Thanks for the love, friends!
Walter Staghart | Unfortuantely, baby daddy is someone that Feemy would have entertained as a marital option! While blood status isn't a factor, class & age definitely are. Hopefully you can find some wayward spawn soon
Definitely willing to see how she and Terence get along in the fall, though—she wouldn't have been much for teasing, but likely would not have paid him much mind at all when they were young.
Angelique Parkinson | Hello yes will DM you
Eldritch Morgan | Y DO U SUCK ugh. Ily anyway.
Madeleine Backus |
Atticus Foxwood | Yes. Just yes. I will DM you <3

Angelique Parkinson | Hello yes will DM you
Eldritch Morgan | Y DO U SUCK ugh. Ily anyway.
Madeleine Backus |
- Awkward hurling-by-proxy in the staff room xD
- I can definitely do a summer lesson or two for Emma once my RL school year ends! It would also allow Feemy to form some opinions of her before school starts >D
- Keeping Maddie in mind for Hippogriff!
- Easy pickings <3
Atticus Foxwood | Yes. Just yes. I will DM you <3