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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

the sky is set to burst
"If only sex was the terrible experience the etiquette professors would have you believe it to be." He joked, his laughter soft so as to not jostle her too much. There had to be come couples that did have the miserable intimacy lives, but those were likely far and few between in the communities Winnie most often served. It was only families like the Lestrange family that Dory imagined a very perfunctory and miserable sex life for.

He kissed the top of her head then, his hands stilling from the massage to hold her to his chest instead. "Of course." Dory murmured into her hair. It was a different direction than what he had envisioned, but this was nicer in a way, more relaxing and intimate. "I love you too, you know. I always want to help you feel better."

[Image: VgXU69.jpeg]
beautiful set by lady
Winnie had to laugh at that. Sex was only awful if you were doing it wrong or were with somebody selfish, but it hadn't been her experience except for once or twice near the beginning. Even that one time with Gus hadn't been terrible, just lackluster and now she knew why.

Relaxing all of the way back into him, she rested her head in the crook of his neck. Win let her eyelashes flutter closed and she sighed again in contentment. This was nice, she could get used to this. "I know," Win didn't doubt that. That would never be the problem. She'd never cared for anyone like she loved Dory, she just had to wonder if it would prove to be enough. Not tonight though, tonight was perfectly lovely, no need to sour it with those thoughts.

Leaning back briefly to kiss his jaw, she almost wished she had the energy to seduce him now, riding the wave of extreme affection she felt, but she was far too tired. Tomorrow night, for sure. "I'm so very ready for bed." She felt bad that he'd made her a meal that wouldn't get eaten until tomorrow, but she was fading fast.

[Image: Winnie-Sig.png]
Although he was reluctant for this moment to end, he knew better than to try and climb out of the tub with her sleeping on him. She'd either end up slipping beneath the water and waking up rather abruptly or he'd somehow injure himself trying to prevent just that from happening. "As you wish." He murmured, turning to kiss her lips briefly before beginning to climb out of the tub.

From there, he wandlessly set the water to drain and summoned their towels. After tying one low on his hips, Dory helped her to standing and wrapped her towel around her body. "Your bed or mine?" He asked, already preparing to scoop her up once he was dry enough to ensure he wouldn't send them both flying.

It had been a good soak, perfect to ease her muscles and Dory had done wonders to soothe her anxiety. She hadn't missed his attempt for a kiss, giggling as he missed, but letting him climb out of the tub regardless. She squeezed the excess water out of her hair while he got their towels. Carefully, she took his hand and climbed out herself, chuckling again as he wrapped the towel around her. She held it loosely in place, not concerned in the slightest if it stayed up or not.

It was hard not to look him up and down, with that towel hanging low on his hips. The tub hadn't been intimate in the traditional sense, but she was still all warm and fuzzy and did feel somewhat better, if still tired. Quickly she reached out to the snag the front of the towel, pulling him close to her with a sly smile. "You missed," she said as she pushed up to her tiptoes to press her lips to his.

[Image: Winnie-Sig.png]
Despite having gone into this evening with the full acceptance and acknowledgement that nothing beyond the bath and hug was going to happen tonight, it was growing more difficult to ignore his urges. Winnie had always been beautiful to him, but seeing her soaking wet and looking at him like that had Dory putting more heat into the kiss than he ought to have. The kiss lasted only for a minute and by the time it was over he had bent to scoop her up into his arms.

Making the decision for her, Dory carried her into his room and placed her gently on the bed. "Do you want pajamas?" He asked, still entirely willing to forego any intimacy even if his body said otherwise.

[Image: VgXU69.jpeg]
beautiful set by lady
Pleased to get the reaction she'd intended, Winnie hopped up as he lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist, the towel barely covering anything as her arms went around his neck. It was a miracle they didn't fall on their way from the washroom, taking the short trip to his room.

Win stretched out on the bed as he set her down, feeling only slightly guilty for her wet hair on the sheets. "Pajamas," she scoffed lightly, leaning up onto her elbows to look at him. She reached out a hand to him, feeling the chill creeping in from the absence of his body against hers. There was something sitting in her chest, watching him continue to offer options to go straight to bed. This was exactly what she thought love would feel like, and she only felt like this, had only ever felt like this, with Dory.

"I just want you," she whispered as she ran her tongue over her lower lip, feeling that swirl of desire rise in her gut, but it wasn't that normal lusty sort of want. It was the need to show him just how much she appreciated him and what they had that drove her forward tonight.

[Image: Winnie-Sig.png]
Their towels both fell away somewhere between the bath and his bedroom without care or further notice. The air was cold against his skin, a cool reminder of where his expectations ought to be for the night. Or rather, where his expectations were meant to be before she went and said that.

Nearly every ounce of his resistance and willpower melted away as his arousal took over his full attentions. "It'll have to be quick. Can't have you falling asleep halfway through." He laughed even as he moved to hover over her. It would be so easy to just sink into her now, her heat so close and tantalizing to the aching bits of him. But still, the single shred of thought that remained to him insisted he check in. After all, Winnie had been close to collapsing on her feet only a short while ago, Dory didn't need her thinking she had to go through with this for whatever reason she could conjure. "This can wait until tomorrow night too, you know. You don't owe me anything." He finally murmured.

[Image: VgXU69.jpeg]
beautiful set by lady
Winnie readjusted as he joined her, smiling up at him affectionately. "Highly unlikely," she chuckled as she brushed her bare leg against his hip, nudging him closer. She very nearly sighed in resignation at his last ditch effort, but she was undeterred in the end.

"I sure don't," she agreed as she ran her fingertips up his arms. "But I do want you, tonight, tomorrow night, both, and the one after that and the one after that," she mumbled between light kisses along his neck and jaw. That really wasn't any different, but for some reason she felt a different weight to the want tonight. Something on the edge and she couldn't put her finger on it. It was almost haunting, thrilling somehow, and she knew she couldn't fight it.

Finally she reached his lips, hands making their way back up to frame his face gently. Blue eyes intent on his, she brushed a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you." She reminded him again.

[Image: Winnie-Sig.png]

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