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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Take Me Back to the Start
June 25th, 1888
late afternoon

You did say to write if something went wrong... I've broken my wand. I won't tell you how because you'll make fun of me. (Which I suppose is likely anyway.) However, I did have to venture out to Ollivanders to have it fixed, so sorry for breaking that promise. Unfortunately, even despite my best attempts, it's as broken as it is useless until this fog lifts.

I hope you're having a better day.

Febby Trivia Time; my favorite color is purple.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
25 June, 1888

That's my tough cookie. Better your wand than your arm, though, I suppose? Tell me how you broke it; I promise to only tease you a little.

My work is no less hectic than it was last week, nor do I expect it to become any less hectic unless the Ministry can figure out the source of the fog and put a stop to it.

My trivia: My patronus is a crane.


inside the letter is a bookmark that looks similar to this

set by MJ!
June 25th, 1888

I will not tell you, ever. If I were you I'd start making up reasons, it'll be easier than getting it out of me.

I'm sorry it's so extraordinarily hectic, hopefully it will be resolved soon. You can handle it. I should stop distracting you with letters while you're at work.

Thank you for the bookmark, it's beautiful, my favorite flowers and everything.

I've never produced a corporeal patronus, Defense was one of my weaker subjects, I only scraped together an A with a lot of effort.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
25 June, 1888

You won't tell me? That's not a way to build a strong, trusting relationship. Shame on you, cookie.

You're one of the only welcome distractions I can think of; I might get worried if I don't hear from you. I hope the bookmark comes in use—I also hope you have a home library that can sustain you for the time being.

You only managed an A in Defence Against the Dark Arts? I must admit I'm surprised, especially with how confident you are in your ability to kick my ass.


set by MJ!
June 25th, 1888

Keep calling me Cookie and there's a lot you'll never learn, or see for that matter.

I must admit, I've reread plenty of my books already, though I did make a quick stop at Wizzhards on my way back from the wand shop to get a couple of new ones. I will run out eventually, then whatever will I do?

My ability to punch you has nothing to do with my Defense grade, thank you very much; that comes from a long life of beating up my twin. Also, I now know I don't have to fight fair either, there's more than one way to kick your ass, Sweetheart.

Tell me about why you chose to become an Auror in the first place?

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   Edric Umbridge

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
25 June, 1888

"Cookie" is off limits, but "Sweetheart" is not? I shouldn't expect that you would fight fair, anyways; you never have.

I became an auror because I have little desire to participate in my father's business for the time being. He's never been very patient with me, let alone when I'm trying to play an active role in business decisions.


set by MJ!
June 25th, 1888

I think you misunderstood my use of "sweetheart" because you couldn't hear the sarcasm dripping from my voice. There are a whole host of other things I could think to call you, some of them not so nice and some of them well... they're best saved for another time.

I've considered finding an occupation of my own, though I haven't the slightest idea of what to do with myself. I fear this whole debutante thing is not for me, as I'm sure you're well aware. I thought the library might be a good fit, but I'm not sure. I would make an excellent quidditch referee, it's a tough choice.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
25 June, 1888

I could hear the sarcasm; I suppose it's you who wouldn't hear the sarcasm in mine. I can't imagine what other unkind names you could come up with to describe me. You must have exhausted your dictionary by now.

You want to get a job? I think the library would be nice—you'd have a reason to be in London on the regular. I don't live too far from there, actually.


set by MJ!
June 25th, 1888

It is so unfortunate we are reduced to letters at the moment, this is so much more fun in person. My vocabulary is quite extensive thank you very much, I do read quite a bit. I've also learned a thing or two from my brother's quidditch buddies; you'd be surprised what I can come up with.

I'm bored out of my mind. Being stuck inside doesn't help, but it's only aggravating an old annoyance. I would have gotten one out of school, but was not given the leeway to do so. At least an active season gives me something to do, though superficial, dancing and drinks is at least amusing.

You would choose the library, I admit it's tempting. My uncle does live in London, I could 'stay' there every now and then if it were convenient. I'm really not sure though, the Department of Magical Games and Sports could be so much fun, I imagine it's a busy place most of the year, plus I'd get to watch all the quidditch I wanted.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
25 June, 1888

We'll see each other again soon enough. Despite my busy schedule, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement isn't foolish enough to keep me here 24/7.

They'd rather have me home and resting than making poor judgments due to sleep deprivation. I can't imagine the fog will last forever, either; if that's the case, I don't doubt that an evacuation will be in order.

Out of all the department's you'd choose Magical Games and Sports? It's just full of would-be and has-been quidditch players. Besides, a secretarial position would be beneath your station, don't you think?


set by MJ!
June 25th, 1888

My inconveniences are trivial compared to most, so I suppose I shouldn't complain. It would be nice if it weren't so hard to see you, but that is a whole set of problems in and of itself, outside the fog.

I fear this means you're not a quidditch fan? I'm not sure we can keep seeing one another. I nearly played in school, I'm actually quite good at it. Who said I'd go for a secretarial position? They have regular departmental employees. Who knows, maybe I'd just take the position to look at handsome quidditch players all day, since clearly we're not going to work out.  

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
25 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

Forgive me, my schedule hardly allows to indulge in frivolous hobbies. I'm sure there are plenty of quidditch players who would welcome your affections.

Mr. Umbridge

set by MJ!
June 25th, 1888

Oh Love, I was teasing you. Don't be so serious. I only have eyes for you.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
25 June, 1888

How can I be so sure?


set by MJ!
June 25th, 1888

Unless you truly think me a harlot, I will point out that I don't just run around in the dark risking my reputation and my mother's ire for just anyone. You're a special case.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
25 June, 1888

I suppose that might be even too risky for you. I'm still trying to figure out how I managed to charm the woman who was so eager to punch me. Was it the hair?


set by MJ!

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