Hi friends! The June Activity Check will take place in six days, on Sunday, 5th June. Please be sure that:
- Your mini-profile is filled in
- All of your characters have been listed in the Character Directory—check back on your entries to make sure they were processed properly! Anyone reactivated this month will need to be placed back on.
- Characters made before the last AC have posted at least once this month
- Profile has been filled in if not done during acceptance
- Your character's height is displayed in their mini-profile—if you reactivate an account, this needs doing!
Otherwise, as we move into June...
- Posting Wizard signups are open
- We're looking for events set in June!
- Graduating seventh years can post in Maintenance for usergroup & title changes. (If their career is dependent on NEWT results, those will have to be updated again when they receive their results in August.)
- All other student year updates will happen later this summer, so nothing needs doing as yet!
look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3