As the man put the cigerette to his lips, Bernard snapped his fingers lighting the flame on the others cigerette, and then his own. It was the only piece of wandless magic he had mastered - and probably the only one he would use if he was being honest. Not that he had ever really tried to develop anything other than the most superficial trappings of power.
'What was it?' he asked, stressing the word. He fished inside his pocket for the silver naggin from his pocket and offered it to the other man. A stiff drink and a cigerette usually fortified him when he was feeling weak at the knees.
'You didn't look especially green before you feel?' he said, even though he had only really seen the man in a vision, having been at the bottom of the stairs while he had been at the top.
'What was it?' he asked, stressing the word. He fished inside his pocket for the silver naggin from his pocket and offered it to the other man. A stiff drink and a cigerette usually fortified him when he was feeling weak at the knees.
'You didn't look especially green before you feel?' he said, even though he had only really seen the man in a vision, having been at the bottom of the stairs while he had been at the top.