June 16th, 1892 — Fort Lestrange
Tig had been hoping to find an opportunity to corner Cassius that evening and deliver the 'I told you so' he was owed. She hadn't forgotten the conversation they'd had just over a year ago when her fertility had been called into question. The paranoia she'd felt at the time seemed so distant now - no one would ever doubt her capability ever again even if she never had another. It would look intentional now if she never had another child which just so happened to be her plan. All her son had to do was survive childhood and plenty of lesser beings managed that so he ought to be fine. Not that that stopped her from occasionally succumbing to worry that he'd fall prey to some fickle illness or accident and put her right back to square one again. Would Tiberius kill her if Titus reached adulthood and died without a son of his own so he could find a wife of childbearing age or would he simply admit defeat? On the one hand she would be deeply offended if he did kill her when at that stage his lineage was no longer her responsibility but on the other she'd probably lose some respect for him if he gave up so easily.
However, it seemed Cassius would be depriving her of the chance to gloat at him - where he was she had no idea but it was exceedingly rude of him.
She left the post-dinner gathering to go "powder her nose" and it was on her way back that she just spotted someone slip around a corner at the opposite end of the corridor. Her first thought was that it might be Cassius so she followed after them. Tig walked briskly to the end of the hallway, rounded the corner, and found it wasn't him after all. Oh.
Her dealings with Kristoffer Lestrange were minimal at best, she was sure she'd exchanged a handful of words with him over the years at the very most. Why would she? He was only a few years younger than her but he'd been little more than a child when she'd married his cousin and for lack of any reason to know him better over the years she hadn't moved past her perception of him as a school boy. As she scrutinized him now she supposed he wasn't quite that anymore. The thought then occurred to her that as Lucius Lestrange's other nephew-ward (was nephew correct or was it a different connection?) he could very well present some sort of challenge to Tiberius' place in the family hierarchy on day. Perhaps she ought to take more notice of him.
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