, himself, under the influence of the wine. He's quite his normal size/age -

James Callum, Philippa Rowle, Callum Finnigan, Maxwell Beck, Nathaniel Gallivan II, Katherine Arundell, Charity Lloyd, Morgan Valenduris, Lucy Tatting, Honoria Rookwood + anyone I missed and/or curious child-staffers! Or anyone really, regardless of year/status. Who's gonna stop you. Not Basil lol. ( Elenora Brierley, Ignatius Prince, Gus Lissington, Reuben Crouch, Meserimus Valenduris, Constance Sykes) Chaos encouraged.

The following 2 users Like Basil Foxwood's post:
   Ignatius Prince, Millie Potts
Gus had never been a fan of transfiguration, and the only reason he’d taken it as a NEWT class was because it was mandatory to be a cursebreaker; of course he understood why he needed it, but it didn’t mean he had to like it. However, he was eager to show himself (and consequently Basil, who’d seen how awful he’d been at the class during their final year at Hogwarts) that he’d gotten a hell of a lot better at it over the years – this was why he slid into one of the seats near the front of the classroom, sporting a wide grin as his friend started his lesson.

Gus had never seen Basil teach before, and his class was a lot more… tame (managed) than his own was. Well, that was a problem for if he ever became an adult again, and boy were his fingers crossed that it was going to wear off soon; while the redhead didn’t mind being a child again, he hated having his clothing too long and being too short to reach anything he wanted. (Plus the house elves in the kitchen turned him away for a late night snack thinking he was a first year student last night!)

Leaning forward to study the block, Gus failed to notice that his too large scarf that he refused to part with for the time being was pressed against the wooden block he was attempting to transfigure. Maybe it was his cracked wand that he never bothered to get fixed or the fact that he was visualizing eating a pile of sweets rather than a sponge, but Gus failed to notice that instead of softening into a sponge, the block was starting to meld into his scarf… at least until he tried to lean backward.

“Oh no. Oh no, oh no.” Gus pulled at his scarf that was taking on properties of wood. “Basilllll~” He whined, high pitched as the panic started to set in.

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   Basil Foxwood

[Image: UkiVTG8.png]
Are you student? Learn how to earn house points!
Callum still wasn’t sure he fully believed that the small redhead he’d met over the weekend could actually be Professor Lissington. He was just so… normal for a first year? Fun, sweet, and he certainly didn’t treat Cal like anything but a peer. The only thing that made the Gryffindor entertain the story at all was that apparently a few other professors had been similarly affected. A few of them he supposed he still saw their adult versions in, sour and mature, but Gus… he wasn’t positive. Maybe ‘Gus’ was just a new Hufflepuff that Cal hadn’t met yet who was pulling his leg— taking advantage of the situation like a real jokester. Callum wasn’t dumb enough to fall for it! But he’d play along for now.

He’d decided yesterday that he liked Gus however, and finding that they shared the same class this morning with one of their few, normal professors, the redhead had followed his new friend into Transfiguration and plopped himself in the front row. They listened quietly to Professor Foxwood’s lecture, Cal scribbling notes as the other went on. He couldn’t help but notice how Professor Foxwood kept looking over at them though. Maybe it was weird to see two redheads so close together? (Throwing off the geometry of the room aesthetic?) Whatever the case, Cal dismissed it and sat up a little bit straighter as they moved into the practical part of the lesson. This was the part Mama was always scolding him to practice. Tongue between his teeth and determination etched across his face, Callum set his attention to his block.

Five minutes later, he had gotten absolutely nowhere. The block was still solid wood, maybe even more like a brick. Beside him, Gus was having a hard time too. Cal had just opened his mouth to bemoan their shared circumstance when Gus’ scarf started to solidify. Gold hues widened quickly, even more so at the sudden whine that escaped his new friend’s vocals. “Gus!” He exclaimed in a hushed whisper-yell. “You can’t just go around calling Professors by their first name!” This game had gone a little too far for his liking…

Honoria sat attentively at her desk, her small frame barely reaching above the wooden surface. Professor Basil began his lecture, he seemed more subdue than normal. Despite the chaos that seemed to engulf Hogwarts lately, she appreciated his dedication to teaching, and she was eager to learn from him. There had been rumours in the dorms that classes would be cancelled because of the teachers being turned into children.

Softening spells were something she hadn't yet mastered, but she was determined to improve. With a slight furrow of her brow, she concentrated on visualizing the transformation, imagining the block turning into a soft, spongy texture. With a small flick of her wand, Honoria attempted the spell, but her concentration wavered as she noticed Gus, the boy sitting nearby, struggling with his own transfiguration. His scarf seemed to be melding with the wooden block, and panic quickly spread across his face.

