Just wanted to say it was excellent to see you at the Coming Out Ball a few evenings ago – and that I hope this signalled not only the arrival of all the newest debutantes upon the society scene, but also the emergence of all our dearest academic fellows from their terms-long cocoon? Tell me we shall be fortunate enough to see you at some society occasions this summer, transformed into some strange social butterfly, and that you won’t just be burrowing away in your books until September again?
You really should come out and see a little fresh air, some of the world. It’s good for your health, I promise. Besides, it’ll be a real treat for the rest of us to have the more interesting Foxwood brother around to talk to again! (Don’t you dare tell Atticus I said that, naturally, or the next letter I will be forced to send you will come with the added gift of a babbling curse.)
RE: Social Butterfly - Basil Foxwood - June 26, 2022
June, 2. 1892
My dear Mr. Dempsey,
I regret to inform you that I have not, most unfortunately, undergone the change to become this regrettably popular 'social butterfly' you so seek. In fact, I have come across it quite infrequently in my research and I regret to say that a species of this particular creature in the shade 'B. Foxwood' does not seem to exist.
I do however have time in my busy schedule for you, sir, always. How about a drink at the club this week? I find myself with surprisingly little to do other than escape Atticus and my mama, and I've grown tired of wandering aimlessly about town. Have I yet mentioned that I've decided to take upon a position at the Institute this summer as visiting faculty? It shall be greatly fascinating and provide vast resources for the research I am currently conducting. It does not start until later in the month however, and I'll admit I'm quite desperate for familiar company.
As for the most interesting brother, I can admit easily to that and bear your confidence in mind. I was always the more superior conversationalist of the two.
You can’t just bounce from academic institution to academic institution and hide away in libraries and lecture halls all year round – you will hardly appreciate their peace if you haven’t surrendered yourself to a ball or three or ten, and met at least one irksome debutante.
But do not imagine I wish to take up the mantle of badgering you – I will happily leave that to your brother and mother who must both be harassing you daily and accept your offer of a drink instead. (Particularly if that is all I am likely to get.) Name your day!
I might even let you talk about this research you’re presently working on, because I’m a generous friend. In return, you might tell me anything one ought to know about the latest group of ex-Hogwarts debutantes
You underestimate my abilities. Perhaps, too you forget how noisy children can be, especially at the end of term. I have had my fair share of chaos and relish in the simplicity of my libraries and lecture halls.
How about we meet this upcoming Wednesday, the 8th? I've plenty to share about my research, less so about any fresh faces you might inquire after.
You are being very annoying. Burying your face in books cannot have made you entirely blind (not yet, at least): so you must still be able to recognise a charming mien or an elegant manner if you see one.
I admit I would say I don’t envy you the noisy children – but then a goblin’s disapproving silence is rather more disconcerting than anything else I’ve ever experienced, so perhaps I would rather take the castleful of children, after all!