4th June, 1892
Foxwood, you cheat!
You can’t just bounce from academic institution to academic institution and hide away in libraries and lecture halls all year round – you will hardly appreciate their peace if you haven’t surrendered yourself to a ball or three or ten, and met at least one irksome debutante.
But do not imagine I wish to take up the mantle of badgering you – I will happily leave that to your brother and mother who must both be harassing you daily and accept your offer of a drink instead. (Particularly if that is all I am likely to get.) Name your day!
I might even let you talk about this research you’re presently working on, because I’m a generous friend. In return, you might tell me anything one ought to know about the latest group of ex-Hogwarts debutantes
Anyway, I’ll see you
at the club,