"Basilllll" Gus's high-pitched whine cut through the air, and Honoria couldn't help but stifle a giggle, covering her mouth with her hand. Trying to suppress her amusement, as Callum admonished him for being overly familiar with the Ravenclaw department head.

"Yeah Gus." Hugh's voice an undertone just for Gus. "You can't call them by name." Although on this point Hugh could feel a rise in his hilarity. No, he didn't like his current predicament. But he had to admit that Gus made such things fun. If he'd been reverted back to his twelve year old self on his own well Hugh would have hidden miserably in his room. As it was he'd allowed Gus to parade him around the school and convince him to get into all sorts of trouble. Okay, he'd allowed Gus to get into all sorts of trouble. Hugh, himself, had rather avoided it, trying to make himself as small and unobservable as possible. Unfortunately even at twelve he'd been tall and broad for his age. And there was no way he'd no go unnoticed suddenly appearing midway through the year with no explanation.

Although his eyes gaze hadn't been on Gus when he spoke. Now he looked at his friend and entirely forgot himself. "Merlin's knickers. What did you do?" He hissed desperately, reaching forward implusively to pull Gus's scarf away from the back of his neck so that Gus wouldn't choke. "Bas-" Remembering the kid beside Gus he corrected, "Professor Foxwood, I believe we have a problem."

The following 2 users Like Hugh Bailey's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Gus Lissington

[Image: Mv1avA4.png]
Kitty had been well on her way to envisioning her rock as a soft fluffy pillow to land on, when a shout drew her attention. Which was a shame seeing as she had just started to say the incantation and wave her wand. Her attention pulled to the panic of the boy she didn't notice that her own spell flew past the rock and hit one of the stone columns in the classroom instead.

The following 2 users Like Katherine Arundell's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Gus Lissington

[Image: i9bjLFe.png]
The day was… going. At the very least, his lecture had been as uneventful as usual, with only the sound of scraping quills and fluttering pages accompanying his explanations. Basil was almost lulled into a sense of complacency as he turned and gestured towards the wooden blocks. Perhaps this next hour would go well. There was plenty of time for the class to practice and so he began his rounds, starting on the opposite side of the classroom from Mr. Lissington.

(This is a notable fact for a few reasons, none the least of which showcasing Basil’s forgetfulness as to his fellow professor’s inability to transfigure a bloody toothpick. Gus being here at all had served as a relief rather than an alarm and so, again complacent and in his own little world, Basil had imagined himself safe to turn his back on the two redheads in the front row. Big bloody mistake.)

There was a general sound of concern - not so wholly unusual for his introductory classes, Basil thought - before a too-familiar whine called out for him across the room. Straightening from over a first year’s shoulder, Basil turned just in time to see Gus turning the scarf around his neck to stone. It was a scene that ought to have surprised and concerned him, but as realization hit, he couldn’t quite muster the energy to do anything but frown. (How had Gus managed to pass his bloody NEWTS? Basil wondered ironically to himself. Oh, that’s right…)

Beside him, a kid that bore a remarkable resemblance to Professor Bailey (and whom Basil very much did not recognize from the first year classes) grabbed Gus by the scruff and echoed the concern. “Tsk, Mr. Lissington—” Basil started, on the path to correct the redhead for calling him Basil and also less than amused by his shenanigans, when all of a sudden a spell went whizzing by his head and hit a column.

Grey hues tracked the motion and Basil ducked on instinct. The column that had been hit turned into a beautiful, plush pillow - a very nicely executed spell, he happened to notice - but it began to fold instantly. Stones fell from the curved architecture of the ceiling and a few of the first years screamed. Basil pulled his wand quickly to execute a shielding charm over the group closest to the debacle.

The side of the classroom began to crumble; apparently a weight bearing column had been turned. Basil made quick work of solidifying reinforcements, a few stones largening in place and holding the rest of the wall stable. By the time he’d remembered Lissington, the redhead was practically blue. A quick spell shot across the room and beamed him right in the face, the scarf falling loosely around his neck again— all fabric. Basil let out a quick sigh of relief amidst the settling dust.

His classroom looked like a carriage had crashed through the wall. There was a gaping hole where the window had once been and a pile of stones that had fallen from the ceiling, slowly stacking themselves in the corner. At least it was a relatively nice day out; cloudy but with no rain…“Is everyone alright?”

