Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Printable Version

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Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Aldous Crouch - June 6, 2022


...I inadvertently nabbed only the globetrotters from my pile of Apps in Waiting which was a fun realization. Both of them are delightful, and both of them need things to help them thrive! Natch, they also both have want ads! They're also first cousins once removed because I went down a name-recycling rabbit hole.

The nice thing about them being away for so long is that there's no impetus to retcon in BFFs—even those friendships they had before they left will likely be largely exploratory now!

Introducing: Euphemia
1847 | SLYTHERIN '66 | MCPB

Euphemia Forsyte | AKA Feemy, but only OOC if you value your life. Blah blah blah secret bastard blah gay lover blah. But none of that is immediately relevant to your character. What you do know, if you're in the sort of circles to be aware of that sort of thing, is that she is a renowned etiquette expert and has been hired on at Hogwarts for the coming school year. She's even published some books on the subject:

  • Miss Forsyte’s Guide to Ladylike Bearing, First Ed. (1883)
  • Miss Forsyte’s Tools for the Governess (1887)
  • Miss Forsyte’s Guide to Ladylike Bearing, Second Ed. (1889)

Come the new school year, she will be immensely useful to me and I have Thoughts already, but she still has a summer full of fun ahead of her, provided you play fast and loose with the actual definition of "fun".

What is desired here?

THE PAST | I've already got a want ad up for her baby daddy and will be putting a lonely plot up for "Marigold", but if anyone peruses her app and thinks "DANG I HAVE JUST THE TICKET" on either of those, hit me up. In addition, I'm in the market for school friends/enemies (she was also Slytherin prefect).

THE PRESENT | She will be sussing out the current state of Society during the summer, and will be paying particular attention to places she might run into Hogwarts-aged youths to start to form Opinions on them. In addition, she might be hired on to give some tips/remedial lessons to the current crop of debs, if any of them are particularly hopeless.


Behold: Dick
1860 | Gryffindor '79 | UCHB

Richard Evermore | Full disclosure, I was channeling my Inner Olive when I named him and it stuck. Richard left Britain in 1880 and has only just returned, following his inheritance from his cousin. For those playing at home, he has inherited:

  • Two houses, both with staff who insist on being paid
  • A mother
  • Three young ladies, all unwed
  • An ornery hippogriff(!?)
  • His late cousin's debt, not insubstantial
  • No actual money to handle the above

As a result, Dick will swiftly begin to #Prioritize, and while those priorities will be in flux until I get into rhythm I am quite certain he will be shifting to big game fortune hunter. Also reconnecting with any people he knew before. But mostly the former, probably.

So, what am I looking for for my boy?

MONEY | DOES YOUR UC DEB HAVE A FAT DOWRY? IS IT COMMON KNOWLEDGE? Hit me up, yo. Looks, blood status (as long as fully human), even personality may not end up mattering, depending on how stressed out he gets.

LOVE | For myself, I would love for him to fall for someone who doesn't have a delightfully plump dowry for my own sick pleasures.

BROS | Richard is established as having had a couple of close friends in his school years (very likely Gryffindor) and friendly acquaintances otherwise. These would be upper or upper middle class fellows who are relatively easy-going and not the sort to go Full Rake. Specifically, I'm looking to establish a couple past friendships here and then re-establish them IC, as well as develop newer friendships—he will be lining up an Atlantis membership, and will attend society events once he gets into the swing of things.

A PLACE TO OFFLOAD A HIPPOGRIFF | He does not want this thing. While it would be easiest to have it shipped off to the Sanditon, that's also less fun for me for obvious reasons. Anyone in the Creature Industry willing to be a point of contact here?

RE: Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Walter Staghart - June 6, 2022

For Euphemia I can offer Walter Staghart as her baby dad. Augusta would have been born about a year after he graduated from Hogwarts. When I first joined the site I had intended for Walter to be the father of an illegitimate child but that plan fell through (never heard anything back from the player and as far as I can tell, they haven't active since I joined in Feb.) Thus, I'm all for him having an illegitimate child especially if he didn't know about it (and finds out in game in some way.) I also like the idea he had a fling with an older woman (though he may not have realized just how much older she was at the time).

Terence is the same age as Euphemia so they would have shared school years. He was Hufflepuff and Muggleborn, Euphemia could have teased him or treated him poorly as you feel is appropriate for her. He tended to be a bit of a loner in school but not weak by any account. He just did his best to avoid trouble. Either way, whatever their past they will both be teachers at Hogwards so will have chances to interact once school resumes.

RE: Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Angelique Parkinson - June 6, 2022

I'm mobile rn so this is a drive-by, but Izzy. For Richard. Hit me up if you're interested.

RE: Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Eldritch Morgan - June 7, 2022

I have startlingly little to offer you.

Morgan as a possible friendly acquaintance for Richard - he's UCHB, former Slytherin, a few years younger, currently works as a lawyer. Not especially rakish. Has a widowed younger sister who probably has a dowry of some sort but not a jaw-dropping one.

Oz is a few years older and has a multitude of younger sisters who also have dowries but like, good luck with any of them :P If you do go hit it off with Christabel or Lycoris Oz would like to have a series of vaguely threatening conversations. If you hit it off with Porphyria he'd probably think it was a joke and ignore you.

Ben is similarly aged and a Gryffindor but combo MC/rakish. But bonus points for globetrotting tendencies?

No one for Feemy because all my old folks are inactive :P

RE: Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Madeleine Backus - June 7, 2022

For Euphemia

Meserimus Valenduris - will hurl one of his various children or grandchildren at her, she is 100% his type and could not imagine why one of his children wouldn't be interested. 