As Gus began to turn blue in the face next to him and someone else who Callum didn’t recognize yanked the back of his collar, the Gryffindor wondered if he ought to try and transfigure the scarf back himself. Professor Foxwood did not seem nearly as concerned as he should be, if that look on his face was any indication. Then again, Cal didn’t have the best marks in this class to begin with. Perhaps he should just mind his own business and let Gus die…

Next to him on the other side, Kitty Arundell was intent on her own spell and Callum turned to her to ask what they should do. She was much better at Transfiguration than he was and maybe she’d be able to impress the whole class with how she could save their supposed 'professor’— when all chaos broke loose.

Kitty’s spell whizzed across the room, hitting a column before Callum had even tracked what happened. “Watch out!” The redhead cried, bolting from his seat to grab whoever he could before the crumbling wall could crush anyone.

At the rumble of stones and the appearance of a giant pillow Kitty realized what happened. Her cheeks blazed red with mortification. This was soooo much worse than a student choking. Okay, that too was bad, but at least Gus hadn't managed to collapse a room on anyone. Callum's shout brought her back to reality as he grabbed her robes and pulled her backward. A chunk of stone landed right before her toes. Eyes wide she scrambled backward mutely, clutching at Callum.

The following 1 user Likes Katherine Arundell's post:
   Callum Finnigan

[Image: i9bjLFe.png]
Max was decidedly in the cohort of students who would rather not be in class. It was a lovely day out and he had been on his way to skiving the rest of his classes in favor of a bit of Quidditch practice. Were it not for the house matron who spotted him leaving with his broom, he would be out there. Instead, he was in here, gaze forlorn and transfixed out the window even through the Professor’s lecture.

The Gryffindor frowned when he heard a panicked cry come out of the Lissington-boy to his left. Basil~ he cried out, terrified, and though Max didn’t realize he meant Professor he clearly understood the source of terror. “Oh, uhm, I don’t think you’re supposed to do that?” he deduced, eyes widening as the scarf started to solidify.

Several things happened at once, then. A loose spell jet past his ear, he could feel its warmth as it ruffle his hair. Then he heard stone groan, ancient slabs loosening from a perfect fit for the first time since it was built. Bits and pieces of ceiling started to fall. Several startled kids shrieked and jumped back. Max was also on his feet, always a man child of action. But the boy on his left did not budge, not even now, probably because…

“Get that thing off, it’s gonna choke you!” he shouted, and on instinct his fingers wrapped around the part that was still fabric. He tugged in an effort to peel it off, but it was too late. The thing started to stiffen now around his fingertips, jamming them unforgivably between once-fabric and now the kid’s throat. The Gryffindor yelped. “A little help–!?”

When the counterspell finally struck them, Max’s fingers were still latched around the scarf. He had been pulling furiously in the opposite direction, and the resulting slack sent him sprawling back onto his butt. A loud riiiiiip sounded through the classroom, the bit of scarf he’d been hanging on to giving way with the tug.

The professor asked the classroom if everyone was alright, though Max didn't notice his impeccable timing as he intoned, “Oh… nooooo…” The Gryffindor was not one who was ashamed very easily. But his face burned bright red now. The problem was, Lissington was his favorite professor of them all – hence he didn’t want him to die– but between the fancy chocolates and now this, Max had a bit of a penchant for ruining the man(boy)’s most prized possessions.

ooc. minor edit because oops professor isn't a kid xD <3

The following 2 users Like Maxwell Beck's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Gus Lissington

[Image: Kc9h1cI.png]
magical set by mj <3
~ Max was raised in Italy and talks with a bit of an Italian accent / misses some English vocab/slang.
One moment Toby was wondering if he'd actually be able to manage any form of the spell the next moment chunks of rock were falling from the ceiling. One narrowly missed his hand where it had been tapping against the desk. With a yelp he toppled backward out of his chair and scrambled away as he shouted, "Ah! The ceiling is trying to murder me!"

The following 2 users Like Toby Seacoal's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Gus Lissington

[Image: 1LnnXQu.png]
Transfiguration was decidedly  not Morgan Valenduris' favourite subject - though Charms was a close second. Even after almost a year of classes most of her Charms and Transfiguration spells ended with chaos, fire and explosions and she couldn't for the life of her figure out why. She had almost but decided that somehow she had traded any talent in the classes for additional talent in Potions and Herbology and hoped at the end of the year the grades for the four would....somewhat even out to look like reasonable grades.

She had just hoped that the teachers like Professor Foxwood didn't gossip and that her father wouldn't learn about it until after the school year ended and she recieved her grades by owl.