I could see Hugo Binns asking her to give extra summer lessons to @'Emma Binns' now that they are UC rather than upper middle.  She isn't totally feral, but she isn't the PERFECT UC lady either and her fathers social climbing won't accept anything less. 

For friends I have Ermengarde Delacour - they are a year a part.  She could have been mean to her theoretically but Minny was nice in school - if ungainly and awkward, and she is likely to be a submissive friend in any relationship.  Minny married late and if they were friends Euphemia might feel betrayed by her marriage or use her as proof that her 'methods' work - but it would depend on how you'd see them being. 

Cadawalader Selwyn  -would suck all the way up! He has traditionally done very well in ettiquette and he knows how to say and do all the right things, so assume.  Sucking up at every opportunity.

For Richard:

Madeleine Backus might take the Hippogryff off his hands! He might have heard she had money through the gossip channels and seem like an easy/stupid mark -but too little and too late for him financially, but at least he can dump the animal. 

@'Natsuko Mountbatton' - is an orphan, foreign, heiress - on paper would read like easy pickings

@'Christabel Dempsey' - would have a respectable dowry, likely not in heiress territory, but their combined intelligence and internal chaos could be a terrible pairing. 

Rose Hart - can also encourage all of his worst traits, is available for inappropriate flirts.

He could set his mind to an orphan Lestrange (there are now 2 on the open market) - Nephele Lestrange - would be a gate keeper.

RE: Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Atticus Foxwood - June 8, 2022

For Euphemia:

I can offer Gus Lissington who will be a colleague and he will be downright terrified of her lol.
I also have Juniper Edevane who isn't a disaster, but is... kind of a disaster lol. Her stepmom is a governess and I mean, they could be friends and by sheer association June would dislike her.

For Richard:

Atticus Foxwood  could be friend. Same age (Atticus was a Ravenclaw), gentlemen of leisure, and well, he needs more friends who are uptight haha.
Clifford Hillicker will automatically hate him. He's WC, super poor (super angry), BUT he owes a tree nursery out in the middle of nowhere England. For the right price, he could house a hippogriff. Maybe lol. It could be a disaster, but that's just Cliff in a nutshell.
Delilah Warbeck for someone who has kids AND no dowry.

RE: Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Richard Evermore - June 9, 2022

Thanks for the love, friends!

Walter Staghart | Unfortuantely, baby daddy is someone that Feemy would have entertained as a marital option! While blood status isn't a factor, class & age definitely are. Hopefully you can find some wayward spawn soon Wink Definitely willing to see how she and Terence get along in the fall, though—she wouldn't have been much for teasing, but likely would not have paid him much mind at all when they were young.

Angelique Parkinson | Hello yes will DM you

Eldritch Morgan | Y DO U SUCK ugh. Ily anyway.

Madeleine Backus |
  • Awkward hurling-by-proxy in the staff room xD
  • I can definitely do a summer lesson or two for Emma once my RL school year ends! It would also allow Feemy to form some opinions of her before school starts >D
  • Keeping Maddie in mind for Hippogriff!
  • Easy pickings <3

Atticus Foxwood | Yes. Just yes. I will DM you <3

RE: Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Jack Dorset - June 16, 2022

LOL he hates me for saying this but Euphemia could form an Opinion on Alexander Waterford

RE: Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Basil Foxwood - June 16, 2022

Kayteee~ Ok so not a ton, but some thoughts, mostly for Richard~~

Algernon Astorwood for past/current friend. He's upper middle class but full disclosure, he's extremely muggle friendly and hangs out with WC friends because he doesn't care about biases or prejudices. He's also a bit of a lovelorn romeo, always in love with someone new, but can't act on it so def. not a rake lol. He also went through a shot storm in the media recently so his career is a little shaky, but he's recovering from it.

Poppy Dashwood could be a potential hurl? She has a fat dowry, but I doubt he'd be what she's looking for so it could be doomed, but might be a fun fortune-hunting thread? Poppy very much wants adventure and travel in her life, but her primary motivation for securing a husband is someone with power (read: wealth and status) to protect her when she inevitably messes something up. She has no illusions of a love match, but she's unbending in her power demands lol. He could be a thousand years old and she'd go for it, miserably, so looks and age don't so much matter either. She can be a bit of a flirt though, so maybe something here?

I also have a pending kiddo that's next in line who I think would be wonderful friends/yearmates with him, so I'll zoom back by once he's apped. (In case you end up reading that app, it's Anthony Alderton and I apologize in advance for my date failures lol)

RE: Mister (And Miss) Worldwide! - Elias Grimstone - June 17, 2022


Come the start of term, Carmelina Cramming will be a co-worker! As a lesbian, she might also quietly suspect something going on w/the secretary or make eyes at one or the other of them xD

Trystan Selwyn was already married by babydaddy time or I would obvs offer him there, but he was her yearmate. Potentially more likely as a schoolfriend/acquaintance is Evander Darrow, who is similar in age.

Ester Montgomery was a few years younger but also a Slytherin and, for a time, a respectable MC lady. Obviously things change, I'm assuming Euphemia would Not have kept in touch xD

James Fletcher will be a terror in class, do your worst.

Endymion Dempsey is a little older but also did some travelling, so they could have been friendly with on-and-off catch ups over the years and/or reconnect now. He is also wife-hunting but, in contrast, thinks marrying for money would be a Tragedy.

Estelle Malfoy is a pureblood, has That personality, and would not deign to marry a halfblood anyway, but the Malfoys have money. Fail!hurling at its finest?

Conall MacKay if needed for hippogriff. OH also a Canadian connection!