Oh, she knew he was probably aware that it wasn't her best subject (afterall, he taught potions which she was so good at that she'd won a competition for against older students earlier that year) but the reality of just how bad she was at it was a complete secret... however now... she moped.

It wasn't fair - and she already had thought she'd put up with more than what was averagely fair for a first year to put up with. First Penelope had had a meltdown in the sorting ceremony when she'd been seperated into a different house than Parthenope, and then the professor had died at Halloween and Penelope had been involved in some capacity and she'd left the school - and rumours had abounded! And now teachers - including her father - had shrunken to the size of first years. And she may have found it incredibly adorable to her see her father reduced to such .... if the teachers hadn't also made their way into the classes which meant pretty soon her greatest shame would be revealed to him, and to the faculty. She hadn't caught sight of him yet but even if he hadn't stowed away her other teachers were here.

So focused was she on getting her own spell to actually behave this time she didn't quite notice the chaos that was unfurling around her until - her block, as per usual form, also blew up just as the ceiling also began to crumble, because the class absolutely needed more explosions and chaos.

The following 1 user Likes Morgan Valenduris's post:
   Basil Foxwood

[Image: morgan-signature.png]
Set made by the wonderful Athena
This was it. This was how Gus was going to die – trapped in a child’s body in a classroom he never really liked, surrounded by all the youngins he was going to traumatize. His last meal hadn’t been anything spectacular, and he wished that he had eaten the chocolate in his desk before venturing out to class. Basil would take care of Phil, he would owe Gus that much, although the niffler wouldn’t be happy to stay in his vicinity, so he’d probably become a house pet for Hogwarts.

His wand was no help, not when it had a crack in it and was currently on the fritz, but at least Hugh had his back, pulling the scarf away from his neck to ensure he wasn’t going to die immediately while Max tugged on another end of it,, all while Callum chastised him for using his friend’s first name. Basil might roll his eyes, but he had other things to worry about right now. Gus wanted to tell them all to stop touching the scarf lest they both get touched by the spell too, but the moment he opened his mouth he felt the fabric tighten as more of the fabric turned to stone.

Basil was always on his toes and was quick to cast the counter spell, first for the one that caused whatever the heck was happening on the other side of the room, and then one to himself. Even as his beloved scarf turned back into fabric, it didn’t leave unscathed. The ripping noise felt more like someone had ripped his heart out of his chest than the ripping of his favorite piece of clothing ever, but he couldn’t blame Max for trying to save his life. He turned toward him with wide eyes, staring at the bright yellow fabric in his hands.

“It’s okay.” Gus whispered, his throat sore, even if he felt like it wasn’t. “I can fix that.” Then he turned toward Hugh. “And thank you. You know I’m not good at this class.”

The following 3 users Like Gus Lissington's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Millie Potts, Morgan Valenduris

[Image: UkiVTG8.png]
Are you student? Learn how to earn house points!
Anyone else might have found it amusing that a professor-turned-student - not an actual student - was the one to cause such a tremendous ruckus as to blow a hole in the side of the Transfiguration classroom. Anyone else might have even had a good chuckle about it once the danger was past and everyone was safe and sound. But Basil… Basil was less than impressed. A poignant frown creased his brow as he surveyed the damage and counted heads quickly. Mr. Finnigen had thankfully pushed Ms. Arundell out of the way and Mr. Seacoal, for all his cries, was in one piece even while Ms. Valenduris tried to reignite the whole debacle unwittingly. Perhaps it had been a mistake to think he could manage a practical applications class when things were such a mess… He ought to have stuck with a lecture.

(If the thought crossed his mind that it was actually Gus he hadn’t quite calculated for, Basil didn’t smile about it at all. Nope; the fond look that crossed his features was only commiseration with their former Transfiguration professor Thompson who had to have survived a much more traumatic teaching experience with that Huffle-pain in his rear for years on end…)

Suddenly, a horrendous ripping sound caught Basil’s attention and that was the last straw.

The brunette cleared his throat loudly for attention. “Alright, in light of recent events, we are going to have an early dismissal today. Thank you all for coming to class despite the chaos currently underway. I am awarding five points to each House for your dedication to your studies and ask that everyone make their way carefully out of the classroom in a single file. That’s it, thank you again— Mr. Seacoal, please watch your head— Mr. Lissington, leave that scarf on my desk and please, for the love of Merlin, Gus— get a new wand!”

When at last of his students finally trickled out of the room, Basil ran a hand tiredly across his face. It was going to be a long afternoon.

The following 2 users Like Basil Foxwood's post:
   Millie Potts, Morgan Valenduris

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